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When's Melty on Steam?
ahaha that's no--wait, what?

Messages - MagnusXL

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Tournament Results / Re: Frosty Faustings II RESULTS (01.02.10)
« on: January 06, 2010, 09:18:34 PM »
Everyone should play Nrvnqsr counters until Syxx plays a real character. :V

Tournament Results / Re: Frosty Faustings II RESULTS (01.02.10)
« on: January 04, 2010, 03:24:08 PM »
Told you I would get knocked out by Heartnana and Sp00ky. I can't really complain since they both made it to grand finals. If you think about it that way, I got third place. :teach:

Too much pressure in a couple of those fights, so I ended up resorting to panic heat-escaping towards the end. Still, I learned a lot (things like 'expect a third of the entrants to play H-Vsion'). It was definitely worth the price of admission. I apologize for any social awkwardness that may have ensued; I don't get out as often as I should.


EmptyShiki: I wish I had a chance to play against you. Your F-Arc has improved a lot since the last time I saw you.
Sugar Bullet: Inspired me to pick up F-Ries. Shit is so cash.
Sp00ky: Good show man. Playing you was an interesting and insightful experience. I look forward to the chance at trashing you next time.
Heartnana: As always, thank you for inspiring me to improve my gameplay by trashing me every time we play.
Orka: It was mad fun fighting you.
SimaMatty: Ignore my embarrassing IaMP performance. I'll hit you up later for netplay or drive down there or something.
Syxx: You're still a faggot.
Everyone Else: Good games! It was a lot of fun. :toot:

Riesbyfe Stridberg / C-Riesbyfe Combos
« on: January 04, 2010, 03:01:51 PM »
I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who plays this character. I know F-Ries is baller, but where's the C-Ries love? :emo:

C-Riesbyfe is a pretty easy character to combo with, even for Melty Blood standards. You can change things up quite a bit and still get relatively the same damage all around. All combos were done against V-Sion because she's a faggot and she's the starting position for training mode.

Basic BnB
2B > 5B > 5C > 2C > 214A > j.BC > j.BC Throw - 4815 Damage
Starting with 2A - 4796
Starting with Charge j.C - 5990
Starting with j.C - 5532

American Reset Combo
2A > 2B > 5B > [Charge] 6B > 5C > j.BC j.BC Throw - 1313 + 4817 = 6130 Damage

Wallslam (100% Meter):
2B > 5B > 5C> 214C (wallslam) > 5A j.BC j.BC Throw - 5555 Damage

Riskier, more rewarding variant:
6B > 5C > 6C > 214C (wallslam) - 6010 Damage

Obligatory Arc Drive Combo:
6B > 5C > 6C > 41236C - 5161 Damage

Obligatory Blood Heat Combos:
[Charge] j.C > 2B > 5C > 41236C - 6616 Damage

6B > 5C > 6C > 41236C - 6123 Damage

Leading any normal combo with charge j.C is guaranteed to add over 1000 damage to any combo (pretty obvious). Leading with normal j.C will add about 700 to most combos. j.B doesn't seem to add any real damage. Try not to combo with 236C or 623C, as they always do less damage than just doing the combos normally.

Uncomboable tier characters are awesome.

My partner for 2v2s is a scrub Nrvnsqr so we can potentially rob Sp00ky and get free rounds. :teach:

Melty Blood Auditorium / Re: best character for a beginner?
« on: December 30, 2009, 10:43:06 PM »
F Aoko is easy and the best one.
It's like I'm really throwing Hadoukens!

I'd have to recommend F-Tohno for the sheer hilarity value. Fullmoon versions seem to be easier for newcomers to get into.

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: Have a Melty New Year!
« on: December 30, 2009, 03:03:37 PM »
2010 better be a fucking awesome year or I'm gonna have to kill some bitches.  This decade sucked.
I'll drink to that.

@Hasuko: Mine's two days after new years. And I still hate not fucking everything.

At least I won't be the only Pad Warrior there.

Sent you info how to make one, Sima Matty.

Edit: I'd partner with you if I didn't have both doubles and triples teams figured out.

Melty Blood Auditorium / Re: Actress Again Sprites?
« on: December 17, 2009, 10:09:56 PM »
Fuck yeah, Azure. +Heat for you, good sir. :fap:

+Heat to Mieko as well.

Now I can be lazy and not get the character cut-ins and stage backgrounds myself.

Check. We wouldn't want you to have an accident at the tournament. :teach:

Haha, I wouldn't count on it. I've met you all of once for casuals before you went off to another tournament or whatever.

I know who you are because of match videos and the like.

Edit: And because I had my ass handed to me.

My goal for this tourney is to not get completely trashed by Heartnana or Sp00ky. If I can manage that, I'll be happy.

Sp00ky's matches in NEC intimidated the hell out of me, haha.

I still owe Heartnana a rematch for embarrassing me at ACen like 2 years ago in MBAC when I played Miyako and fought like a scrub.

In any case, TP and I will be there for sure. I'll try to drag at least Kilos and Nigba/Thana as well.

Tournament Results / Re: Chicago Dead XIII 12-12-09 Results
« on: December 13, 2009, 08:09:34 PM »
As expected of me, the GREATEST.

@Nappy: Thanks.

@Thana: Surprisingly, I actually managed to kick that habit (mostly) before the tournament. lol

@Syxx: I told you that I'd choke against you during those money matches. It wouldn't be an official event if I didn't.

I still try to rely on heat escapes too much. It seems to be my answer to everything.

Edit: I'm pretty sure TP played H-Sion instead of F-Sion, now that I think about it. I could be wrong, though.

I can't make it to this today. My ride bowed out and I don't have a car atm.

I feel super terrible now. D=

You want me to bring my game again Syxx?

Tournament Results / Re: Racine, WI 10-31-09 results
« on: November 05, 2009, 12:32:36 AM »
I love how everyone played worse during the tournament then they did in casuals.

Those matches of me are really embarrassing. I gotta clear my name.

*hangs his head in shame*

Edit: Still, casuals were a ton of fun. I look forward to the next tournament.

Tournament Results / Re: Racine, WI 10-31-09 results
« on: November 02, 2009, 03:55:56 AM »
On a side note, you're a fagot for neglecting to bring candy.

I want my money back.

I'll go if I'm not off in boot then.

Tournament Results / Re: Racine, WI 10-31-09 results
« on: November 01, 2009, 02:16:23 PM »
I'll let you guys win just this once. =D

I love how I always do well during casuals, but choke during the tournament.

Melty Blood Auditorium / Re: Framedisplay for MBAA (?!?)
« on: October 10, 2009, 06:49:34 AM »
Oh Mauve, you've made me the happiest girl in the world. :fap:

Shit's amazing. Mad props for another great ap.

Syxx: Hotness. That works too.

Rayza: I concur.

I missed the request for this. I could bring my PS2 and game Syxx, but considering it's an English Slim, it'll need to be ghetto rigged open with paperclips so I can boot Melty with Swap Magic (since I was too cheap to pay the $5 for the extra plastic part).

As a last resort, consider my PS2, Pads, and copy of MBAA game.

I'll see you on Halloween, Syxx.

I'll see you. >:{

Edit: There was concern expressed about the console you were playing SF4 on by at least one person. If you wanted, I could bring my Triple. Of course, if most people had sticks made for the 360, it would be sort of pointless.

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