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When's Melty on Steam?
ahaha that's no--wait, what?

Messages - pbj_mixxa

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Tournaments and Events / Re: THE NIGHT BEFORE NEC
« on: November 29, 2012, 06:25:08 PM »
Anyone know what time that venue closes / when everyone's packing up?

Tournaments and Events / Re: THE NIGHT BEFORE NEC
« on: November 27, 2012, 05:15:29 PM »
OK, let's try this. I posted on Twitter a few days ago about doing a $20 high stakes tournament, we'd need just 1 laptop (provided by Motoh or St1ckbug) and at least 8 people. I want to cap it at 16. Standard 2/3 Double elimination format, 3/5 W/L/Grand Finals. If we somehow hit 16 it'll be run on 2 laptops. Only rule is if we are running an older version of the game, no going back to your planet with C/H Hime.

Location: Copabanana, at 40th and Spruce Street, right by UP (if you've been there before).
Time: Try to be there by 8 pm.

If you can post and let me know whether you're entering or not, let me know! We have 6 people right now, just need 2 more for the event.

Lord Knight

If you guys are willing to wait 2-3 hours, I'm down.

Count me in negroes. Now someone come get me from the airport. D:

Yo, let's do shot matches on friday!

I'd MUCH rather not drive!

Samson and KCsNotorious practice quite a lot.  However, being the 2 best kof13 players, their plates are kinda full.

Riiiiiiiiiiiiight... this coming from a scene whose only contribution to melty blood is a kohaku that can't combo

Anyone down for this?

KC v TX!

If AK got enough players, we could throw them in the mix.

Regional Community / Re: Iowa players
« on: February 23, 2012, 12:03:21 PM »
Don't take it so hard.  There's interest among some of the smash players (and some Ames randoms) and blank's one of the best players in mw.

Regional Community / Re: Iowa players
« on: February 22, 2012, 09:34:11 AM »
LOL, IA thread.  This will not go well...

Sorry son, I still play but no longer IA (at least by the end of the week).  Hit up Blank Mauser on smashboards or SRK.

Honestly, F-sacchin's a work-in-progress so this tourney was intended as a test of my F-sacchin.  I feel I'm getting more comfortable with her and definitely want to see what kind of potential she holds.  Hopefully, this won't end in me switching to C since I really enjoy F.

Anyway, ggs CP.  Not going to repeat what I said on srk.  Was hoping we could've stayed longer so I could fill you in on some H-sion info (seeing as I'm pretty fluent in the char... I did start off with her after all), but I guess that's for next time.  If you're looking for a good alt, H-sion's a good pick.

Oh and, I played C/H-akiha and F-sacchin.  I fucking hate F-akiha and would never consider playing her.

Seems like my mirror match is as close as I thought. Pool 2 stand up.

Ohohoho, looks like my wish came true!

Some pleasant news.

Due to some unforeseen circumstances, I might not be able to show up after all.  I'll do what I can, but don't get your hopes up.

PBJ, Yosh, Chibi : $1 MM in Party Breakers?  ;D

Oh wow, a WHOLE dollar!  So hype!

C'mon yo.  You wanna play me in man's game, you gotta drop man's money!  You should know this by now...  >:(


What this is I don't even...

So here's the people I got interested in my room so far:

H-F Blade

I'm only allowing two more people in so anyone else who wants a spot better speak up.

Save me a spot, yo!

... and, what days?

Akiha Tohno / Re: MBAA Akiha
« on: August 21, 2009, 08:25:21 AM »
Been messing around with c/h-akiha.  Here's some basic bnbs to get people started.

In order to save me time, I'm just going to use the notation "(combo starter)" to refer to "2a-5c-6c-4c" as that's how just about every single one of her combos starts.
note: At the moment, I don't have numbers coz I'm too lazy.  If someone's got numbers, feel free to let me know

(combo starter)-2c-5bb-(jc)j.b-j.c-(jc)j.c-j.2c
Basic beginner combo.  Easy and decent dmg.
note: I haven't actually tried this one so, for all I know, it may not even work!

(combo starter)-6aaa-(delay)2a-2c-5{b}-4c-(jc)j.b-j.c-(jc)j.c-j.2c
Intermediate combo.  Not hard and good dmg.

(combo starter)-6aaa-(delay)2a-5c-2c-6aaa-(delay)2c-5{b}-4c-(jc)j.a-j.b-j.c-(jc)j.c-j.2c
Advanced midscreen bnb.  Difficulty is kinda high so it will take some time.  Damage is FUCKING INSANE!  I add the j.a in the air combo because, in my experience, j.b whiffs on some chars.
note: in the second 6aaa, the first hit whiffs.

(combo starter)-6aaa-(delay)2a-5c-2c-5{b}-4c-(jc)j.b-j.c-j.2c-j.236a
Intermediate corner combo.  j.236a is mostly for oki on chars who get up faster.  For the ones who get up slower, just do the normal air combo as the j.236a will whiff.

Not too sure if there's anything to add regarding c-akiha seeing as just about all her bnbs work the same as mbac akiha (that is, of course, with ending corner combos with command grab).

Out of curiosity, would you guys prefer I start a h-akiha thread?  I think it's better if we have a separate thread for each style.

*sigh* get anti-hype.  Can't make it...  :'(



Rules TBA.  Get your sidebets in.

I say make it 1v1 coz I ain't sharing my winnings with NO-ONE!

So... does this mean wc is actually planning to make this?

[EDIT]  You sure we can't all just front some money on fubar and request the machine be on freeplay?  It's just too damn inconvenient to run a tourney dropping quarters.

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger
« on: December 18, 2008, 03:34:02 PM »
This game's trash.  End discussion!

Tournament Results / Re: NEC9 2008 MBAC results 12-06-08
« on: December 08, 2008, 11:19:34 PM »
Let's quit bashing on each other and go back to talking about how GODLIKE pbj is.

Kohaku's Video Room / Re: Actress Again Official Match Vids
« on: November 29, 2008, 10:06:59 PM »
New vids at a-cho:


Possibly BBG-esque $1 single elim tourney after Saturday teams, anyone up for it?

party's breaker or MBAC?

You'd do well to at least practice rocket speed.  There's a chance I might get bored enough to jump in on a game.

Akiha Tohno / Re: MBAA Akiha
« on: November 12, 2008, 01:39:15 PM »
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJAkHV0yXRE  -> 3:02

Newer and sicker H-Akiha bnb.  As if H-Akiha wasn't retarded enough!

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