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When's Melty on Steam?
ahaha that's no--wait, what?

Messages - sunfizz98

Pages: [1]
Kohaku's Video Room / Re: MBAACC Analysis Live Streaming Sessions Redux!
« on: January 30, 2012, 02:58:12 PM »
So is Beginner's Episode 2 a rehash of episode 1?  I haven't watched any of the two yet..


once i figured everything out, this went by easy and i completed inserting curbeh's translation into the game for ryogi's arcade story mode. other than way too much text at one point everything went smoothly.

Will the final translations be QC'ed or proofreaded?  It looks promising so far.

Nah, I'm using the default keyboard bindings.  I decided to use a controller and it works flawlessly in windows.  However, I am unable to get MBCC working in linux via wine.  I have the latest drivers for my integrated graphics (intel GM45), but I can only get as far as the main menu without it freezing on me.  Also the title screen is pure black.  Perhaps I should make a thread in the tech support section?

Kohaku's Video Room / Re: MBAACC Analysis Live Streaming Sessions Redux!
« on: January 05, 2012, 09:13:15 AM »
Is there a way to download them for offline viewing?

Kohaku's Video Room / Re: MBAACC Analysis Live Streaming Sessions Redux!
« on: January 04, 2012, 07:56:13 PM »
Wait... so four episodes were already aired?

Hello, I'm just getting started with linux and wine, any tips on getting MBAACC working on linux?  Does it work?
It works pretty decently. Make sure you have d3dx9_36.dll either in wine's windows/system32 directory or in the game directory. You might have to add a native,builtin override for it in winecfg under libraries. As for the crashes mauve mentioned, he'd written a tool that fixes them for the trial version and allows key rebinding. I updated it for the current (and with luck future) version. To use the tool, just unpack it to your game folder and start mbaacctool.exe with wine. It will launch MBAA.exe with the necessary fixes and key rebinds.

I ran the mbaacctool.exe from the link you provided and it prompted an error - "Could not find key config table."

Just a question. Will the retail version have netplay or will that be incorporated later with a patch from the devs?

You're all so lucky.  Quit your bitching.

Loved the post where the last two statements pretty much summed up everything.  Also, couldn't a person bring a beefy laptop that can play and stream live content?  MB hasn't changed much over the years to cause a PC to keel over.  I also dunno what kind of specs or good software one would need to stream live content adequately.

Anyway, I thought the topic was supposed to be something about netplay rather than streaming matches...

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