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When's Melty on Steam?
ahaha that's no--wait, what?

Messages - weezzay

Pages: [1]
Melty Blood Auditorium / Re: we need this game on xbox 360/ps3
« on: March 23, 2012, 02:15:27 AM »
They're probably just tossing around words at this point. They probably don't fucking care about Melty anymore, or dealing with Type-Moon (I wouldn't want to deal with them either.) I mean mauve has stated that the JP BBS for the game is filled with complaints and shit, but do you see Ecole or whoever is producing this doing anything? Why do you guys put your faith in small shitty JP companies?

i will admit my faith was really low many years ago when
a long time ago when certain JP companies started only keeping some very good RPG's and fighting games in japan only because they believe America and other countries outside of japan wouldnt be interested in the game or in some case(s) maybe offended with certain material in it....games like Xenogears nearly didnt make it to the U.S. (because of some religious issues that may offend and confuse americans or other countries i think and some other stuff) and tatsunoko vs capcom (because of license issues and also the U.S. wasnt familiar with tatsunoko characters) but they made it out (but taken a long time lol )due to mad support from the community showing total interest and the company finally taking action responding to it!!!
my faith started rising again
which is why i have some hope for melty blood in the U.S.

Melty Blood Auditorium / Re: we need this game on xbox 360/ps3
« on: March 23, 2012, 01:51:07 AM »
They said they can release MB for console if people outside Japan show lots of interest in UNIB. There was already a petition (portfolio) delivered by Komidol in their hands, letters by other people they readed on stream, etc.

Maybe they're right, the fighting game scene outside Japan is mostly too casual and deppends too much on merchandise. Players arent players.. they're more like consumers.. that's sad.

whats UNIB???
and how long ago was this petition on UNIB???

Melty Blood Auditorium / Re: we need this game on xbox 360/ps3
« on: March 21, 2012, 05:55:23 PM »
thx for the replies thus far!!!
lets keep it going!!!!

Server based netplay + FB netcode; i don't even want to imagine it :slowpoke:

i dont understand.....would it be that bad???
i wonder if they used GGPO would that be more better???

Melty Blood Auditorium / we need this game on xbox 360/ps3
« on: March 21, 2012, 01:04:21 PM »
Im new to this board and hope i put my topic in the right place!!!!
if what im talking about has already been posted.....please let me know
with that said lol
I finally played this game and was amazed at how fun this game really is
i mean WOW the combos are extensive and complex 
the characters diverse from eachother in three different moon styles
good BGM's and alot of stages.......excellent!!!!
i wonder why type/moon....ecole hasnt brought this game to North America???
it has been in tournaments in america....they obviously know we love it!!!!
so i wonder why the hold up???
if yall know something i dont...let me know please!!!
i also believe we should start a petition to the type moon/ecole company
on their site (or some website they read)....and hopefully we get heard somehow....because as i said before this game is
good and has major potential (i believe) and it will also fair well on xbla/psn just like it has done on the ps2 and pc...... 

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