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When's Melty on Steam?
ahaha that's no--wait, what?

Messages - frozenbread

Pages: [1]
Regional Community / Re: NY/NJ/PA/CT/MA
« on: June 21, 2011, 09:38:58 AM »
So I was at GC yesterday & didn't see the Melty setup, I guess it was too crowded or whoever set it up last time wasn't there. Not complaining or anything just saying I noticed it because I heard last time people were playing.

What's GC?

GC = Guard Crush

oh that! lol.

yeah, i'm usually the guy that brings the set up for melty at next level arcade, set up=a jap ps2. i actually have 2 jap ps2s.
btw tourny at next level for anime games like bb, ggxx:ac, and ah3. 7/23/11 is the tournament date.
melty should be added in next tourny. or maybe this one.

or check Dustloop Forum's tournament and events boards for info.

Regional Community / Re: NY/NJ/PA/CT/MA
« on: May 28, 2011, 03:45:26 PM »
So I was at GC yesterday & didn't see the Melty setup, I guess it was too crowded or whoever set it up last time wasn't there. Not complaining or anything just saying I noticed it because I heard last time people were playing.

What's GC?

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: Rowan's shirtshop | USA | New stuff!
« on: May 21, 2011, 11:17:34 PM »

you sir,
this 'fine too' shirt and your 'this baby' shirt is proof positive of that!
i think i'll buy that 'this baby' shirt for my wife so she can put it on,

right before i push her down the stairs. >:D

ok, thanks.

OK, let me try this again, fingers crossed.

Finally! Success!

These are the pics the modders took for me, I don't have a digital camera right now, so the pictures suck quality-wise. If I did have one I'd put up sweet pics.
The Shiki artwork and buttons have a blue that is much darker than the pic shows. The buttons are actually dark blue snap in sanwa models that you can see the color on lizardlick,...though on lizardlick the dark blue button model picture looks purpleish blue, but since I have it right in front of me trust me, they are actually just dark blue and
perfectly meshes with the dark blue of the Shiki artwork. And I mean Perfectly:)
The flash of the camera just lightened everything in the picture..
The Akiha photo was too dark and I had to use some auto-correction on my PC to fix some weird shadows.

Differences between the two are:
The Akiha stick has a Sanwa JLF with a square gate.
The Shiki stick has a Seimitsu LS-56-01 with a octogonal gate.
Both have all their buttons Sanwa.

Both are dual modded T5 Hori sticks, but I will one day get custom slim wood casings for both, have them painted in accordance of their color to coordinate the colors.
Red and black casing for the Akiha stick, blue and black for the Shiki stick.
I'll also get Tsukihime manga art scanned for the bottom of the controller casing. but since manga pages are colorless, I'll tell the craftman to tint the art scan/print the color of the buttons.
Red for the Akiha.
Dark blue for the Shiki.

Once i'm done pimping out my sticks with the manga bottom art, the painted wood casings, etc, I'll repost how they look like once maximized to full glory. Now they are just 50% pimped.

I'll probably sell both for a really reasonable price a couple of years from now.

how do i upload an image from my pc onto a post again?
i completely forgot how.

Regional Community / Re: NY/NJ/PA/CT/MA
« on: May 09, 2011, 06:34:34 AM »
Main issue with NYC is that there's no place to play or host gatherings. If you can supply that, I'm sure a fair number of players would assemble.
Next Level Arcade. Its more of a LAN than anything else.

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: Melty Blood NYC = dead
« on: May 09, 2011, 06:19:04 AM »
next level arcade, brooklyn, nyc.
me and a few people bring it sometimes for some casual sessions.

Regional Community / Re: NY/NJ/PA/CT/MA
« on: May 01, 2011, 08:46:53 PM »
next level arcade may or may not be closed for the few following weekends till the grand opening this month of may, so check Henry Cen's thread on SRK at the atlantic north regional board near the end of week, pre-friday for more details.
just a heads up so people don't find their time wasted travelling there only to see it closed.

Regional Community / Re: NY/NJ/PA/CT/MA
« on: April 30, 2011, 05:41:57 AM »
Is there a CRT for us to use at NL?

If there is I'm moving Melty sessions there.

of course.
the owner, henry cen, is going to get more monitors of both the hdtvs and old crts in the near future.
he now has 2 crts presently. 4-5 hds as well.
by the end of the year he should have double of everything.

Regional Community / Re: NY/NJ/PA/CT/MA
« on: April 26, 2011, 03:23:14 PM »
take the D train to 9ave station
open on fridays and saturdays from 4pm to 2:30am. every week.
for now, its free, since the arcade isn't officially open.
no venue fee, no entrance fee, games are free except the cabinets.

cabinets are quarters.
3quarters for SSF4, KoFXIII-i don't know.

SSF4 cabinets+1 KoF13cab.
the rest is ps3s and xbox360s hooked up to monitors.
if you want to play melty blood with others...bring your MB copy and a jap ps2. or modded ps2.
come around 7-8pm because thats when the anime fighter crowd shows up.
the anime fighter crowd play guilty gear, blazblue, melty blood and arcana heart 3.
come by.
especially fridays

Regional Community / Re: Known Player Compilation
« on: April 17, 2011, 08:01:50 AM »
main:F-White Len
Alt:F-Sion, HM-Ciel
affliations: hell no. not good enough to "get that phone call from Da Man" sayin' i'm in.
tournys/awards: fuck no! still getting bodied by Team Spooky.

@c-roa: wtf?

Regional Community / Re: NY/NJ/PA/CT/MA
« on: April 17, 2011, 07:47:35 AM »
went to next level arcade again, brought my japanese ps2 again, brought my MBAA disc again....
got beasted again by incredible Team Spooky members who just happen to be yet there again.

but i learn as i get destroyed by them.
now, to put into practice, in training mode, the lessons they have taught me.

thx 4 raping me and my boys, fellas. :V

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: Introductory Thread (Take off your shoes, please)
« on: February 28, 2011, 08:59:28 AM »
i'm looking for meet ups and/or gatherings in the (NYC)Manhattan/Brooklyn/Queens/Bronx area.
even if i still suck at this game.
let me know.

Chinatown Fair

Melty Blood Auditorium / Re: Air Combos Question: I'm Stumped.
« on: February 28, 2011, 07:20:04 AM »
Cristu C-Aoko can jump 3 times.
Did not know that.
*checking now in MB's training mode*
Yes, you're right! I never realized.
Now i understand why at a recent gathering of players i saw someone practicing with C-Aoko, and he literally took the air combo all the way to the very top of the stage.
He must have been doing 3 jump cancels then. For a brief moment, I took a look at his hands, and he was hitting A>B>C at one point. Perhaps after his second jump cancel. idk.
Plus, he did a 623C at the end of it.
It was a over 10 hit combo, and an incredible sight to behold. It was inspirational AND intimidating at the same time.
He was GOD among men. A lion among cubs.
just gdlk.
Wish I knew his name, just to mention it.

F moon characters usually have the proper positioning after their aircombos to do JBC JABC, but doing two staight up JABC's will almost always make the angle too difficult to finish the aircombo. Adding the A's in the air for F-moon characters doesn't add much damage if at all, and going for JBC JBC airthrow is a completely viable option.

For example, F-Arc usually does JBC then JABC, but if you just do JBC JBC because you feel uncomfortable with the air positioning, it's completely legit. Most characters just do JBC JBC regardless, so there's not that much reason to go for JABC JABC, since you're adding in very slight damage[if at all, with prorate], and making the aircombo that much more difficult, when you should be fishing for airthrows or your aircombo ender more.

Now that you say that, regarding A's,
I've noticed that if I do 2 straight A's before >B>C, C doesn't wiff. Doing A>A>B>C causes C to catch the opponent, but I was wondering if going down that road technique-wise was a big no no, due to damage scaling. Plus, I'm not sure about this, but I think that doing 2 A's before B and C causes the opponent to get "pushed" away too far to then "catch" the opponent again with an attack after the second jump cancel.
Correct me if I'm wrong. Since, I'm not sure.

If anyone was any more insight or input regarding MB's air combos...please let me know because MB's air combos seem like the pink elephant in the room to me.
Everyone thinks about them, practices them, but no one really talks about them.
Which is sorta weird since they are so hard to pull off compared to air combos in other games.

thanks again everyone for your insight.

Melty Blood Auditorium / Air Combos Question: I'm Stumped.
« on: February 27, 2011, 02:23:21 PM »
ok, i know that the full moon style forces your character to follow the A to B to C format, and nothing else. that's understood.

but as for the crescent and half moons, do crescent and half moon styles for certain characters force you to reverse beat and only reverse beat a full 7 hit airiel combo? and that there is no way possible to follow a A to B to C format regarding button inputs?

for example, using SION TATARI(HALF MOON), i can do:
that's 7 hits and damage is around 2500 give or take.

but when i try to do the same exact combo string for AOZAKI AOKO(CRESCENT MOON), i wiff C.
so i'll go:
C wiffs 100% of the time because her mid air C is a very diagonal kick that is always below the opponent's body.

so i can only surmise that the only way to do a 7 hit air combo with Aoko/crescent moon is to reverse beat the combo. into something like C>B>A i'm guessing.


so, i'm asking you guys(experts),
if certain character/moon combinations make the A>B>C combo impossible to perform due to the character's move that just plain wiffs due to the influence of the moon assigned to that character?

i know that certain character's like Ciel and Ryougi Shiki have harder/different launchers i.e. 2CC(Ciel), 2C>2B(Ryougi) and are more difficult to perform that others.

but does that ALSO mean that character's have different "ESTABLISHED" button input formats for their air combos?
correct me if i'm wrong.
because i'm at a lost here. :mystery:


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