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When's Melty on Steam?
ahaha that's no--wait, what?

Messages - Chun (中)

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 9
Kohaku's Video Room / Re: FREAKISH Denpa match
« on: July 29, 2008, 05:33:42 PM »
God damn no start-from-middle video encoding.

Any ideas who the others are besides Denpa?

10:41-Round End - ....What the hell was that? Holy shit doesn't even begin to describe what happened there! I knew that vacuum had versatility... but sheesh.

12:33-Match End- ...2A timing Clash Blocking? WHAT IS THIS GUY?


Yus \o/

Kohaku / Re: Kohaku Videos
« on: June 21, 2008, 03:29:15 PM »
Zomg! Kohaku Loop!

Tried replicating the loop. Having difficulty connecting the double battou at the beginning of the string (If it's even possible), from the 632146C 5A 236 BB. It's either the margin is extremely small and situational on the B, or this has been patched over. Feels situational, since battou placement depends on a certain wall distance away. Doesn't hit as well on short characters either.

Any ideas?


Oldish, before first Rebirth Pic:

Will post new one once I'm finished setting gear up.


Yo, I play this quite frequently.

Total Level 55,
Potion Maker: Herbalism D, Potion Making D, Production Mastery A
Mari Server

If you see me let's do a dungeon run.

In another friend's guild, Okawari, so gonna pass on Sacchintoast.

Pic of character later.

Windmill is the best thing in this game. Here's one of the many applications you can use.

Rabbie dungeon has those annoying skeletons that change skills every so often. Rabbie basic has armored skeletons, so you can't hit them with normal attacks EVER and you can't defend. The solution?

If you have Icebolt (and if you don't you're retarded its the second best skill in the game) and you hit a skeleton that's loading up a skill, there's a chance that it will load ANOTHER skill. If the SECOND skill they load up is COUNTER, then it will sit and stare at you (literally forever). When this happens, you can windmill all the other skeletons in the entire room without fear of aggro. Once you are done, heal up (if you are a sissy) and fight that last skele. This works especially well in orb rooms where you can windmill 30+ skeletons at a time without any fear of reprisal.

How does this work? Icebolt "resets" the aggro of many mobs, forcing them to head on attack you once you hit them with it. Icebolt/counter is the safest way to deal with mobs that aren't immune to icebolt. Mobs like Succubus and Basic Golem run right through icebolt.

I usually find it's not worth the HP drain to damage the other surrounding skeletons, unless you like playing Deadly game (Or you're not soloing). Icebolt counter is pretty much THE technique, and WM useful (You only need it at F if you're life specializing) but not uber. There's always the chance in a Snake bunch or whatever fast-type fomors have you that's not a goblin or skeleton ready to double aggro (Snakes in Ciar basic). What's also killer is in WM animation charge time is neglected until you recover from WM. So you can WM things around you after inflicting knockback on an enemy, but then the knockback enemy has an attack advantage, and you take damage.

But yeah, Icebolt is one of the most useful skills in the game.

Oh, and one more thing, weapon speeds have nothing to do with your Very Fast/Slow ratings on your equips, in case anyone wonders why attacks sometimes work after WM completion. If you go blow for blow against an enemy, there's a 1/3 chance you'll attack first, 1/3 they will, and 1/3 chance you'll trade blows. The weapon speed is a reference to startup time in the timeframe when 1 aggro'd enemy has been defeated and the other about to start.


I found it fun, and thats the most important thing, its comming out later this month instead of just a demo.

nobody plays it cause IaMP sucked, this one is better in my opinion its so much easier to rush down ppl and melee ppl is much more rewarding, and It limits gay spam.  You can dash though projectiles and take graze dmg like 1/4 normal and lose some magic too but still it can get you in close fast if they don't expect it.

Ill have a link up shortly to get the demo

Oh man. You remind me of that kid that said IaMP was for flying lolis and Guilty Gear for "jumping around aimlessly".


Oh, on top of that, being fluent in Japanese doesn't make you Japanese. In fact, you're a bigger weeaboo than I am. So stfu, otaku wannabe fag.

Protip: LastElixir is actually Japanese.

1. Beg for forgiveness.
2. Ask Karl Gotch for Help.


i think i've heard of this place in davis

It's pretty popular amongst... the city. The only bad rap it ever gets is from white animal-science majors that think they know "The True Taste" of sushi. They couldn't tell unagi from unko.


omg double post

Danny and whomever else wants to come: we should have sushi in Davis again.  I want some sushi.
Sounds tasty. Where do you usually go for sushi over there?

When I was in Davis the usual place was Fuji's sushi, a buffet that doesn't skimp on their sashimi choices and provides fresh service with soft-shell crab, tempura, and all the Hamachi, Tuna, Salmon, and more you can dive into.

At 12-13$ a person, the line is usually long.

Someone better get their ass in line early ~10:00 because the line wraps backwards when the gates open at 11 AM.


if that many people play, make a guild

Joining a friend's guild, Okawari, most likely.

And an aside screw your Reimu avatars Sims.


I play Mabi now.



Akiha's Tea Room / Learn what's inside Sensei's Suitcase!
« on: April 07, 2008, 03:27:24 PM »


The Aozaki arcs that Nasu wrote, those rarest of the rare books, improved by himself, and made public in this game.

It's. About. Time.


Come and say hi, if you hear the Sousei no Aquarion theme, you are near the place because we will bumping that shit all day.

Hell yeah, AKINO FTW.

That said I might stop by. Spring Break isn't break without BBQ, amirite?


Mahjong tomorrow. If we don't have a set we will use the internet.

If you can play, we won't need that chinky faggot Danny to be our 4th. It will be you, me, alex, and jay.

south is top tier in this game if you want to tierwhore it.

HK-style or JP-style? HK's easier to learn/play~

You sure as hell better not be stacking 'em. Too much faggotry in that kind of play.

Magz found Kyonko. Good man. (thumbs up)


Akiha's Tea Room / Re: IaMP - Immaterial and Missing Power
« on: March 17, 2008, 02:44:33 AM »
When I was running Lunatic story for every character the only one I couldn't finish was Suika's final with Reimu. Circling 1 frame opening Spell cards for the rape.
That's probably because Reimu's grazing is the worst in the game, tied with Meiling. She blocks well though! (Unless you mean final spellcard when playing as Suika, then the answer is just to go under her and spam 2c. A lot. Seriously.)

How do you go under the Miko Menace when even during your LIFE BAR CHANGE you're getting hit by the circling tiles? There's nearly zero opening.

And what I meant was Suika Control, Beating Lunatic Tile Reimu.



Ah. So you have to be quick or you're stuck in a no-graze area.


Akiha's Tea Room / Re: IaMP - Immaterial and Missing Power
« on: March 16, 2008, 01:32:19 PM »
When I was running Lunatic story for every character the only one I couldn't finish was Suika's final with Reimu. Circling 1 frame opening Spell cards for the rape.
That's probably because Reimu's grazing is the worst in the game, tied with Meiling. She blocks well though! (Unless you mean final spellcard when playing as Suika, then the answer is just to go under her and spam 2c. A lot. Seriously.)

How do you go under the Miko Menace when even during your LIFE BAR CHANGE you're getting hit by the circling tiles? There's nearly zero opening.

And what I meant was Suika Control, Beating Lunatic Tile Reimu.


Akiha's Tea Room / Re: IaMP - Immaterial and Missing Power
« on: March 14, 2008, 04:32:23 PM »
Lunatic actually trains your graze instinct to a tee. When I was running Lunatic story for every character the only one I couldn't finish was Suika's final with Reimu. Circling 1 frame opening Spell cards for the rape.


Akiha's Tea Room / Re: Fanime 2008(UPDATES)
« on: March 13, 2008, 11:42:43 PM »
Rumor is SJSU is getting AA cabinet, so come fanime maybe awesome x200.

Will be at Fanime swap meet, and giving a panel on the World of Pangya some day on the weekend. Please come and learn hax~.


Akiha's Tea Room / Re: UNICEF cracking down on Jpn child porn laws
« on: March 12, 2008, 05:34:48 PM »

Quote from: 'The Damn Site'
The law does also not cover images of child pornography in animated films, comic books and computer game software -- products that Japan is a major producer of.

The discussion is based on actual child pornography. Those ones that happen in H where the guys in middle school gang up on girls with a video camera, or where hosts and salarymen recruit or do some enjo-kosai, in real life.

Loli is safe, nothing to see here, thread over.


"The Japanese branch of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) is leading the campaign to include virtual child pornography in the new proposed legislative ban."

But the CURRENT proposed law doesn't, so all we have now is griping people.

And they've always been around.

In your closet.

Watching You.

While you're asleep.


I'm down for lychee or whatever. You can have all the gay type moon cards, I'll go for leaf.

Hell no son! I'll be the only one in NorCal reping Nitroplus cards. (With a few Visual Arts/Key cards thrown in for good measure)

Screw you, Comipa deck here I come, so STEP OFF LOLOL


Akiha's Tea Room / Re: UNICEF cracking down on Jpn child porn laws
« on: March 12, 2008, 03:35:39 AM »

Quote from: 'The Damn Site'
The law does also not cover images of child pornography in animated films, comic books and computer game software -- products that Japan is a major producer of.

The discussion is based on actual child pornography. Those ones that happen in H where the guys in middle school gang up on girls with a video camera, or where hosts and salarymen recruit or do some enjo-kosai, in real life.

Loli is safe, nothing to see here, thread over.


Akiha's Tea Room / Re: UNICEF cracking down on Jpn child porn laws
« on: March 12, 2008, 03:27:46 AM »
Unlikely. Japan partially thrives on the market that is loli, and many other countries are bound by the single clause "not representing or discernible as different from real children". In other words, if you know for a fact the image is not a real girl, it's safe.

The laws behind it are all still ambitious, as the committees race to define what is "officially" offensive to humankind or preferential.

Essentially, the clause is put in question. "Children in Anime and Manga doing the dirty, will make people want to do real children" is as valid as "Movies that depict a man killing a woman because she cheated on him will make people want to kill their respective females".

I wouldn't be too worried, IMO.


This just in: Melty Break.


But whatever, keep those crap matches online if you want, you wanted input, I gave it to you~

I think you should actually watch the other player play, because you're the only one sucking and you seem to be focused on your suck...

I became a combo dummy, so I'm definitely watching the opponent's play styles. (Especially sync, crazy whiff pressure string).


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