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When's Melty on Steam?
ahaha that's no--wait, what?

Messages - Tsnowflake

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4

 :toot: :toot: :toot:



Brenton - Popularizing the egg cream one gathering at a time.

Dumba - gdlk @ diner, gdlk street fighter commentary, gdlk screams

Chibi - 1. Phoenix Wright GET HYPE! 2. Thanks for literally almost killing me at the diner with your jokes lmao. 3. There aren't enough save states in the world for you to beat Battletoads lol. Also what was that youtube channel again?

Fox - Bill Cosby lmao, gonna work on that wake-up bunker!

BROku - Stop throwing fireballs against dudley lolololol. Glad you actually managed to make it, always a good time with you around. :)

Jimmy - GGs all our sets were fun. Also props for playing those hardcore shmups with 1 credit, man-style.

Peanut - Ultimate diner scavenger, oh and REDUCE.

Zaelar - HAGAR JUMP!, HAGAR PIPE! also fuck c-ciels 236C lol.
Chibi did it in the living room with the computer.  At least that's my guess.
The game of "who trolled Roku" lol

Greg - This is how our H-Ryougi/H-Len matches go from my point of view. step 1: block something --> step 2: get pushed to corner --> step 3: await sweet release of death in fetal position --> step 4: then subsequently die. lol
GGs, I'll learn these match-ups yet! Also that combo you were doing with W-arc was nutty as fuck lol.

Pincher - C-Arc is so hype! GGs. RE:Alt fights: Idk man, I gotta put W-arc on hold, my F-Ciel still needs ALOT of work >.< RE: fake cross-ups: shield if I'm using it too much, Fox also dp-ed me out of it a lot. Also thanks for the pretzels, they were awesome.

LK - gotta incorporate the stuff you talked about into my game, thanks for all the advice. OTGs, Command Throw, half charge-overheads and hitting them lol.


not one, not two, but FIVE 1/2 consumed Sprite cans WTF guys.

Thanks for coming everyone, good times! :) Maybe sometime in 2012 I can host more events, but we'll have to see what the future holds. For now, hope to see some of you again at Summer Jam!

Roku is a buttface~

someone posted this while logged in as me, but its totally what I would've said.

Roku is a buttface~

hey we have 2 set ups goin right now, just wondering if someone could bring a TV. We have the third PS3 but no TV.

The gates are open!

the hour is almost upon us!!!! I thought there would be more people though :(

Actually I can't make this so you can take me out, I'll either be at NL for the SBO Quals or at home cause I'm on Team Black, Broke, and Struggling.

you will be missed sir :( maybe we'll meet at summer jam.


Can I get to you by train?

Gimme something to work with.


If you can get to either Newark Penn station or the Secaucus Junction station, the trains towards Trenton/Jersey City on the Northeast Corridor can get you to the New Brunswick station, where you would only be a 10-15 minute walk away from my place.

greg, zaelar and I will be most likely be staying the night on Saturday if there's still room

plenty of room :)

Sorry just realized my dad's birthday falls on that saturday. Go on ahead without me, I'll drop by fri/sun

Get your priorities right Roku! Your dad will have plenty of birthdays, this is the LAST event!!!!

Tournament Results / Re: Team St1ckbug MBAA
« on: July 28, 2011, 02:11:48 PM »
lol so many troll names.

furok used f-roa in tourney from what i remember

TOO many troll names, also I've yet to play Furok's Roa, I will make sure to do so next time.

not enough troll names, there needs to be more. MOARR.  >:D

Let's have singles this time purrty please & as a suggestion, can he have everyone properly introduce one another so if there's any "awkwardness" towards someone anyone doesn't know, it prevents it.
not sure what you're asking for? You mean like introduction before a match boxing ring style?

Alternate solution: everyone wears name tags!  :laffo:

I'll be moving out of this apt in a few weeks so much like NASA's space shuttle program, these events will be coming to a close. :(

With that said, lets make the last event of this trilogy the best one yet!  :toot:

from Friday August 5th to that Sunday. (7th)

Rutgers New Brunswick
Directions from New Brunswick train station:

There will be Melty Blood (a given) and SSF4:AE. People are of course welcome to bring w/e other games they may wanna play. (Arcanna, BB, SFII:ST w/e)

I can house up to 10 people, but those staying MUST bring sleeping bags etc... or be OK with sleeping on the floor.

If anyone could bring extra surge protectors, that would be great as power outlets are limited.

House Rules:
1. Clean up after yourself / help with the trash.
2. After 10 pm try to keep the noise level reasonable.
3. No smoking indoors.
4. Shoes off.
5. Feel free to start coming Friday evening after 6pm.
6. Get out by Sunday evening 10-11pm.

Crash Spots: (? = potential)
1. Reserved for Chibi
2. Pincher
3. Gregg
4. Zaelar
6. Shiki
7. Peanut Fever
8. Brenton
9. WyvernLord

Main Event:
Random teams?
Up to you guys.

Additional Information:
Given the streaming hasn't been going that great, I was thinking that instead we could simply record the event with commentary (and in high quality) and I can then upload it to youtube or vimeo. What do people think?

Posting this ~2 weeks ahead of time so people have time to plan/handle their business etc.

Feel free to post any questions in this thread or contact me by PM I'll answer ASAP.

Regional Community / Re: NY/NJ/PA/CT/MA
« on: July 19, 2011, 07:48:02 PM »
Another interest survey to make the final event at my place a success!

How many people would be ok with the weekend of August 6th (8/6)? If this doesn't work I could do an event at the end of July (7/30) but early August would be more convenient for me.




lol giving up already? :(

I'll have a "reserved for chibi" spot in case you do show up. :)

Regional Community / Re: NY/NJ/PA/CT/MA
« on: July 19, 2011, 01:08:16 PM »
Another interest survey to make the final event at my place a success!

How many people would be ok with the weekend of August 6th (8/6)? If this doesn't work I could do an event at the end of July (7/30) but early August would be more convenient for me.

Tournament Results / Re: Tsnowflake's Apt II: Results
« on: July 14, 2011, 12:42:23 PM »

Everyone loses cool points (myself included) for not donating at least $1 to the tsnowflake tsauna. I wanted to bring it up before leaving but the moment passed lol.

This is now the name of the next event. Don't sweat the cash, its not an issue excluding some pot monster who might be pissed off at there only being like $18 worth in prizes :laffo:

Tired of getting off to my own gameplay so all-day private F-ciel session should there be a next time.

Definitely interested in this.

Gregg you're right we didn't get to play! :( This must be corrected for next time.

Tournament Results / Tsnowflake's Apt II: Results
« on: July 11, 2011, 08:48:46 AM »

Ustream gayed us with a preset recording limit so unfortunately there is no footage for the tournament, however there are 3.5 hrs of casuals. Apologies WE WILL GET THIS RIGHT NEXT TIME.

http://tinyurl.com/64h26w6 - 3hrs
http://tinyurl.com/63txdd9 - last 0.5 hrs

Random-Team Tourney:


WyvernLord - tourney MVP, great casual matches too, had alot of fun. fuck your unblockables lol.
LK - for introducing us to Vampire Savior, and the C. Viper matches were fun too.
Fox - for running the brackets, and we finally played some Melty lol. Your post-AE Makoto is scary.
Tony Shiki & 505 - 505 goin hard, and Tony you better be able to scoop next time I see you lol. Always a good time fellas.
Gregg - there was a hype Ryougi loop during the tourney, i liked it.
Pincher - Good matches with your Ries, never seen that character before. I need to learn more match ups.
LPT - Sakura matches were fun
Zar - I liked our ciel mirrors, wish we could have played more.
Kirah & Kain - Spongebob 2D fighter, make it happen! Also thanks for bringing the stream equipment!
Zaelar - Evi Zone, thats wassup. Also reaming me in ST lol. That was like 30 matches before I finally took ONE rofl.
Roku - could hear you raging at BB from the other room lol. <3
Brenton - free-est moment of my life, I landed 2 ultras in 1 round and I still lost lmao.
Tonberry - we didn't get to play any Super Street Fighter 4: Chinese Overlord Edition.  >.<
Dumba - we didnt get to play at all :(
Egg Cream - Shit is gdlk

Diner - no troll waitress this time.
Fox - you didn't wash the pots n pans after you cooked that burger damn you!
Roku - talkin shit about chicken and rice, eats whole plate, can't admit it was good and that you liked it.

Thanks to everyone who came, it was a blast!

there will be one last event in August.

Kohaku's Video Room / Re: Current Streams
« on: July 09, 2011, 11:22:53 AM »
Tsnowflake's Apt II:


casuals now, tourney later.

the gates are open



I see you're preparing your death quotes for my arrival.

haha, soon my friend soon...

Also people can PM me their numbers in case we need to get in contact for directions etc...

When are you planning on having your tourney?

If you've got room for 2 more, I'd like to come down for it... live relatively close so I don't plan on staying overnight.

The tourney should be Saturday evening. So tentative start time ~6-7pm? or just whenever everyone is here lol

And yeah come on by, the 10 people limit is only for people who plan to stay the night.

Quote from: Chibi
Insert Quote
Count me out unless something opens up, but family affairs come first.

Zaelar is showing up though.

Have fun~

Profound sadness :(, maybe next time

I am most definitely trying to make it out to this!

Looks like I'll be showing up on Saturday, and will prob need to crash for the night. Count Furok in too



This is poverty, you're seriously asking that? And Snow, is there really going to be a venue fee just so I can know.
Quote from: tsnowflake
venue fee: $5......................... trololol j/k

no, there is no venue fee lol

I'm seated ofc right
Yeah.... on the floor.

Anyway, I should be bringing Kirah/Kain/whoever else.

o snap this gettin biggggg! Hype overload!!!

Fox, any of those guys staying?

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