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When's Melty on Steam?
ahaha that's no--wait, what?

Messages - Tempered

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I think for the next couple weeks meeting up sometime Friday might work best.

Yeah the scrub Dizzy's are learning that waifu love is hard work. Its quite enjoyable.

So what are the differences between Dizzys Fire and Ice specials?

ive been retweeting random shit you might want to check out for dizzy. looks shes gonna be pretty dumb.

30 welp I think dizzy can get carlos over his distaste for Xrd

Ill host after the ranbats yeah. Guess ill put that around 9 which is when it usually ends.

If dippy doesn't have any plans ill host.

NICE screenshot carlos. Also ill be hosting after the ranbat. Typical fare.

ill be hosting tomorrow. normal time for normal people.

Sorry about last weekend. Lost track of time. Ill be hosting again this satuday after the ranbats if ya'll want to come over.

well ill host if people want to come by. Just text me before you head over.

Funny. I was thinking of taking a break this weekend as well. Work has been hell and just want to chill out.

Hosting tomorrow night like usual.

well my job decided to not make sense and decline my time off request for tomorrow so no ranbat for me again. Ill host afterwards though if people want to come over. Want to slap people with my Johnny or play some Melty Blood.

Well since there's been no update i'm just gonna take a break for this weekend.

For me its going to be up to Dippy really. Its probably easier overall for me to host since there wont be issues with giving me a ride to and from. Otherwise its whatever people decide. I'm fine with a break as well.


Hosting Saturday again if people interested.

Gonna be hosting tomorrow. Same time.

My preferences for games right now would be Melty and DFCI though I guess I could hopekick around a bit in VF as well.

I'll think I'll just make this easy and cancel for this weekend. Dippy said he was feeling sick. Let's plan for next week starting now GO!  :prinny:

Sorry for posting this so late. Lost track of what day it was.  :bricks:

Ill be hosting Tonight (Sat). Standard affair. From 6pm if Carlos wants to give me a ride, 8pm if not.

So what are we doing this weekend boys? I think we should watch Equilibrium again. Or we could just play games.

Hosting but an hour earlier thanks to day light savings. Ill get out of work at 5:45 if Carlos plans to give me a ride.

Well I want to watch FR this weekend so id prefer not and issue is getting rides to and from so well have to see what other say.

Well ill be hosting tomorrow like normal. Bring your popcorn for the movie cause I wont supply it unless I do!

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