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When's Melty on Steam?
ahaha that's no--wait, what?

Messages - Choco

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As long as you're moving back to SoCal... I'm not driving up to NorCal to play your trash ass.

First two posts edited to reflect current changes.

Your options are (if we actually go to YC's) coming to YC's and chilling out with fun stories, scathing insults and good smells, or meeting us at my place after YC's. Since you're, what... 5-10 minutes away? Yeah. I could just call you when we're on our way back. Send me a PM or an email with your number.

Melty Blood Auditorium / Re: Need help choosing a character
« on: March 29, 2007, 12:53:20 AM »
From the "already used" standpoint...

Aoko is played a lot, but often not very well.
Tohno Shiki isn't very popular in the US.
Nanaya Shiki is too popular in the US.
Red Arcueid has a few good players in the US.
Normal Arcueid isn't very popular in the US.
I haven't seen a good normal Akiha player EVAR. Very underplayed, highest def, etc.

Who to pick?  :mystery:

Ch405theory, REPORT.

I need your phone number and your plans for Friday.  :fap:?

Dippy just needs to learn to BELIEVE!  :V

Though thoroughly belated, I shall introduce myself!

MB player currently residing in Tempe, Arizona. Moved to AZ about eight months ago from Alabama. Played Final Tuned in Alabama hardcore. Didn't have any real competition. Went to the FT tournament at Anime Weekend Atlanta 2005 and got 2nd place as Satsuki (1st place was Nanaya). Won legit copies of MB and ReACT that are still in their original plastic packaging, completely unopened.

Moved to AZ in July 2006. Attended Phoenix Anime Fest in December, where I brought my PS2 + MB. Met vmoney, saw that there was scene potential here in the Valley... and proceeded to become a staff member for Hobbyist's Paradise (, allowing me to insert MB tournaments all over the place. The scene is just getting started here!

I'm still a Satsuki player, but I play around with Kohaku, Ciel, Nanaya, Miyako, and Kouma. Miyako is my next character to learn completely.

Tournaments and Events / Re: Evo: Vegas
« on: March 26, 2007, 01:27:20 AM »
It'd be a waste if we didn't.

Tournaments and Events / Re: Evo: Vegas
« on: March 25, 2007, 11:33:34 PM »
I will try to attend Evo: World JUST FOR MELTY BLOOD. Shit, yo. Those other games are trash. Especially Smash.

Chibi, would you be interested in getting a cheaper hotel 5-20 miles away, sharing it with a bunch of Melty Breaders, and having practice / party time? I'm rightfully assuming that downtown Vegas hotels will cost assloads, so a cheaper option would probably be in order for practice / partying.

Meetings will have to be on Friday or Saturday, just to let you know. I have work Sun. night through Friday morning every week. If people want some practice sessions during the mornings, they can also drop by my apartment. Call me / email me beforehand.

Main post updated to reflect next gathering.

Come on, guys. Let's get some discussion in here. Chaos, what's the deal with UAT? Can we use it for Melty Club meetings or should we just plan on going once a month?

Kohaku's Video Room / Re: West Toast #2
« on: March 25, 2007, 10:03:09 AM »
VLC closes the video at that point... but at least VLC can fast forward/rewind through the other parts.

Kohaku's Video Room / Re: First video from Arizona scene!
« on: March 25, 2007, 09:31:29 AM »
XAQ: I think I was practicing my biting so much in those matches that I often didn't have enough meter to do that in the matches. Plus considering the damage output, my mind was thinking that doing jump-in BNB strings would have been better at the time.

Kohaku's Video Room / First video from Arizona scene!
« on: March 25, 2007, 08:59:10 AM »
Will probably edit this post later once we AZ people get some real matches up.

First MB video out of Arizona! Video is approximately 54 MB large.

It's just myself (Satsuki) and Mailorder (Kouma) going at it again and again and trying to learn something along the way. The first 10 minutes and 14 seconds (5 1/2 matches) out of 48 minutes of filming.

Sound recorded with a mic (might set up a dual audio system later, but I don't have the HDD space to do it right now). I apologize for my nasal voice and for being an ass who thinks he can be funny :(

Please comment with suggestions on how BOTH of us can better our characters. And disregard the MASHING HEAT part. That should have been worded better.

Mailorder: Sorry for being so verbally harsh and know-it-ally towards you D: I got carried away a LOT.

Kohaku's Video Room / Re: West Coast Casuals
« on: March 25, 2007, 01:38:13 AM »
Hey, Arly. I just wanted to let you know.

I'm building an ELITE FIGHTING FORCE. I will train them to be good enough to beat your SoCal team. Then comes east coast and/or EVO. Then comes... THE WORLD (which is Japan).

The good thing about this is that we're a day-/two-day trip from LA. About six hours or so. This means we will join in your tourneys and RanBats one of these days.

All rivalry aside... my goal is enough exposure to make it one of the sponsored games at EVO 2008. Les do eet!

Regional Community / Re: Southern Home Grown Thread
« on: March 24, 2007, 05:37:46 AM »
Time to clarify what is "south" to you. I'm in the Pacific south. Are you referring to the Alabama/Tennessee/Georgia/Florida/etc area?

Confirmed attendees: Choco, Wakkatana, ChaosTheory guy, Mailorder, Jaxx (later), RatOrcs. Q Chu, you just going to show up at my apartment? A little prior warning would be nice. Shoot me an email or message me on AIM at chocoincognito if you can.

Stop scaring me!  :V :V :V :V :V :V

Satsuki Yumizuka (Yumiduka) / Re: Sacchin Vid Thread
« on: March 23, 2007, 01:27:44 AM »
I'm thinking that I've seen that video before, but I can't check and find out here at work. I HAVE seen that tactic used before, though. It's just one of the mixup tactics Satsuki has. 4A+D throws (backthrowing), superjumping after the foe and double jumping a few pixels on the opposite side of your opponent just as they're getting up is another tactic. There are a few others, but unless your opponent doesn't catch on very quickly, I'd recommend mixing up your tactics.

I sometimes freeze and block in the wrong direction, so I know how the tactic you're speaking about actually works, not just in theory :P

I sure do (know you're LDS). Drinking has been encouraged and actually been done before, so why are you saying this now? No one is going to force you to drink anything.

I'd love to come, but I'm running a side-event for MB at a local tourney (Devestation 2007 - Phoenix, AZ) on the same day. Maybe next time D:

Suh-weet. You have my number already?

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: so what do you guys listen to?
« on: March 22, 2007, 01:14:09 AM »
I'm with Chibi on liking almost all kinds of music. Specific bands include:

Soul Coughing
The Pillows

Plus compositions by:

Kajiura Yuki
Kanno Yoko
Imahori Tsuneo
Jeremy Soule

Recent addiction (internet radio): -> Click on the Flaresound station in the top-center of the screen. Mostly instrumental groovy tracks all the time.

Generally, unless stated otherwise in this thread (or in person), we will be doing something every weekend. Sometimes Saturdays will be open for extra playtime, but people don't come over often on Saturdays.

So the three things that are coming up aaaaaare:

1. I have a meeting with Hobbyist's Paradise about staffing the game room for a local anime convention (Anizona 3) on March 24th
2. DEVESTATION TOURNEY 2007 is on March 31st. There will be a Melty Blood side-tourney present run by me.
3. Anizona is happening from April 5th -> April 8th. There will be no meetings at my place during this time.

The website for the convention really blows right now. Thanks a lot, Comic Sans font }:|

Q Chu, email me up so I can reply with my phone number. We can work out your interests from there  :V :V

Also, have you ever played on stick before? If not... ReACT keyboard or gamepad?

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