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When's Melty on Steam?
ahaha that's no--wait, what?

Topics - amn

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Nero Chaos (Nrvnqsr) / MBAA Framedata (63.0333%...)
« on: May 20, 2009, 06:11:58 AM »
MBAA Nero (crescent) framedata done (almost, need to get the actual book so I can read all the numbers)...
Excel sheet attached below.

Full moon done, notes comming later

Len / MBAA Framedata (Complete)
« on: May 13, 2009, 12:57:56 AM »
Excel documents are attached below. Arlieth put most of it (working on it) on the melty bread wiki. Diagrams and notes also up on wikidot.

I´ll be busy for some time after this though, so updates will be slow (if present at all). These are missing notes/comments but I am translating that last. But here are the excel documents for the previous mentioned ones. Feel free to PM me if you find anything funny with it. They should be correct though (spelling misstages might be present).

Please note that these are NOT the final versions since notes are missing and it may or may not need some proof-reading (since english isn´t my first language, there is a certain risk that some notes have a sub-par explaination).

If everything goes as planned, I should be done with everything before the end of May.

Edit: All the diagrams done (got bored >_>). Notes are next.

Edit2: Notes done, Saint elmo(?) and clashing bunker properties needs adjustments??

Edit3: Got notes in question checked by sebasdoes and TakaJun (thanks!). Ren frame data is done (spelling errors may still be present).

Regional Community / Europe Area?!
« on: October 28, 2007, 01:13:11 PM »
Ok, since I do know that Europe does indeed have some players, quiet a few actually, although not gathered at one place (as in a board or whatnot) me and a couple of other guys wanted to start something up  :toot: . Of course this will indeed take some time if it is even to work at all, but in all honesty I still think it is worth a try. Since I am not really a regular here, I have no idea how things look when it comes to the EU region here, although I don't see that many except people I kind of knew from other communities.

Anyway, anyone that thinks EU has a chance when it comes to having some kind of MB scene? I sure hope so. For anyone interested, I guess you could join #euroblood on pyoko (although it is quiet empty right now). Of course this is also a place to look for opponents for netplay.

Any constructive feedback is of course welcome too.

Europe irc changed to #meltyblood.eu @ irc.akiha.nl
European website launched. (please refer to the irc channel link since I am unsure about how popular it would be if I advertised another site here)

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