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When's Melty on Steam?
ahaha that's no--wait, what?

Messages - Tempered

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Random japanese clothing? Are we going to see you show up in ?

So going to host this weekend. Don't think anything is going on. Standard affair.

53 every time this guy updates with a video I get kind of hype. I really enjoy what hes planning so far and hope he can make the game he wants.

Calm down you fiend.

Well with Matsuri being this weekend I wont be hosting. But me and dippy are going to be going to Kizumonogatari if anyone wants to join us.

I would be up for the deadpool movie. I am also craving some curry. also iirc theres a 10 venue fee for undefeated.

Id be up for playing Sm4sh cause I definitely would like to mess around with Cloud and Bayonetta.

Guess this would be a good weekend for a break then.

You have to learn to appreciate the finer things in life, Tempered.  I guess we can play games if you guys want.  I can pick up Tempered on my way over if that's what you'd rather do.

That would be preffered.

Well if Carlos picks me up we can start at around 7. If not starting at 9 like usual will probably be the plan.

Have fun!

So what do we want to do this weekend?

Its just a fun rhythm game. And a fun anime. What could go wrong? If not idols its not like theres a bunch of other stuff we could recommend  :laffo: I mean we all had a great time watching High School of the Dead right? Right!?

Well if people want to plan we have this very forum for that! Maybe this time we can go to chillis when john madden FOOTBALL isn't being broadcast. Actually have the movie/anime night we've been talking about. Plan which games we want to play. Or just watch jontron all night again. W/e works.

Well ill host Sat like usual after 9.

Lets watch Frozen this weekend.

I can host tomorrow if people want to come over. At 9 like usual. Or if people want to come over earlier they can talk to dippy. Or pick me up from work at 6:45.

I know its late but no meetup this weekend. Really tired for some reason.

yeah ill be hosting again on Saturday. After 9 like usual or if someone wants to pick me up from work at 6:45 we can start earlier. NPB+ came out and wouldn't mind trying that.

Guess ill post this early so I don't forget. Ill host this Saturday. Get home at 9 so it'll start then.

I wont be hosting this weekend.

can do anytime after 8 really.

So what is this weekend looking like?

Well since Carlos mentioned a late night meetup I guess showing up around 10 would be the plan

Late sat works for me since I get out of work later now due to time change.

Going to be doing some overtime this weekend and wont be able to host.

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