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Author Topic: Chicago Clash of Fighters 11/21/2009  (Read 1220 times)

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Offline Syxx

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Chicago Clash of Fighters 11/21/2009
« on: November 22, 2009, 06:32:12 AM »
Thanks everyone who came out for Melty Blood at the crack of noon.

1) Syxx (F-Nero)
2) Necrosis (Len, Roast Beef)
3) Orka (F-Aoko)
4) Yanu (Maids)
5) EmptyShiki (Arcueid)
5) Soul Saver (Not sure what character he used lmao)

So like half the people didn't show up or were late.  I know it's getting hard giving me your money but try to make it to the tournament on time next time, thanks.  Also I'm running another tournament next Saturday in Racine WI so hopefully I'll see some of you guys there.  Also don't forget about the major at Frosty Faustings 2 on January 2nd, which will probably be the next Melty Blood tournament in Chicago.

Everyone who made it out on time... it is really appreciated.  You entered and played because you know Melty Blood AA is a good game.  Our scene is small so we need the support of every last person to keep the game going in the midwest.  So for the people who did play... see if you can get some more people that you know into the game and teach them how to play.  In my opinion this is one of the easiest FGs to pick up and play and learning the system doesn't really take that long.  If the EC can get 20 something people at local tournaments there is no reason why we can't either.
« Last Edit: November 22, 2009, 08:24:33 AM by Syxx »