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When's Melty on Steam?
ahaha that's no--wait, what?

Topics - Tiggy

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Tournament Results / Seasons Beatings: Velocity MBAA side tourney results
« on: October 16, 2011, 11:03:14 PM »
1: Lord Knight ($38.50)
2: Leonil ($11.00)
3: Bonkler
4: Beno
5: Butters
5: Money Mike
7: RadicalEdward101
7: Dullyanna
9: Achtzehn
9: Tiggy
9: Hitstun

Shoutouts to me entering and not actually playing, waiting for CC

1: LordKnight ($56.00)
2: NerdJosh ($16.00)
3: fubarduck ($8.00)
4: Butters
5: Sp00ky
5: XAQShinor
7: Dandy J
7: ShardZ
9: Tiggy
9: MrQuotes
9: Bonkler
13: Chopa
13: SuperScience
13: Justin Groton
13: Dullyanna

All vids uploaded  :D

Link for original SRK thread:

My reason for posting this is because fugee approached me and is allowing me to have Melty run on Saturday this year if there's enough interest.  Saturday will be mostly dedicated to Super, but he said that he'll be able to fit it in either Friday or Saturday, depending on the Melty community.  He feels that with it being in EVO, at the very least the EC presence can/will be huge.  Obviously, Saturday is the ideal day, since people will just be getting in town Friday night. 

You can post either here or SRK to show your support, and I'll let fugee know.

I'm trying to go for two setups for the tourney (I know I know, not enough).  But anyone that's been to SB knows that time, space, and resources are of the utmost importance for the main game(s).  Once again, just post here or SRK and show your support!!


All pertinent info is contained in the link. The pre-pay system which is needed to reigster is not up as of current, but is supposed to be up on 9/4 (Friday).

I am late getting this up here, but did not anticipate having so much fun with MBAA.  Currently I'm trying to gather enough interest to warrant having an MBAA side tourney, or at least casuals.  I say casuals because the organizers are in the process of getting the venue's Karaoke rooms emptied out for casuals; initially, casuals were not guaranteed due to SFIV taking up so many resources.  If you have an SRK account post if you can and show your interest!  If not I can link to this thread and show fugee himself the level of interest.

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