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When's Melty on Steam?
ahaha that's no--wait, what?

Messages - Screwtape

Pages: [1]
I looked on the web and it seems the exception code signifies some sort of access violation, i.e., the program is pointing to something that doesn't exist (sound?). Have you tried updating your drivers yet?

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: Kara No Kyoukai!
« on: May 19, 2008, 05:20:24 PM »
I thought about it, but in the end couldn't justify the cost even though I enjoyed the novels. I'm hoping a cheaper pack will come out once the entire series is released.

I think the information is for ver.A, so some of the stuff isn't going to be applicable anymore. Plus I believe most of the frame data is available on the wiki?

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: School Days Anime
« on: March 30, 2008, 03:28:43 PM »
The beginning was somewhat decent, but it got more ridiculous as the story progressed. By the end I was only watching it for epic lulz.

If anything, it's at least memorable.

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: Arcana Heart 2...
« on: March 15, 2008, 06:51:47 AM »
Nico removed it due to copyright.

So does anyone know a good, alternative USB adapter? I'm thinking of getting a HORI at some point, but it wouldn't be nearly as useful when I can't use it on my computer.

Has anyone here used other adapters such as this one? -

Hello, Vermillion Akiha user here. I've played the PC version on and off for almost half a year now but only bought the PS2 version recently and started playing serious.

I'm from Toronto and apparently there is an arcade 10 minutes from where I work so maybe I'll see some of you there in the future :)

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