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When's Melty on Steam?
ahaha that's no--wait, what?

Messages - Rayza

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44710 Cape Court #118
Ashburn, VA 20147

Okay, this is tentative, but I'm going to try and run a MBAC tournament at this month's C3, if anyone could bring setups that'd be lovely, as I only have a desktop (which I'll bring if I have to) as for the rules:

-Entry fee 3$'s (10$ venue fee for C3)
-Double Elimination bracket
-Matches are 2/3 games, With Grand Finals 3/5
-Loser is allowed to change character inbetween games, but the winner cannot
-Prize Payout is 70%/20%/10% (3rd will at the least get his entry back, even if there's less than 10 people)

I'm hoping to start sometime around 5pm, but I'll find out more details when I hear back from the guys running the tournament. So come out and have some fun people :D

edit: Lowered the entry to 3$'s, and added prize payout percentages.

I don't even see how Nuclear power has become a right thing, considering that France is left as fuck and most of their power COMES from Nuclear power, it's just the most efficient thing we have at the moment, fuck fossil fuels.

Regional Community / Re: Mammaryland - The MD/NoVA thread
« on: June 29, 2008, 08:13:56 PM »
We really just need to make sure to meet up at C3 meets, at the least (and I didn't end up going, 3 hours of sleep = not driving).

But Shinobi's mixes are good too.

IE, turn on that MSconfig, turn off all that shit on boot, kill 3rd party services, restart, mmmm, lag free!

I'm hopefully going, but then again I'm not really big name, here's hoping the NY guys come down.

If you sit around and wait for the "latest hardware" you're never going to BUY new hardware, because something new will be just around the corner, so the general rule is that unless new shit is coming out within a 2-3 weeks, just buy the best for your budget. (Real way to buy a new comp, set a budget, and get the best parts for the budget, and tweak the parts for less money or more performance.)

Regional Community / Re: Mammaryland - The MD/NoVA thread
« on: June 23, 2008, 08:13:24 PM »
Okay, I'm driving up to East Toast 2 this weekend, if anyone would like to come all I ask is for a little help with the gas money and you're more than welcome to come along, just pm me your address and I'll pick you up early saturday morning (think 7-8am timeframe). (gas + tolls will be 80-90$'s in total, if we could split this up it'd be fucking awesome)

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: STANDING C!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« on: June 22, 2008, 11:45:23 AM »
Neros 5c is MAD bunz, that is all.

Kohaku's Video Room / Re: Jiyuna vs Arlieth West Toast XI MM
« on: June 21, 2008, 10:00:48 AM »
So it was a FT5 MM, Jiyu won I'm guessing? (since it went to 9 games and Jiyu won that one)

Probably not going, super broke, sorry for pre-regin' so early.

Regional Community / Re: Mammaryland - The MD/NoVA thread
« on: June 20, 2008, 02:15:16 PM »
Is there anyone else planning on going to C3, just so I know whether or not I should go and bring a setup.

965 should run Melty fine (friend with worse Intel integrated ran the shit just toasty). I honestly don't know what's causing the error though, but I doubt it's the graphics chipset.

NetPlay Community / Re: Father's Day EC Online Invitational - 6/15
« on: June 15, 2008, 02:18:13 PM »
 :prinny: :prinny: :prinny: :prinny: :prinny: :prinny: :prinny: :prinny: :prinny: :prinny: :prinny: :prinny: :prinny: :prinny: :prinny: :prinny: :prinny: :prinny: :prinny: :prinny: :prinny: :prinny: :prinny: :prinny: :prinny: :prinny: :prinny: :prinny: :prinny: :prinny: :prinny: :prinny: :prinny: :prinny: :prinny: :prinny: :prinny: :prinny: :prinny: :prinny: :prinny: :prinny: :prinny: :prinny: :prinny: :prinny: :prinny:

NetPlay Community / Re: Father's Day EC Online Invitational - 6/15
« on: June 15, 2008, 06:50:40 AM »
oh I am so fucking in on this.

Regional Community / Re: Mammaryland - The MD/NoVA thread
« on: June 15, 2008, 04:55:26 AM »
Cool, hopefully see you there :D

Singles Vid:



"I won't subject you to the cruelty of watching these kids mash 2a better than us." That got more than a quiet chuckle from me, good shit I really need to drive up to NY for one of these.

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: Mnemosyne
« on: June 14, 2008, 04:39:17 AM »
Thread got me to watch this shit, I'm fucking hyped for the last two episodes now, so thanks//I hate you as usual.

Regional Community / Re: Mammaryland - The MD/NoVA thread
« on: June 12, 2008, 10:06:07 AM »
So like, anyone not going to MWC wanna meet up at C3 the 21st and run a small tournament possibly?

Melty Blood Auditorium / Re: Custom MBACPC Music? Check!
« on: June 12, 2008, 06:07:12 AM »
If there wasn't a file size//loop limit I'd just throw a crapload of Dream Theater stuff in there at a high bitrate. (I wish)

Gimme your paypal and I got 5$'s going your way.

Ciel's Tech Support / Re: Speed/Frames per sec. help
« on: June 09, 2008, 08:18:35 PM »
The sprite animation is based on frames, the game can only run at 60fps smoothly, it can run lower or higher, but this has the effect of literally making the game run slower or faster. (this isn't fuckin' Quake, higher FPS =/= smoother gameplay)

Just replace the ugly ass buttons and you're gold :D (Hori buttons feel weird.)

Could always preorder from Akihabarashop, they're giving a discount on buttons that you order with it (If the EX is like every other HRAP, mod should be mad easy, just need a phillips head, a 7mm Nut Driver, and maybe some pliers)

Melty Blood Auditorium / Re: Controllers?
« on: June 06, 2008, 07:42:45 PM »
Pelicans go for like 50+ dollars right now, just buy an ex2 for like 40$'s from ebay.


or you could just replace the stick with a JLF, I did that on my T5 mod I'm doing and the difference is ridiculous.

It's pretty hard to replace the stock hori stick with a JLF on the Hori ex2, the bottom sticks out on the bottom, so you have to cut out etc. etc., IE: It's a bad stick to mod.

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