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When's Melty on Steam?
ahaha that's no--wait, what?

Messages - dumba989

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 28
Who's bringing full setups?

As far as this event goes, I think it's safe to say it's no longer happening because of the schedule for the permit & no power generator being present.

How many entrants were there?



I stopped practicing & watching videos but I felt like it this time around since it was so convenient to play & I've been feeling like playing something other than KOF lately.

Doing work for me
Dang it Malik!

Thanks to all that came out.

1: Roku  (C-7ya/C-Seifuku)
2: Fox (F-Akiha/F-VSion)
3: MGV (F-Ries)
4: TSB | Malik (F-Kouma)
5: level-5 Chan
5: Action Bastard
5: Zeal
5: Hard Bread
9: Apollo
9: Michael
9: True Gunner Shadow
9: Necro Undine
9: Elochai

Melty community, single elim $1 or $5 double elim next time? Or something else?

I like the single elim $1 thing for MB, it's hella hard to get on stream & annoying to run so with this things can be done with fast & easy. Personally speaking I'll be inclined to enter everytime if it's ran this way.

Don't know the results after Top 4 but thanks to TrueGunnerShadow, MGV, and Rokunaya for bringing their laptops, Arturo Sanchez for streaming, and DaiAndOh for hositng once again. Tournament was a $1 Single Elim (Japan Style) w/ a playing for 3rd place, 70%/20%/10% split

1st Rokunaya (C-7ya/C-Seifuku)
2nd @MakotoScrub (SS|Fox) (F-Akiha/F-VSion)
3rd MGV (F-Ries)
4th SS|TSB Malik (F-Kouma)
5th level-5 Chan
5th Action Bastard
5th Zeal
5th Hard Bread
9th Apollo
9th Michael
9th True Gunner Shadow
9th Necro Undine
9th Elochai

Kirah said he'll come as well as Yui & Zeal, Sp00ky said he might be able to house you during that time as well IF it's not the same weekend as Summer Jam/him being busy which he probably won't be at that time.

shout outs because i pretend this place still alive:

SilentShinobi: Thanks for running the tournament and keeping arimakun out of trouble. Really sucks that we couldn't do 3v3 or Red vs White. :I Hope we can play each other sober next time. ^^

Malik: We finally meet, and in bracket too. Good games and all that - showing me the justice that is Kouma. Also those 100pcs wings x white rice were too strong.

MadScientist: Good games and good shit on top 8. First time fighting a C-Sion and she is kinda scary (in a main protagonist sort of way). Hopefully I'll emerge the victor of the next tournament sets and FT20. :toot:

arimakun: You fucking fool, thinking you beast 'cause you outplaced your sensei? Know your place. <3

Also you suck at the Game of Death. Just not as bad as DC.

[svx]: We must research how to make Georgia not free vs Nero. Together. :3

Inso: Again, good games and glad I could help you understand how sad it feels to get mixed-up by Nanaya (you helped me feel the same way lol). Keep representing the apologies (warui ne)!

Sen: IDK if you use the boards, but if you do, good shit. I underestimated you and clearly paid the price. Hope to see you next year. fufufu~

LordKnight: Good shit stealing all the yens again. Maybe we'll actually get to play next time. lol

Myself: Good shit choking on your own EZ mode combos and losing games for it.

P4A: Good shit for including A button autocombo. I feel so sick nasty mashing that with Yukiko.

Yeah that was definitely one of the highlights of the weekend & good to meet you & see that the GA players are passionate about playing this game & sticking with it. This was my last tournament showing but know that you guys (MOST of the players) are like family to me & that even though we'll play different games, I'll try my best to chill with you all when I see ya, and on that note it's time to put Kouma to rest (for now).

Tournament Results / Re: Winter Brawl 2013
« on: March 27, 2013, 08:41:46 PM »

I'll be at the venue Thursday afternoon so I'll be looking for people to play with.

Kouma Kishima / Re: Kishima Kouma current code changes (1.07)
« on: March 16, 2013, 10:27:47 AM »
Don't know if anyone playing this character has seen these (you probably have) but I have some vids from my YouTube playlist that show off Kouma (mostly F-Moon) things that I thought were worth putting on here, especially for newer players, leave your comments on here for discussion, etc.

This first one is Kaimaato Vs. GO1 at SBO2010

The vids are basic tutorials of F-Kouma as far as normals, combos, and options off of okizeme

The next videos have timestamps marked by me on them so you can FF to get to the juicy stuff (Mainly H-Kouma stuff) (Footage of JIN playing all 3 moons but H a majority of the time) (Melty Bread has commented on matches on the video as well)

Shinobi hasn't hit me back yet but i do have a spot open regardless. So if you need a room i got ya back.

Appreciate it, I'll let you know what's the deal on the week of FR like that Monday or Tuesday at the latest.

Voomer I got you.

Yo is your room full homie?

How many #'s can we get this time around?!  :mystery:

Tournament Results / Re: Winter Brawl 2013
« on: March 06, 2013, 04:56:58 PM »
Only nine participants?

Would've been ten but things happen  :-\

I can more than likely brings mines but I want NO DRINKS near my computer if I do.

It's ironic but great to see that you guys are actually actively talking & playing despite me not playing the game anymore, here's to hoping that y'all keep the love strong.

I've noticed this trend in a number of other sites I follow, even some very large ones. They look to be bots, but I'm not sure what the purpose is.

There is a very basic anti-bot question when signing up; maybe I should change the question and answer.

Yeah I thought it was just me that noticed it but switching it up should give the real #'s

Shinobi we rooming together?  I have the room already reserved.

Can I possibly be in there?

I'll be running MB again, heads up to everyone. More actual details later.
Here are our rules~

Best 2/3 Games (Best 3/5 for Winners, Losers, and Grand Finals. Loser must reset brackets in Grand Finals before winning)
Default Time
No Handicap
Either player may request a blind pick
Winner must report match to a tournament organizer immediately after the match.
You are responsible for your stick, or pad, or hitbox. You are coming to a tournament, bring your equipment. I have to bring my stuff to run it, there's no reason you can't show up with what you need to play.

Arcana Heart Rules
Winner is character locked (Arcana change o.k.)
Loser may change character, as well as Arcana.
Simple Mode is allowed.

Aquapazza Rules
Winner is character locked (Partner change o.k.)
Loser may change character, as well as partner.
Simple Mode is banned.
Boss Ma-Ryan is allowed.

Melty Blood Rules
Winner is character locked (Moon change o.k.)
Loser may change character, as well as moon.
Non VS mode levels are banned.

Acceptable Controllers
Any wired arcade stick is cleared.
Any wired PS2/PS1 pad with a PS3/USB Converter is cleared.
The only allowed native wireless PS3 controller is the Dualshock 3. The Battery MUST be removed from the controller, you must bring your own USB cable.
If you are playing a game that is on PC, your controller/stick must be plug and play on a PC with no extra software (THIS INCLUDES MOTIONJOY). This means no Dualshock 3s, and no older PS3 TEs.
If you are using a Hitbox or keyboard style controller, your controller must be SOCD Cleaned ( will explain this).

If Melty players want a stream, you guys gotta get on that, i'm running the tournament, i'm not supplying a stream (even the AH3 stream isn't me). I have no problem with anyone running a stream (clear it through me first!), as long as it doesn't slow down the tournament, or effect the performance of one of the stations. You guys are on your own for internet connection and the such though, because once again, i'm not in control of that.

I see you couldn't resist after NEC but you're definitely a good samaritan for running it again, people should appreciate it.

Also teams this time? I'll even be up for running it etc.

Ciel's Tech Support / Re: Melty Stardards?
« on: December 07, 2012, 06:55:03 PM »
Console  ;)

Tournament Results / Re: NEC XIII Results
« on: December 05, 2012, 08:01:15 PM »
I really wanted to have a teams event

Show up & play or don't play, that's it. I'm going to have fun & shoot the shit, see you all there.

Tournaments and Events / Re: - Oasis In The Wasteland - (9/22/2012)
« on: September 21, 2012, 03:40:58 AM »
All you people that claim that no one plays Melty anymore, tries to help it, or don't try to get anyone involved can't say shit cause the only person that showed up was Zero outside of myself, Kirah obviously, Yui, Kain, and even Shiki showed & he doesn't even play anymore, see ya at NEC.

$480usd round trip...

YEAH !!!!!!!
Another year I won't be knowing what NEC is. I'll stream monster at least... :nyoro:

There wasn't a stream last year & I doubt if there will be for this year, pretty sure if anything, people'll just save the archives & upload them in their free time.

Tournaments and Events / Re: - Oasis In The Wasteland - (9/22/2012)
« on: September 14, 2012, 03:20:38 AM »
Next weekend

Regional Community / Re: Zaelar looks like a hobo - Melty in NJ
« on: September 13, 2012, 04:07:31 PM »

Are any of you fools still alive?

I'm back in Mahwah and I need people to play games with.  :nyoro:

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