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When's Melty on Steam?
ahaha that's no--wait, what?

Topics - LoliSauce

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Kohaku's Magical Garage / Meter gain quirks
« on: December 09, 2009, 04:34:27 AM »
Yo, so phauxe reminded me in chat today about something I've always wondered about.  It seems like when you're at different amounts of meter, you gain different amounts of meter from the same attack or something.  Test it out.  Set your shit to 0%, do 5c or whatever.  Then get it up to say...100% and try again.  It gives different amounts right? 

Karp told us that there's a meter gain proration after you use EXs and ADs, which might apply to anything that uses meter.  But still, that shouldn't apply when you're just testing a meterless combo from 0% and 100% (or whatever higher value) and getting different values of meter gain from it.

Anyone know any particular reason why?

Ciel's Tech Support / Recording video from ps2
« on: December 02, 2009, 10:44:22 PM »
Yo, what do I need to get so I can start recording good video?

I wanna get on that shit, but I'm completely oblivious as to what hardware (and software?) that I'll need to get to start recording live feed.

Other Games / BigBangBeat 2nd
« on: November 24, 2009, 10:54:49 PM »
So, Frontier Aja has announced that they're starting work on BBB2.  It looks like it's keeping the same mechanics, despite the new engine being built completely from scratch.  Here's to hoping for some serious improvements over the first installment (and since it's not being made by NRF, that's actually a possibility).

Before you get all uppity and label this prematurely as shit, lemme throw down some backstory that some of you might not know.

Frontier Aja was formerly a part of NRF, the creator of the original BBB (they also made MKV, but that was after the split).  After NRF gave up on BBB, the portion of the team that is now Frontier Aja wanted to continue work on it (building a netplay and further balancing, among other things), but the NRF head denied it (he sounds like an asshole).  This led them to split off into Frontier Aja. 

Well, now that they had their own group and agenda, they could continue work on BBB right?  Well...unfortunately NRF had control of the license to the BBB engine and wasn't going to give that shit over for a winning ticket to the megabucks lottery (or whatever the Japanese equivalent of that might be).  So Frontier Aja said, "Fuck it, we'll build our own engine and just make the sequel!  That'll show those NRF pricks!"  Shortly after, they realized just how annoying making a fighter engine from scratch was.  This brought them to the realization that maybe they should take it slow.  Maybe build an easier engine like a side-scrolling platformer or some shit, you know?  Get some experience under their belt before they tackle the big boss at the end of that gay warping forest half way through the game.

That reference is unimportant.  What IS important is this spawned Koumajou Densetsu, aka Scarlet Symphony.  Why is this so significant?  Well, apart from it being a totally awesome Touhou themed Castlevania clone with minor danmaku elements, it showed that they actually paid attention to their international audience.  Frontier Aja's english spokesman was actively posting on the Doujinstyle forums asking for input and making announcements on new patches.  They even went so far to patch in an English (and French for that matter) translation for the game.  That, to me, is fucking amazing.

With that done, it appears they are finally confident enough to start work on BBB2.  I look forward to seeing what they manage to do with the game.

Akiha's Tea Room / Borderlands
« on: October 27, 2009, 01:05:48 PM »
I got the chance to play it (on pc).  It's a pretty awesome game.  Sniper crits are gdlk damage.

Regional Community / Melty Vegas and Evo Thread
« on: October 01, 2009, 01:07:34 AM »
Okay, I locked the old vegas threads and made this new one.  I'm posting this up not because I expect vegas locals to suddenly pop up in here wanting melty play, but because I'm now getting active to organize melty shit and start building a local scene.  I'll be cross posting most stuff from here to SRK's vegas thread.  Feel free to use this for Evo discussion/organization as well.

> Evo Notice <

I offer super cheap housing to non-locals during Evo.  

If you are interested, email/pm/text me and we'll talk about arrangements.  My cell is 702-501-9742.

> Places of Interest <

Game Over

Unfortunately, Game Over has now closed their physical location.  A new local hotspot for the fighting game lovers may arise, but as of now it's sort of up in the air.

The Loli House
2709 Rialto Rd
Las Vegas, NV 89108

This is my pad, so no surprise visits.  I will usually hold casuals here on weekends.  Also, if you ever want to get in some focused practice sessions, hit me up and I'll let you know if you can swing by.  I'm currently free on weekends (anytime) and week nights (11pm-2am).  Don't expect me to do much on weeknights regularly though.

> Events <

Once we start getting an established scene, I'll start hosting events.  Until then, this is a placeholder.

Neko Arc Chaos / DEER JOUSTING
« on: August 31, 2009, 12:00:58 PM »
It beats Last Arcs.

Also it's a great minigame for parties!

(This message was made possible thanks to C Neco Chaos and 421c)

Melty Blood Auditorium / No plans for a pc port?
« on: August 22, 2009, 03:51:44 AM »
Sterling01 says:
August 20, 2009 at 8:51 pm

“It has to get ported to PC, right”
Narita said the PS2 version is going to be last port and they literally don’t feel like porting it to the PC

      LoliSauce says:
      August 21, 2009 at 3:24 am

      Can I get a source on that?

            Sterling01 says:
            August 21, 2009 at 2:06 pm

Can I get confirmation on this?

Kohaku & Mech-Hisui / Silly KohaMech team
« on: August 18, 2009, 12:53:38 AM »
What are you doing in my melty blood?

Mech-Hisui & Neco Arc / Silly MechaNeco team
« on: August 18, 2009, 12:53:35 AM »
What are you doing in my melty blood?

Archetype: Earth / The Red Moon style secret boss
« on: August 18, 2009, 12:07:50 AM »
Seems like it's the first time they've actually made a potentially bullshit level boss character as playable.  Not sure how I feel about that, even though I'm hype to see her in action.

Seriously though, I never expected another character to be added.  lol

Tournaments and Events / Tourney Reference Guide (help needed)
« on: August 08, 2009, 02:10:53 PM »
Hey, I wanted to get some sort comprehensive reference for inexperienced people trying to host tourneys and such.  That recent newb tourney thread made me realize that this sort of a reference guide could help a lot of people.  Think you more experienced guys out there could help chime in with some input?

The base things I would like to cover:
-Equipment - What stuff to bring, how many setups to have based on attendance, good recording materials, tourney making software for brackets and such
-Location - What's acceptable or not acceptable for the loc, important things to have accessible (nearby food or places to sleep for visitors)
-Rules - What are some common tourney formats and rules for each
-Rewards - What are the best ways to set up monetary rewards, what are common ways to divvy out ranbat points
-Etc - Any other things to think about for future tourney hosts

I'll be updating this first post with the info that you guys put in and eventually making this a sticky once it's satisfactory. 

Akiha's Tea Room / .Hack//G.U.
« on: July 11, 2009, 06:23:22 PM »
Just finished the second game.  Someone comfort me and tell me that you get Alkaid back, even if it's just lies.  That fagle Endrance is a shitty replacement (even if he's actually really good).  I would have liked to get Kaede (and maybe Zelkova too) on my team too, but oh well.  Also, I hope I get the Azure trio on my side at some point.  Playing with them would be the shiiiiiit. (even though it's prolly never gonna happen, lol)

This second game had a lot of improvements over the first though, I must say.  I was really impressed.  I hope the trend continues and part 3 is absolutely great.

Anyway, I have a question, and the gamefaqs boards are dead and full of trolls.  So, is there a way to get the fan user (I heard it was Yata?) in the second game so that I can get the special weapon for him?  I'm still finishing a couple post game things up, so I'd like to know before I start the third and somehow find out that I can't get the damn fan weapon because I didn't get it in part 2.

Akiha's Tea Room / Battle Fantasia
« on: June 24, 2009, 10:38:34 AM »
Okay, so I played this for the first time the weekend before Devastation.  I was playing with some other people who had limited experience at best, so we were all just feeling the game out and scrubbing it up a little.

I have to say though, it was pretty fun.  Other than issues with playing on analog stick (yay 360 pad having dumb dpad placement) the game was pretty solid it seemed.  I like the Heat mode and how it can majorly enhance the characters.  We totally didn't even notice it had a parry until after we were done playing though, lol.  

Now that I'm looking into it more and seeing some good japanese play, it makes me want to play more.  Ashley (more like Ashgay, mirite?) and Odile were my two favorites right from the get go, and after seeing them at high level play I'm even more hype about Ashley.  He plays pretty much exactly as I expected him to, relying on his good ass oki game and throw mixups outside of heat.  He looks pretty ridiculous in heat though, as he has one of the fastest overheads I've ever seen in a fighter (as well as a totally badass combo loop you can do).  Odile I didn't see as much utilizing her teleport dash as I had hoped, but she's still pretty cool with a nice damage corner combo and some crossup shenanigans.

So, anyone actually play this shit?

Miyako Arima / Okay, so I'm trying to pick up Miyako
« on: May 26, 2009, 10:42:08 AM »
Lolicon picking up a loli?  Who'd have thunk it.  Basically I've wanted to pick her up for a long time, but always would get frustrated at her tiny range and rage quit.  With MBAA showing that Miyako now has even more ridiculous tools of destruction at her desposal, it has given me new resolve to try learning her once again.

Anyway, I've been grindan out all her mid-high level bnbs and getting used to her wacky air movement and short range, but I have things I want to talk to about with people who actually play her (and play her well).  So, first things first - who are the best US Miyako players?  Also, do we have any frame data up for her anywhere, or do I just have to dive into the frame display?

Shiki Ryougi / Hax First
« on: April 28, 2009, 01:00:47 AM »

Akiha's Tea Room / BMW Perfect Edition
« on: April 15, 2009, 09:45:21 PM »
It comes out this month, for those of you who don't pay attention to the Seiha blog, Werk is finally releasing the much anticipated (final?) update to BMW.  Not only is it HOPEFULLY fixing the bugs and adding in all the dummied content, it's also apparently adding in completely new content such as Saber Lily and Magical Amber.  I don't know if it will be adding any new stages, but either way I'll be satisfied with something that at least isn't laden with game crashing bugs.

Melty Blood Auditorium / Ryougi Shiki
« on: April 15, 2009, 10:14:44 AM »

Since nobody else has posted this here yet.  Get hype, the last of the fucking mystic eyes using clones have been added.

Now all we need is Ms. Tohko Aozaki.

For reference, here's the old character select screen.

There are two new spots - Neco and Ryougi.

Akiha's Tea Room / Valkyrie Profile DS
« on: April 01, 2009, 02:04:56 AM »
So is it actually any good, or has Squeenix finally destroyed the only amazing series they have left?

Shining Force Feather has definitely piqued my interest.  Flight Plan has been pretty busy lately, and the more I see of them, the more I'm starting to really like them.

Anyway, they made it a hybrid of srpg and action rpg.  The way battles are run slightly remind me of Valkyrie Profile, though I wouldn't call it a clone by any stretch.  Also, it's for DS, so importing is cake if somehow it never reaches US shores.  I've no idea if it's planned to be released over here or not.  Oh, and for any of my fellow Shana fans, Ito Noizi is doing the character designs.  The game's looking pretty sex so far.

Youtube video
Japanese website

Akiha's Tea Room / Machismo
« on: December 19, 2008, 05:54:49 PM »

Godhand is ultimate manliness in game form.  I can't stop playing it.  It's like the HnK of video games (in fact, it has a HnK parody roulette move called 100 Fists).  I can't understand how this game got shady reviews or how Clover managed to go out of business while releasing Okami and then this.

Just play it.

Akiha's Tea Room / Remember that M:tG set I was doing?
« on: December 05, 2008, 11:54:38 AM »
Well, it hasn't been forgotten yet.  I've still been working on it, continuously adding new cards, researching more into R&D articles and real cards, then altering a bunch of ones I've made, etc.

I'm still not satisfied with where I'm at, but I've made a little under 300 cards so far.  I really need to work more to bring them together under my new keywords and such though.  I feel that the cards have greatly improved during the 3 major set revisions I've gone through, but I still have a long ways to go until I feel they're on par with a real Magic set.  They just...don't quite have that harmony yet.  =\

Anyway, I decided to make a new thread on this rather than revive the old one because I'm curious if there are any of you who would still be interested in helping out with ideas or text editing/proofreading.  I tend to be naturally stubborn, but I do my best to take criticism to heart and make changes where needed.   If nobody's really interested though, then I won't really bother posting up about it.

Akiha's Tea Room / Gleam of Force
« on: October 04, 2008, 09:13:21 PM »
Alright bitches.  How is there not a thread for this already?  I've waited for one to pop up, and am sorely disappointed in the lot of you.  D=

Anyway, let's get to it.  Who here plays?  What characters are your favorites?  Post up some pics, videos, replays, etc.

I'm all about Minami and Yukie, so I'm more of a defensive player.  I've got a couple replays of just combos I've been playing around with, but all my match replays are on another computer. 

Akiha's Tea Room / Nerding it up a notch, with Magic the Gathering
« on: April 30, 2008, 02:48:43 AM »
So yeah.  As mentioned in the Impossible art requests thread, I'm making a MtG theme set based on Tsukihime, Kara no Kyoukai, Melty Blood, etc.  Just no F/SN really.  I plan on making a separate set for Fate/Stay Night, Fate/Hollow Ataraxia, and Fate Zero.

So, the set really is supposed to revolve around 4 different factions, of a sort.  White are generally the humans.  Black are mostly the Vampires.  Red are the Demons and Demon Hybrids (also sorcery).  Blue are the Mages.  I don't really have anything that fits the bill with Green though, since they're generally creatures that are close to nature, so green has been excluded from the set.  There are also a lot of hybrids going on (to encourage multi-colored decks) and also a moderate amount of flip cards (to reflect the duality of many characters).  There is a lot of focus on named counters, and also a few abilities I've introduced.

-Blood curse: If this creature kills a creature through combat damage, flip a coin.  If heads, flip a second time.  If only one heads, put in a 1/1 black Ghoul creature token.  If two heads, put in a 2/2 black Living Dead creature token.
(this is basically my take on vampirism.  Tsuki vampires have the chance of making undead servants whenever they kill a human.  This reflects that nicely)

-Chibi: This creature’s power and toughness are divided in half, rounded up, and gains Shroud.
(I use this for the necos, and just have it there as potential for various chibi versions of characters)

-Demonic Body: All damage taken instead deals half damage, rounded up.
(ability initially inspired by SHIKI's natural resistance to damage, and decided to make it a more common ability for Demons)

-Hysteria: Activates the Tatari ability while in play.
(kind of a shitty name, might change it.  works with...)

-Tatari X: If any permanent with Hysteria is in play, this creature becomes a black Vampire creature with "upkeep: X mana" and gains +X/+X.  It loses all former creature types and abilities.
(basically my take on how the tatari version of a character would be.  Stronger, but without the mind to use their abilities.  I know the characters don't actually turn into the tatari versions, but I'm making a little stretch for what seems like a fun gameplay mechanic)

I'll post cards gradually as I go, or as they become relevant.  If you'd like the card editor to play around with them yourself, Magic Set Editor is what I use.  Please, play around with ideas and make your own cards, or just criticize and modify the ones I post.  I plan on making a real, playable set of cards here, so the more opinions I get in on this the better.


Akiha's Tea Room / Impossible art requests
« on: April 29, 2008, 11:49:34 PM »
Yo, lately I've been trying to put together a Tsukihime/Kara no Kyoukai themed Magic the Gathering set, but I've got 7 cards that I just can't seem to find a fitting picture for the life of me.  So I'm gonna post up and pray to the art gods that at least some of these impossible requests can be filled.  If you guys wanna chime in as well and request art of anything in specific, I'll see if I can't help out with what Type-Moon related art I've collected.

Anyway, on to the requests.
-Einnashe.  7th Dead Apostle.  I would prefer him as the Forest of Einnashe, but the actual dead apostle before he died and was absorbed into the forest is totally cool as well.
-Rizo-Waal Strout (aka Black Knight Strout).  6th Dead Apostle and bodyguard of Altrouge Brunstud.  Wields the Demonic sword Neardark.  Altrouge doesn't need to be in the picture, but him wielding the Neardark would definitely be a plus.
-Fina-Blood Svelten (aka White Knight Svelten).  8th Dead Apostle and also a bodyguard of Altrouge Brunstud.  Captain of a ghost ship and recognized as a Lord among vampires, so he should probably look like a ye olde english chode.  Looking like a pirate captain is also totally awesome.
-The Clock Tower.  Main headquarters of the Magic Association, located in London.  For me to be able to find some artwork for Atlas, the smaller alchemist academy branch of the Magic Association, but not this is a little baffling.  But really, I suppose any anime/manga styled clock tower could work.
-Alyesbury Valesti.  Town on the countryside of England with a large factory of some sort in it.  It's the location of a special ritual that some of the Dead Apostles are preparing.  Since this is from Tsuki 2, I don't expect to actually find anything relating to it; but as with the Clock Tower, I certainly am not opposed to any anime/manga style town that fits the bill.
-Magic Circuit.  Just any body laden with visible circuits (I seem to remember a picture of Illya's body covered in magic circuits) or some sort of artistic representation of a magic circuit itself.  It's a pretty vague thing, so I've had a lot of trouble finding something that fits.
-Inversion Impulse.  The concept of getting a sudden urge to become your alter-ego, or alternate personality.  Sort of like how Shiki gets the urge to become Nanaya at times.  This one I could potentially make, but I'd like to see if there are any good pictures out there of it already first.

Super big thanks to anyone who manages to fill the requests.  You'll be filling in those last few annoying gaps.

Akiha's Tea Room / Request for new smilies
« on: March 19, 2008, 03:43:56 PM »
We need a Koolaide Man smiley.


Also what ever happened to the waka shooting himself?

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