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When's Melty on Steam?
ahaha that's no--wait, what?

Messages - MaruchanNoodles

Pages: [1]
As true as this may be, her boobs are no where near as prominent and her outfits are far too concealing (She has that one midriff outfit) compared to, say... Vanessa. I'd think Eileen would have a better shot. Guy-wise, Kage Maru or Shun Di for double drunken ninja tag matches.


Returning characters: Ein, Leon
New Characters: Momiji & Rachel (Ninja Gaiden series)
New VF Character(s): Jacky, possibly more?
New and returning stages.

I'd throw my money at this if Aoi was announced. ButIknowitwillneverhappen  :'(

I'm guessing SKM isn't the popular choice then. I remember seeing a poster/announcement for it, though.

But sounds like fun. Once classes are over, I'll put in more effort to meet up with you guys at least once.

Strangely, I'm sub-consciously learning what to do and what not to do around you guys despite that most of it just goes right over my head.

So where do you guys meet up? I can't promise I can show up every time, but I wouldn't mind more Melty in my system.

Yea, Melty Blood comes with BluRay of Carnival Phantasm 3rd Season.

I have no idea what Tempered is talking about...

Deciding to watch the anime that the game would supposedly come with, see if that wavers my decision to buy it once more money comes in. I'm all for supporting games/companies, but that doesn't stop the prices from being brutal. Time will tell.

Huh. Well, that's very... encouraging to see. Debating if it's worth it now, lol.

And need an avatar.

Potentially dumb question: Where can I buy Current Code?

Miyako Arima / Re: [MBAACC] Miyako Thread
« on: May 29, 2013, 01:52:17 PM »
Hey, everyone, or to anyone who checks this. Trying to learn Miyako (mainly Full) and maybe I'm terrible at looking but is there a page/thread with combos anywhere? or is it mainly "figure it out on your own?"

It's M19 from Homingcancel/Dustloop. Just sayin' "Hey"

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