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When's Melty on Steam?
ahaha that's no--wait, what?


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Red Arcueid / Red Arc's Combos, Strategies, Etc....
« on: March 25, 2007, 10:06:47 AM »
sup peoples?

i just started playin this game, and red is the first character that i've started to actually win some matches with... ;D

i thought it would be cool to start up a general thread on her and see how other people are using her..  from what i've learned so far she deals decent damage, her air 214a is key, her air combos do alot of damage and are great punishers.

this is the combo i do... not sure if its the right one or not, but this is what i've come up with from playing with some friends for about a day with no internet..

(^ = jump)

2b, 2c ^ j.a, j.b, j.c ^ dj.a, dj.b, dj.2c

another one is

2b, 2c ^ j.a, j.b, j.c ^ dj.214b/c (depending on meter)

she is a good rushdown character, her iad+214a can lead to some pretty sick crossups and combo setups.. her jumping b has alot of priority..

i just wish she had a better last arc super.. it seems that every time i activate blood heat and then activate the super, my opponent just starts rushing me down and just tries to get one hit in before the super finishes.. any advice on how to land it effectively?

i'll post more when i get more time playing it..

any other red arcueid players out there???

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