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When's Melty on Steam?
ahaha that's no--wait, what?

Messages - dumba989

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Tournament Results / Re: Team St1ckbug 6/23 results
« on: June 30, 2012, 03:30:19 PM »
I liked your commentary Chibi if it helps & I did pay attention to Top 3 matches as well, it kept me entertained.

Won't be able to attend this cause I'll be living in NY again, have fun though guys.

Although no one plays this game, I hoped y'all missed Kouma cause he's coming back home  :laffo:

Tournaments and Events / Re: BBG XIV?: Resurrection?
« on: June 06, 2012, 05:45:08 AM »
I agree with LK, but it'll also probably need to have a different name as well possibly an entirely new event in its self.

If it would be an event outside of TSB series, just name it the Battle By The Next Level series like the last one we did when the whole Gazebo thing didn't work out. Also, if this is going to be during one of the TSBs, I think giving Melty players about a month & a half or two helps for those traveling OoS because there is large interest in players outside the NL NY/NJ area & those are potential numbers too.

I know ZomB would be interested in this for sure, I'll ask people would be serious to gather & stuff. If I go, which I should since it's close to me, it'd be just to chill with the Melty community, not too much playing actual MB on my end.

Kohaku's Video Room / Re: Current Streams
« on: May 19, 2012, 01:01:32 PM »
Sometimes GA plays Melty Tournament at feat. Karapalm, SS Malik, ZomB & svx

Melty Blood Auditorium / Re: So where do we go from here?
« on: May 07, 2012, 03:01:44 PM »
So where exactly is the community at now?

Are we back to being a two major a year game again? Is that acceptable when there are majors monthly going on? Is there more then 10 people really taking this game entirely seriously anymore?

What happened with Manabe? Did Final Round change his mind about anything? Are Garu and company coming back this year? Do we push Manabe a little more to make our point? Do we pack up and get ready for UNIB?

I mean honestly I think we as a community missed our 'chance' after EVO 2010, which to me was the pinnacle of what we had ever hoped to achieve. Even with 73 people at FR this year most everything has been a notch below getting our game into Evo 2 years prior (to my cynical eyes anyway).

And as much as I want to spooge on Skullgirls I just have to admit that it's refreshing to be able to have developer support and not having to jump through several hoops to get people to play the game (and have them jump through more hoops just to get access to it).

I mean I love Melty and I always have but you have to admit that at this point things are looking a bit grim.

I dunno, let's talk about it :P

I think that everyone should get ready for UNIB personally after this years' Final Round & everything that's been going on. I love this game too but I believe that there is a ton of talent amongst this community & yes, although everyone plays this game for whatever personal reason it is (to test your knowledge & witts against competitors, for the love of the game, to hang out with the cool people in this community, etc.), I feel that many of us are too smart to let our skill go to waist with a game that not only has no developer support, but when we have a major, we see the same faces over & over again with not too much new blood. Honestly, I think that there's a game out for everyone right now & even though it may not be exactly what Melty gives you, I'm confident everyone can pick ONE with an actual scene & give incentives to travel because half of the fun in competing is to experience new things & see new faces. Now if the game DOES somehow (which is really don't see happening at this point) get a PS3/360 port, then MAYBE things can notably change, otherwise, it'll be the same as it's been for these past "X" years now.

P.S., Sorry if the truth hurts, it's time to get over this & move on to better things.

Edit: And before anyone accuses me of "selling out, not playing for fun, etc." I still DO love this game & play it "occasionally", but I personally think that half the fun of playing games is getting to play with a wide variety of people & experiencing all types of styles & hearing the opinions of other people who enjoy the same or similar hobbies.

Tournament Results / Atlanta Revival April 2012 Results
« on: April 30, 2012, 05:51:32 AM »
Althought it turned out being a five man round robin, it was fun pressing buttons in this game. Shaking off the rust by the end of the night felt pretty good as well too, now for the results.


1: SolidPlay
2: ZomB
3: Karapalm (Ben Lester)
4: SS Malik
5: Jowin

Thanks for everyone that showed up & supported. If you can, ZomB's holding a tournament May 19 so look for that in the Tournaments & Events thread. ZomB also recorded most of the tournament matches so when he gets a chance, I'm sure he'll post them on this topic.

Tournaments and Events / Re: Atlanta Revival (April 28, 2012)
« on: April 26, 2012, 01:12:25 PM »
looks like I won't be able to attend this event due to finals :(
I'm going to zomb's tourney for sure though.

Yeah Finals usually get everyone, it happens, oh well see you at Zom-B's event hopefully if I feel like playing still.

Tournaments and Events / Re: Atlanta Revival (April 28, 2012)
« on: April 21, 2012, 07:56:19 AM »
how early is "early enough"? :D

Sometime between 11:30 AM -1:00 PM

Tournaments and Events / Re: Atlanta Revival (April 28, 2012)
« on: April 20, 2012, 05:43:12 AM »
btw, is parking free at GWCC?

AFAIK, no but if you get there early enough, you can get really cheap prices. It's about $4-$6 for parking if I'm correct, maybe cheaper.

The dream is dead

Here's something in-case no one was looking at the upcoming events thread,

Hopefully people can support ZomB's cause & come out to play so we can all connect together.

Tournaments and Events / Re: Atlanta Revival (April 28, 2012)
« on: April 07, 2012, 07:45:01 AM »
Don't forget about this whoever's watching, hopefully we can get a full 16-Man bracket this time around. Also, we need three setups, ZomB said that he's bringing his already, can we get two more brave souls to help out.

You'd think Aoko & Hime's hit boxes would have more range but apparently not according to Type-Moon  :slowpoke:

Tournaments and Events / Re: BBG XIV?: Resurrection?
« on: March 31, 2012, 07:59:57 PM »
I do wanna come to one because we got Battle at the Next Level instead of BBG.

Melty Blood Auditorium / Re: Buying Melty.
« on: March 26, 2012, 06:37:37 AM »
I thought they were all sold out now

Melty Blood Auditorium / Re: we need this game on xbox 360/ps3
« on: March 22, 2012, 07:10:20 AM »
They won't even release the game stand-alone on PC you ain't getting fucking shit.

It's sad but that's how business works

They said they can release MB for console if people outside Japan show lots of interest in UNIB. There was already a petition (portfolio) delivered by Komidol in their hands, letters by other people they readed on stream, etc.

Maybe they're right, the fighting game scene outside Japan is mostly too casual and deppends too much on merchandise. Players arent players.. they're more like consumers.. that's sad.

I hate to sound negative but how long is it going to take UNIB to be released, the game in JP arcades isn't even finished so a console version ported over here I'm going to take a least a year to hear ANY mention of it which leads me to my other point, by that time, will there even been enough interest in Melty still by the time this does happen because this game has been out for a very long time & althought the numbers  of people that attend tournament are picking up, it's not by a "substantial amount", so it's just something to think about.

Kouma Kishima / Re: Kishima Kouma
« on: March 22, 2012, 07:05:10 AM »
What are standard Kouma blockstrings?

Each moon plays differently so can you specify which moon(s) in particular you are interested in?

Tournaments and Events / Re: Atlanta Revival (April 28, 2012)
« on: March 19, 2012, 01:44:38 PM »
I'm guaranteed on this.

I saw your match against LK, I'm looking forward to playing you in person.

Tournaments and Events / Atlanta Revival (April 28, 2012)
« on: March 19, 2012, 01:36:41 PM »
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls! WEEEEEEEEE'RE BAAAAAAAACK! We are happy to announce yet another Atlanta Revival for the month of April. Not only are we back, we came back with more games! Also, we need more set ups for these new games. Unfortunately you guys know first come first serve as for the set ups goes. We are not excepting more than five full set ups per game. So..... we are looking for about 30 full set ups so that we can run in a timely manner. Please everyone that is bringing a set up, please come in bright and early which is 11o'clock. Now that i have explained the small talk, let me get on with the good stuff!

If you are running late or need more information please call (770) 882 - 7912


Georgia World Congress Center
285 Andrew Young International Blvd. NW
Atlanta, GA 30314
Room A401

Note: If you're driving, you should find parking early because usually with the case of the GWCC on Saturdays, most of it is gone.

Venue Fee:
$10 for competitor
$5 for spectator

Melty Blood $5

Double Elimination, 2/3 UNTIL we reach all Finals which will be 3/5. Losers are allowed to change characters/stage as they wish & I WILL allow keyboards if they DO NOT interfere with the controls of the opponent or cause any state of game-alteration.

Kouma Kishima / Re: Kishima Kouma current code changes (1.07)
« on: March 15, 2012, 09:10:28 AM »
It seems that JP is using the C/H 5A~2C loop to it's full advantage on the characters that it can be performed on.

Tournament Results / Re: Final Round XV Results!
« on: March 14, 2012, 07:56:06 PM »
All right, I'm two weeks late but here I go:

Massive shoutouts first of all to Wyvern Lord aka Jimmy aka Statesville U graduate in sadness. Thanks for offering to use your car to drive us down to FR, it had a good run ;_; I hope you get a new car soon

Komidol: For helping us out with the rent a car; it was really generous of you. Also going around during spring break with you and jp and kamina and various other dudes was really fun. Thanks for driving me around!

Kamina: brothers is gdlk!!! thanks for showing us around NYC too!

Generic: The BBQ was gdlk! I'm really glad you did so much for us by picking us up from that shady ass bus stop and for taking us to the shooting range. I'm sure JP really loved it! I had a lot of fun too; hopefully I'll see you again before you leave for EU.

LK: Oh man, I said I would defeat you three times already, but everytime I'm slayed by H-Koha. I'll do better next time. Also thanks for having us over at your place :3 it was fun

Wonder who will win next time between you and tonberry...?

Tonberry: good job winning! It was a really close match all the way to GFs. Lets see what happens next time you $NJ$ dudes clash.

st1ckbug: thanks for having us over on Thursday, even though MB players break your shit all the time D; Thanks for helping us out so much even though you don't really play the game much. Come to jp with us to visit Chelsea and Garu~

LPT: Woooo glad you had fun, despite the travel difficulties! Buy me a good dinner next time I visit! :P

Pfhor: really had fun playing you in casuals; Lets play more at NEC/EVO or something!

Bell: It was cool seeing you again, good shit trolling kusoru lolol. I'll see you again at another EC tourney~

Chibi: numakie stole all the maid pins, stay sad

I forgot a ton of people, but I'll update as I remember. Need to get to school.

You guys are amazing to have come out in force to FRXV; I love you MB community, GGS and I hope to see all of you again next time!

Yeah I definitely wanted to play against you with my new Kouma stuff, oh well, there's always NEC or another EC tournament, but I'll probably be up there for that event the soonest but realistically speaking, I won't be up there any time soon. Good shit BTW, I didn't get to tell you in person but I suppose this is better than never.

So, I would like to mash buttons like real bad. Someone invite me over. :/

You're lucky you can take the bus to play with people, living down here sucks.

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