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When's Melty on Steam?
ahaha that's no--wait, what?

Messages - shin neferio

Pages: [1]
i really wish i had gotten a chance to catch EVO 2011 just so i could have watched the melty tourney. i didnt really see any side tournies at evo2k12, but i was busy judging most of the time.

this is where I think you're wrong, I'm pretty sure most people here would have no problems playing alongside a major capcom game; I know a number of people who play both melty and sf or mvc (some of the new rutgers guys came in from sf I think) and more importantly segregating ourselves into our own little bubble is just generally bad for attracting interest/new players

i agree. the bigger our community gets the more likely we are to see state side release.

Melty Blood Auditorium / Re: PC Current Code Tournament Standard
« on: October 07, 2011, 10:43:35 PM »
why would you get crappy radioshack converters with inpins are like 5 dollars more but 10x better? :|

yea inpin are the way to go

Plug and play + default configuration for the speed/hype :fap:

I sleep/unhype so hard when people goes button config or want to choose what keys to use >.<

i agree some what. only when the players switching out have no idea what they are doing. like at EVO this past year. early rounds some players took forever but as the day grew on and it was more skilled players. switching sticks, pads, button config went super fast.

You could always try to sell CP online to offset the cost. Someone out there might want CP without the game.

 :psyduck: You did that on purpose didn't you?

ahahahahahh awesome.

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: Introductory Thread (Take off your shoes, please)
« on: September 30, 2011, 05:08:37 PM »
cool welcome to the scene

hey thanks man. im currently working on a 2p astro panel im pretty stoked about too

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: Introductory Thread (Take off your shoes, please)
« on: September 29, 2011, 07:55:04 PM »
new to meltybread, veteran fighting game fan. jumped in on melty blood when i bought my first JP ps2. super stoked about the upcoming pc releases and hoping to put some serious time into it. even out together a new portable gaming pc just to run it. i got to PAX in seattle every year. i also frequent evo and now judge evo (last year and next year hopefully). i main ciel, lol long before i knew some considered her OP/broken. im saving up to go to japan during Tokyo game show.  i run local weekly tournies/ get togethers; including MBAC, mvc3, sf4, fist of the north star,TvC etc.. at a local comic shop.

After thinking about it some more, I think it definitely definitely makes sense to buy the whole package. It's not like this is just about MBAACC and Carnival Phantasm.

I stole Tsukihime. I stole Fate/Stay Night. I stole the Tsukihime anime. I stole the Fate/Stay Night anime. I stole Kara no Kyoukai. I stole MBAC. I stole MBAA.

I think I can afford to at least pay $100 to support Type-moon (and Frenchbread/Ecole) for providing me with so much awesome shit.

So stop bitching and bite the bullet. You know they deserve it.

ouch bro. i paid plenty for my jap ps2 and copies of melty. another $100 does leave me with hesitation.

otherwise so much hype for this. i was disappointed i missed evo last year and the MB tourney. 

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