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When's Melty on Steam?
ahaha that's no--wait, what?

Messages - Coddfish

Pages: [1]
Akiha Vermillion / Re: V Akiha Strategy Thread
« on: April 10, 2007, 01:31:36 AM »
From watching that vid, and replaying my own matches in my head, the biggest holes in my game are blocking and execution.

Training mode, HOOOO!

Regional Community / Re: Melty Blood: Act Cadenza US Arcade Locations
« on: April 03, 2007, 01:28:32 AM »
Its not USA, but hey...
If by some chance I'm not the only New Zealander on these boards, then you can find 2 MBAC cabs (ver.B, i think. Will need to double-check that) at...

Yifan's Entertainment Center
?? Queen Street

I'm not sure of the address number or phone number, since they have no entry in the phone book and no website.

Akiha Vermillion / Re: V Akiha Strategy Thread
« on: April 03, 2007, 12:46:47 AM »
I stumbled upon a pretty good guide at World of Eternity.

That is currently my bible.

A sort of update to my intro:

I went to the arcade today, and MBAC seems popular. Maybe because they just got it, who knows.
I got beasted by a Red Arcueid and a Tohno Akiha though because I fail at defense. :(

Any other New Zealand players here?

... How the hell did Coddfish get 10 magic circuits if it's his very first post?

What exactly is a Magic Circuit, in this context? I also don't know how those got there. If any admin sees this, can you remove them if they shouldn't be there? Don't want to be a hax0r  :D

Hi, I'm Coddfish.
I've only just got into this game, despite having it for PS2 for a little while. Anyway, I mainly play V. Akiha, but Len/Kohaku/Sion all seem fun too.
The "local" arcade (which is actually about an hour's busride from where I live, because I can't afford a car. It is the the best arcade in NZ afaik though, so its worth it) only just got this like last week or so, but I haven't been there since they got it. Apparently its getting a lot of interest, which is good, because I live in NZ where there is pretty much no fighting scene aside from Tekken.

I also play Millia in GGXX (we only have #R at the moment, but apparently the arcade are looking at picking up AC~) and I try to play 3S. Emphasis on "try" :(.

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