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When's Melty on Steam?
ahaha that's no--wait, what?

Messages - EverAlert

Pages: [1]
Tournaments and Events / Re: Evo 2k9
« on: July 08, 2009, 06:44:50 AM »
Get hype.

Mizuki, I'd love to try out some of those doujin fighters, particularly Mai Hime Fuuka Taisen (mainly cause I recognise it, haha).

I will also have my laptop, but I only have ST/3S/MBseries on it... sadface. But it's open to whoever wants to play, not like it'll get much use otherwise. xP

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: FUCKING CAT
« on: June 30, 2009, 09:09:10 AM »

There seems to be a trick to it, where only the first move has importance. You can always trap the cat if you draw a border around the very edges, but only if the cat moves toward you on the first move. If one side has some barriers on the edge it becomes much less important what you do on the first move.

I can do it fairly consistently now. :psyduck:

Haha, technically speaking it would be more correct to say Nihonjin without the "-nese." That's like saying Japanese-nese. xD *weeaboo*

Nipponese would probably work.

On-topic, on-topic. I don't own a PS2 either. sadface :'(

Yo, EA here. It's a late hi since I've already posted elsewhere, but better late than never right?

Been playing for a few months, so I'm not all that good just yet. I main WLen and second Aoko. I live in Sydney, Australia. The scene here is nonexistant tiny, but we're doing the best we can to spread the Melty love. :3

Pleased to meet y'all!

I need to try out this pringles lid mod, anything to make that mushy d-pad more responsive. xD

Quote from: Van_Artic
does anyone have this? usually cheap arcade sticks are not so good in terms of quality
I have one, which I bought purely because I needed a cheap PS3-compatible stick for Evo, since I don't have a PS3 and therefore nothing that will work on PS3 lol. Although I'm still relatively new to sticks (particularly various brands/parts/quality), I haven't had any issues while playing with it so far. The joystick is kinda loose, that doesn't seem to affect gameplay at all though.

Take that as you will. I'm not exactly bothered with the quality of this specific stick in the first place, so my feedback may be useless. :psyduck:

Quote from: RussellChamp
The odd thing, as well, is that right now I can't seem to map anything onto the trigger buttons. ... Another retarded thing with the XBox 360 controller is that the default driver has the right and left triggers on a single axis.

About the trigger buttons, that's MBAC's fault. It won't let you set anything on an axis as a button, and assumes the main stick and dpad are used for control without letting you set those individually. So as a result you can't set the triggers, since they're pressure-sensitive (on an axis; not actual buttons).

Also the axis problem has more to do with DirectInput vs XInput. The 360 pad is meant to be a DirectInput-compatible XInput controller, so there's a reason the triggers are on the same axis. Ultimately it's up to the software whether to implement DirectInput or XInput. When using XInput the triggers will be seen as different "axises", while DirectInput sees them as shared. I doubt Halo 2/3 would have the axis problem, it's likely they run XInput. Anyway, new drivers won't "fix" this.

Hope I'm not coming off as rude, just trying to help. :3

Tournaments and Events / Re: Evo 2k9
« on: June 24, 2009, 02:59:02 PM »
LoliSauce - Thanks a lot, and I completely understand. I'll try to post a bit more and such. :3

Dakanya - Nah, I'm from Sydney. I do know some people from CW through national events and such, though.

I used to use a 360 pad for Melty, which was quite painful. I've since migrated to stick, but if you really want to be a pad warrior, as mentioned the PS2 pad is the way to go, for already-given reasons. In any case, here's my old 360 setup:

A - X
B - A
C - B
D - Y
Q - [none]
AB - L Bumper
AD - R Bumper
ABC - Back

I found that to be the most optimal layout, personally; A/B/C made more sense for 3-way teleports, everything is within reach/unobtrusive, etc. etc.). I really recommend buying a stick though, it's a lot more natural to use and you won't find yourself fighting with the controller. There are decent inexpensive sticks you can buy if money is an issue (see below).

Quote from: Van_Artic
btw, what's the price for the most cheapest arcade stick? i'd like to buy one

I don't know if this is the cheapest, but $30 seems to be the going price for a Mayflash stick.

Tournaments and Events / Re: Evo 2k9
« on: June 24, 2009, 05:44:29 AM »
LoliSauce, mind if a new face can possibly crash at your place? xD

Haha seriously though, fairly new Aussie player here. I'll be going to Evo/America next month mainly for Smash (inb4 being laughed at. ;_; ), but I really want to use the chance to play some Melty and meet some "real" Melty Blood players while I'm there, so crashing with some of you guys during Evo seems like a pretty good opportunity for that. :3

If you're uncomfortable with it, I understand; in that case I'll just have to hunt down the Melty corner and play everyone. xP

Regional Community / Re: Australia
« on: June 23, 2009, 01:02:26 AM »
Since I've been lurking around here for the longest time, I may as well point out that I exist.

Sydney player here! :3

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