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When's Melty on Steam?
ahaha that's no--wait, what?

Messages - neZ

Pages: [1] 2
Tournament Results / Re: NorCal INSTALL! v.2 Results
« on: August 30, 2010, 04:56:45 PM »
Cry more?

It sounds a lot like the people who say "Yeah, I bet you couldn't win if you gave the other guy a chance instead of using COMBOS" to me

Tournament Results / Re: NorCal INSTALL! v.2 Results
« on: August 30, 2010, 01:56:23 PM »
Better ban the A button too. I hear that's really good in this game.

Tournament Results / Re: NorCal INSTALL! v.2 Results
« on: August 30, 2010, 01:26:14 PM »


You just can't use NAC.

Oooh, me next. I wanna moneymatch Chibi, but he has to play pad.

Anyone taking money matches?

I'll bite. State your conditions.

First to _______ for $_______


_____ matches for $_______ each

Anyone taking money matches?

Riesbyfe Stridberg / Re: C-Riesbyfe Combos
« on: April 01, 2010, 01:41:39 AM »
Can anyone show me a video of this infinite?

Kohaku / Re: F-Kohaku
« on: March 29, 2010, 11:35:28 PM »
2. Erm, so no? I'm not sure if you've definitively answered my question.

3. Cool, that's what I figured. Thanks.

4. Oh man, I never check hold-button properties. Thanks.

Kohaku / Re: F-Kohaku
« on: March 29, 2010, 07:17:58 PM »
I only read the top of the the thread and ZAR's commandgrab post thing, so don't kill me if this is discussed elsewhere.

I'm picking up F-Koha for fun and profit. I have a few questions in case someone knows.

1. One of the more interesting things I'm noticing is that you can have a lot of your options covered at a given time. For example, it seems possible, with minimal risk, to toss a 236B as AA and supercancel on whiff to a 214C, Which will both cover you if you fell for an empty jump and, possibly, give you a little cancel that lets you combo more easily/less situationally from air CH (Or at least that looks like what TN is doing, I only glazed over the frame data in the wiki so I'm unsure if it actually saves you any recovery time, so maybe he's just covering his options) You can also throw a zoning 5[C] and, on whiff (That is, sometime before the projectile will necessarily arrive), cancel to a 236B in case they jump it. I've even gotten a pretty strong wall against a situation I was unsure of with 5[C]->236B->214C (Opponent ended up hitting the counter after getting past the other two). I'm wondering if there's a downside to this (Besides the meter cost, for 214C) or if it's less useful than I'm thinking it is. You know, that "Playing people who can't deal with it" syndrome.

2. Another thing I'm wondering is, how does superfreeze work with respect to projectiles in this game? Reason I ask is, in GG (Which I play more of), superfreeze allows projectiles to continue traveling while the game is frozen, which essentially means that you can set up situations where tossing a super to follow a projectile means that the opponent has to eat the projectile if they weren't blocking before the superfreeze happened, since the projectile travels while they can't move. Does that happen in some form in this game, such that I could, for example, sacrifice some meter to get a 5[C]+236C (or 2222C or whatever) trap going?

3. The frame data claims that the 214 counters start up in 0, 8, and 11 frames respectively. Is that the startup from activation (Someone hits your counter) to hit? Or is it the startup from input (You hit 214+Button) to activation (If they hit you, it'll counter)?

4. Is there a trick to getting multiple molotovs out in one jump? I see TN do a pressure game with like... Cactus + TK molotov, but he gets like 3 or 4 out and flies in different directions, and I assume it's the B molotov he's using, but I can't seem to get more than one in a single jump. Is it just a matter of getting a timing down and doing it right, or is there some special thing you have to do to accomplish that (Maybe a double-jump in between or something)

Naw. Portland went with suits.

Keep the stuff updated so I can update it on the first post.  The last tournament was all fine and dandy, BUT PEOPLE NEED TO BRING DEODORANT OR SOMETHING.  I could smell the sweat in the air, and that says a lot...since I lost my sense of smell.


I have to say though I find it rather hilarious that everyone feels me placing in a tourney is some significant blow to the manhood of northern california that must have excuses made for it... except the people who are actually in northern california.

Someone being a sore loser is one thing, but the Norcal guys were great, took it in stride and I'm sure are gonna come back next time ready to try and kick my ass.  Yet y'all are the ones who feel like they need excuses made for them like they can't do it themselves.  And seeing as how I placed second, not first, they sure as hell can do it themselves.

They're being the better man(men?) here, and the only thing that could even attempt to make em look bad is the way you guys are acting about some of(and not even all of) them losing.

Two thumbs up to norcal for not acting like kids like some of the people in this thread.

shut the fuck up and play a real god damn character you fucking moron



Debate note: It generally looks bad to act like Bill O'Reilly, at least when dealing with remotely intelligent people.


maybe cuse we aren't from norcal.. and we have seen some NAC(if anyone from the EC remembers from Kirah's).. so we know what to expect from NAC (sorta)... and reason being.. the character is a fucking joke.. and yes i say that with upmost serious...if you are doing it for fun.. have at it... but if you doing it to be competetive... you better off finding some other character. cuse after some exposure to the character people shouldn't be getting beasted.... eventually people will know long enough how to expose the silliness... but congrats on 2nd

I dunno man, low-tier players know the downsides (And there are a lot) but you can do well if you learn your matchups and just get real fuckin' solid. Maybe that's just me coming from GG, but shit like implying that it's not really viable for competitive play is a sad thing for your game, and tends to be proven wrong by crazy exceptions.

Want some fries with that salt?  ;D

Y'all's hella salty, huh?  ;D

Lawl at uh

Everyone, really.  ;D

Riesbyfe Stridberg / Re: Riesbyfe Strategy and Tactics Thread
« on: September 17, 2009, 10:59:03 PM »
I dunno, 6.3K or so max on a combo from a pretty decent mixup isn't bad.

Oh, speaking of which: You can get corner-like combos from a ways out from the corner by substituting 214B for 214A. For example, B-C-2C-214A, 7C, dj.C-6C, land, j.C, dj.C, AT works from a decent distance back.

Melty Blood Auditorium / Re: Reliable Last Arc vs. Halfmoon anyone.
« on: September 15, 2009, 01:20:12 PM »
My internet was down earlier today, so I did some SCIENCE:

Unless noted otherwise, the testing is C-whoever vs. H-VSion. 0% guard gage, max circuit, enemy set to guard all. I used A (guard break) A-41236C to test arc drives, and Jab (guardbreak) A, D (A, j.D where needed) to test all last arcs. Other notable special moves were tested with A (Guard break) C->move

Arc: Last arc seems to hit. Arc drive goes through the burst but doesn't hit.

Warc: Last arc animation happens, fails to hit. Gets hit out of arc drive. 623A will go through the autospark.

AKiha: Last arc comes out, can be blocked. Arc drive comes, goes through her, invincibles through the burst.

Maids: Kohaku last arc goes through, fails to hit. Hisui last arc seems to work? Can't really be sure. Both Arc drives go through spark, fail to hit.

Miyako: Last arc goes through but does not hit. Oddly, gets hit out of another arcdrive but not arcdrive. Neither hit.

Ciel: Arc drive gets blocked. Last arc gets blocked

Sion: Arc drive doesn't hit, Gets hit out of Another Arc, Last arc gets blocked.

Aoko: Arc drives get blocked, Last arc starts but doesn't hit.

Tohno: Last Arc misses, Arc Drives miss.

Nanaya: Last Arc Misses, Arc Drives miss.

Kouma: Last Arc hits. Is hit out of arc drives.

Ries: Last arc Miss, Arc drives miss. Notably, however, H-Ries's 63214B autoguards the spark.

VSion: Last Arc misses, Hit out of Arc drives;

Wara: Last Arc hits, Arc drives can be blocked. Notably, All 421 and j.421 moves go through the spark on cancel. j.421C has to be blocked. Wara's jabs at max range also evade the burst outright.

Roa: Hit out of arc drives, last arc misses.

VAkiha: Arc drive misses, Another Arc gets blocked, last arc misses.

Mech: Hit out of Arc drives, I find it funny that the stampede sound still plays. Last arc hits three times (First hit seems to miss, possibly the last hit too?)

Satsuki: Arc drives miss, Last arc hits.

Len: Gets hit out of both arc drives, but the normal one continues on and has to be blocked. Last arc cake comes down but doesn't hit.

Ryougi: Hit out of Arc drive, Last arc and Another Arc miss.

WLen: Same as Len.

Nrsodjgps- your mom: Arc drives hit, though I'm sure they can be dodged. Last Arc hits but I think a few hits miss in the beginning.

Hisui: Same as Maids ver.
Kohaku: Same as Maids ver.

Necoarc: Last Arc and Arc Drives miss.

All: You can heat activate through the burst.

Melty Blood Auditorium / Reliable Last Arc vs. Halfmoon anyone.
« on: September 15, 2009, 12:19:59 AM »
I've been messing with this a little bit, and it's admittedly a bit situational and character-dependent, but...

How much recovery do the half-moon auto-bursts have? Because if it's any at all, certain last-arcs can be reliably used against half-moon characters by being in blood-heat, hitting with a jab, and shielding the autoburst. The timing is consistently the same, so it'd really just be a matter of practice.

Now obviously this would only work for certain last arcs, because many of them don't have enough active frames to hit longer than the invincibility lasts, but some longer ones work (For example I've tested it with Wara's.)
Also, I've only really been trying this in training mode. Obviously this only will really work if there's a tiny bit of recovery to the autoburst. If not they can just block.

Riesbyfe Stridberg / Re: Riesbyfe Strategy and Tactics Thread
« on: September 07, 2009, 01:05:28 PM »
I'm picking cellobitch for the mad tiny airdash. Anyone else thing HCB moves have potential?

Tournaments and Events / Re: Random Select Fall Showdown
« on: October 01, 2008, 03:30:54 PM »
This will still happen if at all possible. I alone, however, have only one setup, and it's a laptop. It'll work fine, shouldn't lag or anything, but if anyone wants there to be more than one station, it'd probably be wise to bring one.

Wallachia (Warakia) / Re: Warakia Actress Again changes
« on: August 04, 2008, 10:44:43 PM »
Could be that the fog changes the properties of certain moves, makes him do more damage, makes something or other unblockable, etc.

Tournaments and Events / Random Select Fall Showdown
« on: July 31, 2008, 01:20:29 AM »
Alright, so because the NWM tournament flopped due to virtually 0 interest, I'm announcing this well in advance:

PSU is having another tournament like the one they ran last Winter. They're running a multi-game event in a large ballroom, and the guys running it are cool with side tourneys, so once again, I'll be running a Melty Blood side tournament. I can provide one, maybe two setups, but it would be good if someone else could bring some. Please post here if you're planning to come.

Directions and details on the event as a whole can be found at the following sites:
SRK Thread:
Dustloop Thread:
Tournament website:

Lulz, alright, due to complete apparent lack of interest (Like, 4 people entered, two of which left before it started), this tournament... didn't happen!

Sorry about that, folks, we'll try to get more turnout next time.

Okay, so I know this is short notice, for which I apologize (Been a bit busy to plan stuff...), BUT:

I'm once again doing a MBAC side tournament, this time at the Pacific Northwest Majors at UWA in Seattle.

The tournament will be on Saturday, June 28th, at approximately 7 PM (After Guilty Gear, since we're assuming that's going to have the most crossover with Melty Blood. It will be during the 3S and Marvel tournaments)

Entry fee will probably be $5, we may bump it to $10 if there's enough interest. Singles, double elim. Prize split to be determined by number of entrants.

Pertinent information about the tournament as a whole can be found here:
And here:

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