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When's Melty on Steam?
ahaha that's no--wait, what?

Messages - Rokunaya

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Tournaments and Events / Re: Kirah's Bash 3!! {August 27-29}
« on: August 31, 2010, 04:56:48 PM »
I don't really know what's going on between you and Chibi, Zar, but is it possible he's being more of a bitch than my mother was about it?

Hahahaha, as if~

I knew that if you whiffed an air shield or airthrow, you can't jump cancel and you're EXTREMELY vulnerable when you land, but didn't know this extended to air normals.

Does this include all types of jumps? And does it also count if you jump, then jump cancel again? Since double jumps wipe what normals you used before hand, I believe that is worth testing out too.

But still, very useful information. Nice find, Numakie; I hope you can answer my noob questions as well later, as I'm really bad at testing these things myself at the moment.

Tournaments and Events / Re: Kirah's Bash 3!! {August 27-29}
« on: August 30, 2010, 01:05:17 PM »
rokunaya never played, so OBVIOUSLY if he beats people you all suck, but when he loses, it's cause he doesn't play

This is one of the greatest OS's in the fighting game community. Many know of it, few can ever achieve it.

Did I master a incredibly awesome art without even trying? ...cool.  :V
But I will get better and get familiar with this game, so this excuse of mine will soon die out. Though it is very lulzy for now, hahaha.

Fox: GOD DAMN WHY DID YOU LEAVE SO EARLY? I WANTED TO PLAY YOUUU. But you seem like a pretty cool and knowledgeable guy about the game-- you don't get that insanely hype, but you seemed fun and good to chill with, bro. I'll definitely see you around and play you later, man! We're both in a similar boat with our parents, so trust me when I say I feel your pain. Just fight through it anyways with me, man; we can do it!
Kirah: You're alot cooler looking than I expected you to be! Sorry about having to lie about you being white and having to do all this crazy shit and stress people out just to be able to stay over there, but you understood my circumstances and worked with me on that... I seriously appreciate that man, and I hope that we can hang out in the future! I feel that you'll always be that guy I can rely on in the future for shit like this, so I hope it doesn't bother ya, 'cuz I'm being mad respectful about it. Thanks again, and let's play again for a longer period of time when I get better--- you'll learn that Nanaya matchup in due time, it's not too hard. If you need to learn it better as well, ask Zar; he's played Jiyuna, so I think he knows ALL about it.
Lady Miyako: This is props to being better looking that I expected you to be! I expected some stereotypical crazy black chick that was gonna get on my case all the fucking time, but you were actually semi cool. Keep working at the combos, and remember that Zar and I are not your toys. You'll break a record if you're the first chick to go to a melty tourney, so DO IT, GIRL!
Shiki: Hahaha, I noticed I might've said some disrespectful shit to you as we were playing, but please don't take it like that; I just didn't know how to word myself. You were new to the stick, so I guess that's why I fought you decently, but aside from that I could tell you were better than me. Remember to upload that epic conversation we had in the kitchen, okay? That shit will be epic! Also, I must say Shiki... Do you ever change facial expressions? The entire time we played and talked, you had the same straight face the entire time. Were you that sleepy, or was I that boring?   :psyduck:
Kain: For only having played like 2 months, I think you're doing very well. Keep at it, and next time you'll body me instead! You seem very chill and fun to hang out with, and I look forward to seeing you level up with me later on!
Zar: You're alot cooler than I expected you to be in real life. You were bodying everyone, yet were still very cool, respectul, and helpful with me. I appreciate that, and I can see why you're rather revered now in this scene. When I caught wind that you're going to quit, I was really suprised--- you seem too good and you seemed to have far too much fun to quit the game, in my opinion. I don't know exactly why you are, but as a new player that barely got to know you, I already think that you shouldn't. I somehow get the feeling the scene won't be the same if you do. Play me later on, body me, and help me learn, if you don't mind. I look forward to your possible future lessons  :teach: .     ...I'm being redundant, but I really don't think you should quit. Also, sorry for not being a white cracker, Zar; I'm 100% spanish, and afaik, the second spanish person in this scene outside of Kusanagi. Me and him are gonna be reppin' this scene, and we both came from netplay! Think we'll both be gdlk? Only time will tell, right?
Komi: Outside of when you were messing around with me, you seemed like an okay guy to watch anime and shit with. I was expecting this crazy obvious weeabu otaku, so seeing that you weren't like that made me surprised, honestly. No offense.
Kamina: HYPE FUCKING SHIT. We played like 7 matches, but already we had the most hype of the entire night, I think. I think me and you will be perfect hypers for the scene, so let's unite on commentaries on the future, bro. Also sorry about how you played, but I stole 7-8 matches from you while you were like that... You'll have to take them back later, harder. I look forward to that in some awesome epic hype matches, bro. If I heard right, you're also 18, just like me, so we're both young and mad hype... I think a new generation of melty is brewing. Run that shit by me again sometime! II YO DA FUCKING NAH!

I will try to get better at this game, and will rep both NJ and the Spanish scene! Woo~! Here's to me getting the fuck out of my house finally!

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: TYPE MOON IS MAINSTREAM [Behold huge image spam]
« on: August 30, 2010, 02:44:01 AM »
Lol Rowan at changing the title of this thread

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: The all-purpose DOOM thread.
« on: August 29, 2010, 07:10:10 PM »
Hmm...I think this would be the perfect opportunity to show off my little twisted creation.


lol wait til Zaelar sees this xD

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: YoooooooooTypeFaggotRoom [Behold huge image spam]
« on: August 29, 2010, 01:50:52 PM »
Well atleast you're into stuff that's not mainstream (Idk if Type-Moon is mainstream or not correct me if I'm wrong.)  :toot:

Type-moon is fairly mainstream in the underground anime scene, as is other stuff like touhou. So I  guess it's still kinda mainstream if you look at it that way?

Tournaments and Events / Re: Kirah's Bash 3!! {August 27-29}
« on: August 28, 2010, 06:18:54 PM »
Fucking hype shit, guys, I'm just so upset that I had to leave as early as I did and come mid-afternoon that I did... Really upset about that.

I don't wanna get cocky or anything, but I think I did mad good considering my circumstances; first liveplay, never practiced MBAA, and using MBAC tactics. You guys were all insane fun, and I will definitely go again if I ever get the chance. I think I can get beast at this game, bro.



Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be wristing in the corner about how I missed out on this for so long and how I stayed there for such a short time.. :emo: :emo: :emo: :emo: :emo: :emo: :emo: :emo: :emo:

P.S.: Oh, I'll create a thread for that Poverty runner game you that guys liked seeing my brother play so much. Look forward to that.

P.S.S: Shiki, you gotta put up that video of that discussion we had when you get the time. Epic.

P.S.S.S.: Yes, I know I'm not that great of a player yet, so do realize that I'm mainly kidding around, though I do honestly think I'll get good fast when I start to adapt to MBAA, if that wasn't clear yet.

Tournaments and Events / Re: Kirah's Bash 3!! {August 27-29}
« on: August 26, 2010, 04:38:54 PM »
I probably won't go anymore, no money left over from Deathburger + Summer jam + week o melty
Genius. :teach:

I call the couch!
I call the longest couch!

I call the fucking floor.

Melty Blood Auditorium / Re: MBAACC at Tougeki
« on: August 24, 2010, 01:47:49 PM »
I'm still hoping for at least one Tohno or Nanaya in SBO...
Strange that Nero got nerfed,yet he is the most represented character.

Most of the cast got nerfed instead of doing buffs to the others.

Yeah, if what I heard is right, they just decided to nerf everyone down so they could be near the same level, instead of buffing the weaker characters; making an overall less damaging game. I'm up for that, though, actually. 6k combos being not that abnormal is kinda gay, imo. Especially since alot of them can be from pretty much 'nothing' but a counterhit and a regular BnB.

Tournaments and Events / Re: Kirah's Bash 3!! {August 27-29}
« on: August 23, 2010, 06:26:43 PM »
I'm just going to be honest and state that your neighborhood makes me feel very, very uncomfortable.

Not you, or your house, or anyone in it, I've just never liked being anywhere near Jersey City.


Describes my parents pretty well, actually.

If I go, I can bring one ps2, but considering i'd be only able to stay a day, I'm not sure how reliable that is for you guys.

Melty Blood Auditorium / Re: MBAACC at Tougeki
« on: August 23, 2010, 02:54:41 PM »
I'm still hoping for at least one Tohno or Nanaya in SBO...
Strange that Nero got nerfed,yet he is the most represented character.

I for one actually welcome the lack of a Tohno/Nanaya, those characters are too boring/overused, in my opinion.

Melty Blood Auditorium / Re: Melty Blood 3D
« on: August 21, 2010, 11:21:02 AM »
the same way we dream about tsuki 2. -_-

Oh, for Tsuki 2, I know a translating group like Mirror Moon or something will probably take that up; that much is certain. The factor there is plain old time... they'll probably take a year or two after release, like usual; which is a bit too long for most people to handle, yah?

Melty Blood Auditorium / Re: Melty Blood 3D
« on: August 21, 2010, 10:57:17 AM »
You know, the PSP version of F/UC came out in english, so we can all dream for a translated version of this, right?

We can all dream....  :emo: :emo: :emo: :emo: :emo: :emo: :emo: :emo: :emo: :emo: :emo: :emo: :emo: :emo:

And yes, I find it's THE place to go for anime walls. You might want to check out their parody section too.


Fuck parodies, I'd have actually watched that long boring-ass anime had someone like her been the lead character.  :toot:

I'll confirm that this is Korean, and for those that don't know the difference between Jap/Chinese characters and Korean characters, Korean characters almost always have circles in them, while Chinese/Japanese characters do not.

Though I must agree with Zar, I seriously doubt Korea has a problem recruiting players like many other areas in the world, but who knows~?

Regional Community / Re: Known Player Compilation
« on: August 16, 2010, 03:45:00 PM »
Notable Alt's: Better than Jimmy's F-Arc!
damn yo, it must be hard to type with that giant dick in your mouth  :mystery:

I lol'd

Regional Community / Re: Known Player Compilation
« on: August 13, 2010, 08:13:29 PM »
I don't think noteworthy or not matters here, its just a list of MB players (in my eyes).

Then every person on this forum should be listed, should they not?   :blah:

Other Games / Re: BigBangBeat 2nd
« on: August 13, 2010, 07:47:39 AM »
Though I fully expect to see match videos of this, in its horribly unfinished, untested state, on serikamo's account shortly. Because he loves shit like that.

That was fast.

Did someone say 'lol infinites?'

Other Games / Re: BigBangBeat 2nd
« on: August 12, 2010, 07:42:00 PM »
Hey guys, there's a demo build of this out. Or, more like "engine feedback edition" build. It's pretty bare-bones.


Awesome shit, man. This means that we're THAT much closer to a finished version. Nice find, nice find~

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: The all-purpose DOOM thread.
« on: August 12, 2010, 06:21:57 PM »
Wait, Doom 1 had multiplayer?  ???

Never knew... Might check it out if I get mad bored sometime. Which means any day this week, really, hahaha~  :prinny:

Melty Blood Auditorium / Re: Current Code Changes
« on: August 12, 2010, 11:32:22 AM »
I think VS Damage is the red life damage.

Ah, I see.  Well, regardless, other than the 2C damage nerf I don't really see any problems.  Guy in that vid was just using gimp ass combos.

They probably nerfed 2C to stop the 5C hitconfirm 5k damage combos considering 5C is effectively as good as 5A as a confirm and leads into combos that do about 50% more damage.

im more convinced they nerfed a bunch of nero's moves and the extra code just carried over lol.

Laziness ftw

Regional Community / Re: Known Player Compilation
« on: August 12, 2010, 08:31:43 AM »
I am most definitely not known within the main scene of this game yet, but I plan to be, so...

Rokunaya [But just plain ol' Roku is 100% fine, if not preferred]
Main Character: Arcueid / C/H-Nanaya [I actually don't even like Nanaya that much, it's just that almost all his shit transfers over from MBACrap]
Notable Alt's: Tohno, and whoever else catches my interest when I actually start playing this damn game :|
Affiliation: Wtf does this even mean?  :psyduck:
Predominant Region: NJ, but I might start heading over to NYC if i like the scene
Awards/Top Placement:  I can do Arcueid combos validly in actual matches? ...It's not that super impressive, but alot of players can't, soooo... I haven't been in any tourneys or anything yet.
Other Information: New and upcoming player into the MBAA scene, I think I'll do well when I get some matches against the decent players, but I play pad. I don't have enough cash for a stick yet, nor do I know which one to choose either, plus I've never even truly used one, except for like one week where i [slightly] got the hang of it. I'll be going to some NJ gatherings/events, so you'll probably see me around and remember me as that 'pad player'.

Regional Community / Re: Melty Blood: Actress Again Locations
« on: August 12, 2010, 08:13:13 AM »
I was playing at the ChinaTown arcade's machine yesterday, and I could've sworn the second player side was broken. I'm not completely used to a stick, but alot of my motions were barely read at all, and made me lose to someone who was far less skilled than me.   :emo: :emo: :emo: :emo: :emo: :emo:

But that said, is it actually legit broke? I remember my friend complaining about it roughly 6 months ago, but that was like, six months ago...  could it really still not be fixed?

Melty Blood Auditorium / Re: Current Code Changes
« on: August 12, 2010, 08:11:01 AM »
Wait, why are you guys taking NAC so seriously? Wasn't he just one of the stupid lulzy joke characters?  :slowpoke:

Speaking of joke characters... alot of the new characters for MBAA-ps2 were jokes, weren't they? Baaaaaw~

Tournaments and Events / Re: Kirah's Bash 3!! {August 27-29}
« on: August 12, 2010, 08:08:13 AM »
I legit start school Sept 1st, but I can definitely make this. The only downside is that I most likely won't be able to stay overnight; but other than that, I'm definitely going. Though I may be too poverty to even join the tourney LOL

P.S.: I'm skipping  a job August 28th where I act in some low-end movie for this event, so this shit better be HYPE. I WANT SOME HYPE THERE, PEOPLE! MOAR HYPE COMMENTARIES, EVEN BETTER THAN KAMINA'S, YO!


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