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When's Melty on Steam?
ahaha that's no--wait, what?

Messages - TZSanity

Pages: [1]
Asked my friend, his ports were open during that time. Yet we could not connect.

Have you or the player you want to connect opened the port at 7000?

I wasn't sure back then actually, I'll ask my friend later whether the port was open. I'll note though that it is very important for the port to be opened.

Is it just important for the person hosting? Or for both as well?

I've been trying to connect using CCCaster lately, but have failed to get any success.

The error that appears is as shown in the screenshot attached, or is "Error: Socket: :initSocket: error in socket connection/bind"

I'm suspecting it might just be a timeout. Any help would be splendid. Thanks.

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