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When's Melty on Steam?
ahaha that's no--wait, what?

Messages - Choco

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Akiha's Tea Room / Re: Hey, who likes Fate: Stay Night?
« on: March 21, 2007, 12:53:59 PM »

I SELL U 4 5mil ZENY KK???/

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: Hey, who likes Fate: Stay Night?
« on: March 21, 2007, 11:16:16 AM »
oh btw random fanboi pix lol

#1 lulz plastic

#2 lulz plushie

Satsuki Yumizuka (Yumiduka) / Re: The win of Sacchin.
« on: March 21, 2007, 10:03:11 AM »
Magikarp, j.B counter hit combo would be nice, but it's not really bread and butter. j.[C] is, on hit, pretty much a 40% damage combo. 50%+ if you want to splurge meter. It's definitely not something to frown at.

I also fail to see how 214c can produce the most damaging Satsuki combos. Care to elaborate? Seems to me  that if it was practical, JP Sacchin players would have started using it long ago. Bunker canceling to 214a -> 214c is nice and all, but hardly something to get really excited about.


Regional Community / Arizona Valley Thread - SUM TOP TIER SHIT ODAMN
« on: March 21, 2007, 07:07:12 AM »
This thread's calls are inert.

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: Hey, who likes Fate: Stay Night?
« on: March 21, 2007, 06:58:00 AM »
You god damned tease.

Remind me to drive out to SoCal in the next few months so I can kick your Nero-y ass :V :V :V

well where teh vids?

There will be some eventually. Currently there's a massive conflict of schedules that hasn't allowed it. I don't feel like showing myself fight against CPUs. That would be lame.

Whenever other fighter fans see the game in action at a convention or a tournament, they really like what they see. So far there's only a handful of decent players here. The others just need modded PS2s so they can start practicing their BNB. They already have good fighting game tactics.

Satsuki Yumizuka (Yumiduka) / Re: The win of Sacchin.
« on: March 06, 2007, 07:00:28 AM »
More is coming! I work full time for most of the week and am usually too tired to come home and type up more stuff. Like right now. And to make things worse, I must go wash some clothes. /sigh

(Good) Aoko players aside, methinks people should get use to doing all air dashing ith 4/6A+B. Not have to switch between 6956-ing on the ground and 66/44 or 4/6A+B in the air is amazing. And what about feinting into airdash (76A+B)? Sure, this is more important on some characters than others, so you guys might want to get in the habit.

Pad players... binding R2 to A+B and using it to airdash = your savior.

Regional Community / Re: MoreSoCal Gathering
« on: March 02, 2007, 05:00:38 PM »
So even more than a six hour drive to LA?

It's something I may consider a couple of times a year (if you guys let me join in!), but I'd like to know exactly what kind of drive I'm getting in to.

And just because.  :V :V :V :V :V :V :V :V :V :V

Regional Community / Re: MoreSoCal Gathering
« on: March 02, 2007, 03:09:52 PM »
How far south is south? I mean, hey, I'm in AZ, but one of these days when my debt's a bit lower, I'd love to putter over to SoCal and get some casuals in.

Satsuki Yumizuka (Yumiduka) / The win of Sacchin.
« on: March 01, 2007, 06:54:42 AM »

Why the hell would anyone play Satsuki? I mean, come on. We all know her ground dash sucks. She can only do one attack in the air and can't double jump or airdash afterwards. She only has a moderate amount of clash frames, and the only way to win with her is to use all your meter.

She's a BEAST!

Satsuki is a lovely beast. She has her limitations, but perfecting other aspects of your game will turn her into a very powerful character. Let's start off with some beastly BNB.

#x/#x = Either/Or. One or the other. 5c OR 5b. Got it?

5b 623c after the first groundslam is character specific. Doesn't work against LEN, MIYAKO or CIEL. Replace 5b with 214a for LEN, 2c (2-hit) for MIYAKO and 5c for CIEL.

Average ground string: {2a{a}} -> 2c 5b{or 5c} 623b -> groundslam -> 5b 623c -> groundbounce -> 2c 5c {OPTIONAL: 214a} j.c 4/6A+D

Circuitless-version: {2a{a}} {5b} 2c 5c/5b {214a} j.c 4/6A+D.

This is the general best all around attack string for her. All 2c attacks should hit for two hits.

Deep j.C or j.B Circuit combo: 2b5b5c 214c -> wallslam to corner -> {2c [character specific]} 5c 214a JC to airthrow.

Against a full Shiki Tohno, this does near 5000 damage if you add in a j.C starter. The 2c after wallslam does NOT work very well on some characters. For safety, I recommend using the 2c sparingly unless you know you can hit people with it. If it comes out too late, Sacchin has to recover with no whiff cancel, letting the enemy tech and punish you with meaties into full combo. Also, using 2c in this situation might knock your foe too high, not allowing an airthrow after the 5c 214a. Thus, I recommend just using 5c 214a -> JC to Airthrow.

LONG-ASS DEMORALIZING WALL COMBO w/ OTG: IAD j.C {2a}5b2c5c 623b -> groundslam -> 5b2c5c 623c -> groundbounce -> 2c5c 623b -> groundslam -> 5b2b2c5c214a -> Jumpcancel to IAD forward or back.

If you land a j.C in the corner, this will do an excellent amount of damage, last for 22 hits, kill a lot of time, and end in a 214a jumpcancel that allows you to punish any teching option with a j.C/j.B that will reset the corner combo from the absolute beginning. No tech leaves you with okizeme to work with.

Sacchin's Bouncy Fun combo: j.[C] 5[C] j.[C] -> ground dash -> 5b 623b -> 5b 623c -> groundbounce -> 2c5c 214a JC 4/6A+D

This combo never gets old. NEVER. And the first hit pretty much guarantees a 40-50% damage combo. The big trouble is getting that first hit to... hit. It can be shielded and punished very easily, so if you decide to use them, make its use very unexpected and inconspicuous.


Air combos? Lulz. No air combos. Grab from the ground using 623a/c, (super)jump into airthrow, or j.A/j.B air counterhit.

Wakeup Defense

Satsuki doesn't really have the invulnerable wakeup attacks that characters like Sion, Nanaya, etc. have. This leaves her with two options, not including block, 2a spam and wakeup throw.

Backdash. A few frames before wakeup, queue up the first 4, and around the full wakeup frame itself press 4 again for the backdash. There's a catch here. Keep holding 4 and you'll backdash on the wakeup frame. The invincibility frames here can save you if you're in midfield, and should only be uses sparingly against people who don't mash 2a in the corner.

22b/c. Due to the early clash frames on this attack, it makes it a very decent wakeup option. Just don't use it so much that it becomes predictable. Great against jump-in wakeup options, bad against other attacks that also have early clash frames. To properly use this attack, you will need to queue it up. The best way to do this is about 12 frames before your wakeup, you queue up the 22 part. When you press b, it will have to be on the wakeup frame or a few frames after depending on your timing. To help your defense, you will need to press 4, 1, 6 or 3 (the appropriate block direction) just before doing the move so that if you screw up the frame timing of the 22b, there will be less of a change of being punched in the face. AFTER THE FIRST HIT OF 22B, YOU HAVE A FEW OPTIONS. 1) Let it complete and possible get a hit/knockdown on opponent, or get smacked in the face due to the opponent using their clash frames a little too well themselves. 2) Cancel first hit into 22c. If attacker is on the ground, this will wallslam them. Superjump and j.[C] to continue the combo. You can do another j.[C] after that, or IAD to airthrow. Corner loops will work in the corner. 3) (untested) Cancel first hit into 214c. Invincibility frames will save you and blast your opponent in the face for a wallslam which you can combo off of depending on where you are on the screen. Best if the opponent is on the ground.


Want to punish someone who you know you can't reach for a combo? Do they whiff cancel out really far so you can't counterattack? Getting stuck on the recovery frames of a 1-hit 2c?

CANCEL IT! On a 1-hit 2c, jumpcancel into IAD and go for a j.B/j.C. Most people will be blocking low because it feels natural.

Tournaments and Events / Re: Melty Blood US Tourney: Mesa, AZ (Anizona 3)
« on: February 28, 2007, 09:42:59 AM »
Hey, Chibi. I don't see a registration page on EVO's site, so I'm assuming I just have to show up with a controller (maybe a PS2? a TV?) and play? No entry fee for the tournament grounds? Just checking.

I just splurged on bought this:

Practicing on a borrowed homemade stick has just got to go.

Tournaments and Events / Re: Melty Blood US Tourney: Mesa, AZ (Anizona 3)
« on: February 27, 2007, 03:16:56 PM »
I've seen your matches, Chibi. You aren't the awesomest, but you -definitely- play a respectable Hisui.

So I guess I'm in a similar situation right now. There are three events in the southwest area that have Melty Blood in them. Epic 2k7 is first (see other thread in this subforum [dunno if I'll attend]), Devestation 2007 is next (March 31 2007, Phoenix, AZ - MB:AC side tourney) and  then this tourney (Anizona 3). Myself and others are doing what we can to get MB off to a good start out here. Anyone who CAN make it for these events, though... attend, bitches. We need all the support we can get.

Tournaments and Events / Re: Melty Blood US Tourney: Mesa, AZ (Anizona 3)
« on: February 27, 2007, 12:31:27 PM »
The Phoenix area is in a mess right now. We have four good players right now. We also don't practice regularly. Just a lot of random battling, stuff that doesn't really help us much. Even our weekend meetups are pretty crappy because we don't stick with it. Too many people around. Lots of people who want to play, making for less practice time. Sucks.

I plan on fixing that by setting up weekend practice sessions for JUST MB (Maybe Soul Calibur 3, as I play that seriously as well) with two separate TVs. I also plan to tape or set my capture card up to get some practice matches up.

But for the record, how does Zar and co. practice? Now AND back in the day.

I swear I hear Makoto from Third Strike in the background at 10:16.

Oh, and sexy match.

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: Other French-Bread games
« on: February 25, 2007, 07:03:38 PM »
Other biggies would be Ragnarok Battle Offline + three "extra scenario" discs (expansion packs), and Lilian Fourhand - Nuclear Soeur Fighters. Go look 'em up.

Tournaments and Events / Melty Blood US Tourney: Mesa, AZ (Anizona 3)
« on: February 24, 2007, 07:59:39 PM »
East coast lamers. I'm starting to raise the Melty Blood awareness in Arizona. Better watch out Spooks, Zar. We could overtake you soon!

Anizona, the Phoenix Valley's main anime convention, will be holding a Melty Blood:AC PS2 tournament. The tourney is free to enter. Staff running the tournament will be myself and a local friend. From what I know for sure, there are a total of FOUR good local players including myself. I hope to bring in random people interested in the game and start a scene here. Time to start taking over, bitches.

Con site: (Yes, the current page is awful)

Registration starts as early as 7 AM on Friday, April 6th. Tournament starts at 4 PM. Rules are simple.

Best three out of five rounds. Semifinal rounds and up will be best two out of three matches.

Time set to 99 per round.

If not many people sign up for this tournament (under 12 or so?), it will be double elimination.

Southwest lurkers, I expect you to attend.

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