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Author Topic: Final Round XV Results!  (Read 16723 times)

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Final Round XV Results!
« on: March 04, 2012, 07:26:00 PM »

Full results of singles and teams are up on the site now. Personal shoutouts later tonight.
Black people vs. underage looking bitches at Evo - 9-1.
Me: "Show me ya papers!"
Jaxx: "Bitch, you illegal as fuck."
...and never forget. OTG STDs.  Check Akiha's Tea Room for updates on the Donjon Network 2nd Phase live action radio show!

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Re: Final Round XV Results!
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2012, 11:39:13 PM »
shout outs from king kais planet aka stream watcher world

-kusoru getting fucked on and confused
-gooteck ver2.0
-you idiots doing aof3 drinking match

looked fun wish i coulda made it hope evo is gunna be cool like this (lol)
what the fuck is this game

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Re: Final Round XV Results!
« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2012, 12:06:02 AM »
-you idiots doing aof3 drinking match

to quote shinobi: "BLACK PEOPLEEEEEEE!"

niggas dont listen
da  only mb player in north bay, get hype!

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Re: Final Round XV Results!
« Reply #3 on: March 05, 2012, 12:42:03 AM »
To the American Melty Blood Community:

For those who did not know who I was or didn't know who was running your bracket until now, I apologize if I haven't introduced myself to you before. I was that black guy standing on chairs screaming into megaphones for names. My name is SilentShinobi and I have been running brackets for Melty Blood at FR for all the 4 years it was there. I am also an activist for this game and has pretty much had a hand in most of the Melty festivities this past weekend. I would like to say first and foremost that I do appreciate everyone's attendance at Final Round this year. Final Round has always been a community driven tournament series and I am no exception to giving credit to the community for doing what it can to make it.

With a hoarse voice and alot on my mind after this weekend known as the 15th anniversary of Final Round, I have to congratulate you guys for breaking barriers just like we have 2 years ago. Numbers wise, this has turned into the biggest EC Melty Blood tournament in the history of the game in America; exceeding NEC '09 which was the first PS2 Actress Again major. It is also the 2nd biggest tournament only being overshadowed by Evo 2010. Region wise, we had participants from over 20 states and expanding 5 countries which turns FR into a very diverse tournament filled with people from all over the world who love the game. Skill wise, runbacks were ran back and has shown to become the tournament that Japan's supremacy over America was halted. From strong OG players such as Pfhor, Choco, and Voomer to the East Coast's rising stars within LordKnight, Ehrik, and FRXV champion Tonberry. From West Coast finest HF-Blade, Numakie, and Bellreisa to Japan's very own Garu, Chelsea, and even the Marvel champion Kusoru. To top it off from a stream monster's perspective, we broke 2200+ simultaneous viewers by the start of Grand Finals Sunday morning. A show to behold indeed.

How could this have happened?

As I said before, this entire operation was community driven. From the promotion to JP and beyond of FR to the setups you played on. This is what Final Round was all about, and it was because of ShinBlanka that we were able to expose this to a point where we couldn't have done it all alone. The only people I can think of that could something as crazy as this is you, and only you. In my eyes, this community has definitely made a way out of no way and shown only a small percentage of what you guys are capable of. I've talked to many of you over the weekend and you all were pretty much satisfied and amazed at what this entire tournament ended up becoming. I do appreciate the words that will forever be remembered from this weekend and won't take them for granted at all.

We have done well for Final Round and words cannot express what I saw develop over the weekend. I am honestly impressed and show praise to you lot. If you weren't here, you definitely missed out.

Consider this a milestone in all things Melty Blood in America; a milestone that was only possible by the community themselves.

As a tournament organizer, this has been an experience and a real endurance test for me. Never have I done a bracket of this amount by myself. To finish off 73 players to a final 8 in the time frame that I've done it was a real accomplishment and I hope to do this again in the near future. I do appreciate everyone for being prompt to their matches even though the setups themselves were not labeled. You got to know your opponent and were able to communicate with me about the status of your matches. Even though then my voice wasn't at its best, some of you lent your voices to me. Even though I was away from the bracket to tend to other announcements and my own tournament matches, some of you protected my bracket and kept it up to date. Thank you.

As a player, I feel as though I have not given myself completely to most of you eager to play me. I've only played 3 sets this entire weekend, not including my tourney matches. To be honest, it comes with the territory of being an organizer. The ability to weigh the importance of both shows responsibility to what you must attend to. Unfortunately, most of my time this weekend was being spent away from playing the game. Whether it be by ballroom setting up, organizing tournament, ripping and running to have it run smoothly, finishing up grad schoolwork, sleep catchup, or just downtime to chill and not just play. In conclusion, I do sincerely apologize that I said I was going to play you, but ended up not doing so over the weekend. Like I said before, the load of being an organizer to the load of advancing my skill was only showing me what needed to be done over the weekend in order for everyone else to have a good time.
Do I regret it? To be honest, I don't. Because I will always be at a tournament I won't have to be held down to just organize. =P

I am glad to had met some old faces I haven't seen since the very first Melty Blood tournament here at Final Round, to Evolution, and over the years around the country. If my time in the game cannot excuse my absence from the game, my conversation with you all definitely brings me back to the reason why I play this game in the first place. Unfortunately, the next few months will be very hard to ensure any time solidified in the game. As I've already told most of you, I am graduating on the 15th and I have to focus on a college graduate mindset afterwards. This doesn't mean I'm quitting, but I am definitely on an advancement hiatus for awhile until I get my life straight. I'm sure most of you do post-college grads know what I'm talking about.

Where you go from Final Round is up to you. All I'm trying to sum up is that you all have done much this weekend to show how much you care about the game. I assure you, your hard work has not gone in vain and hollow ground. You have exposed this game once again successfully. Do not let go of this chance you have!

- Until Next Stage.
@TSB_Shinobi on Twitter.

To Brandino: Just listen to me next time you get caught up in the SK vortex again. Nobody wins.
Black people vs. underage looking bitches at Evo - 9-1.
Me: "Show me ya papers!"
Jaxx: "Bitch, you illegal as fuck."
...and never forget. OTG STDs.  Check Akiha's Tea Room for updates on the Donjon Network 2nd Phase live action radio show!

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Re: Final Round XV Results!
« Reply #4 on: March 05, 2012, 12:49:29 AM »
It looks like there was one thread in the losers bracket that was instant death.

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Re: Final Round XV Results!
« Reply #5 on: March 05, 2012, 08:05:22 AM »
Good shit to everyone I met & to all the players that came down to the A & supported, TOO many shoutouts & sorry if I didn't get to meet everyone, I was helping running two KOF XIII pools & a UMvC3 pool at night so I was running around all day, catch y'all later. H-F also used H-Ries in matches as well.

P.S., Secret Scrubby Malik said he did it ALL FOR YOU GUYS
« Last Edit: March 05, 2012, 08:34:40 AM by Malik »
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Re: Final Round XV Results!
« Reply #6 on: March 05, 2012, 11:05:05 AM »
Hi, I just got home, hope you enjoyed stream monstering, Psyblade is gonna try and go through the archives and upload the salvageable matches from the phone stream. Shout outs to cool people, you know who you are.
Follow me @MisterRayza for updates on my streams.

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« Last Edit: March 05, 2012, 01:20:50 PM by Rei »
<@sibladeko> lack of close buttons is poverty
<@sibladeko> means the police can't use secret elevator codes to save us
<Darcius> poor people not worth savin
<@SilentShinobi> the double down is the black man's lethal kryptonite

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Re: Final Round XV Results!
« Reply #8 on: March 05, 2012, 01:42:42 PM »
Shoutouts to FR as a whole. I cant really shout out to much seeing as im an antisocial faggot and spent most of my social time in my room. Also enjoyed commentating most of the event. Also shoutouts to rayzas weird stream setup and it confusing everyone ever.

shout outs to not calling me to the AOF3 drinking game and fighters masters.

Either way hope Melty stays strong. I know with no big events coming up theres going to be a lull in the community until like NEC.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2012, 02:21:31 PM by Tempered »
During Loser's Finals at NECX:

<Crowd at Jiyuna about to Lose> Na na na naaaa, na na na naaaa, hey hey hey, Goodbyeeee~

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Re: Final Round XV Results!
« Reply #9 on: March 05, 2012, 05:47:48 PM »
This will be my only post for awhile, but I just wanted to say thank you guys for supporting Final Round XV. For everyone that attended FRXV "I apoligize for the massive delays during Saturday events". From the delays to the DQ's I place all of that on my shoulders. It was my fault because I under estimated the community and how many people were planning to attend this years event. I was very under staffed and I did not have enough equipment to PROPERLY run an event of FRXV size.

With the tournament being under staffed it put more stress on the volunteers/staff to run more pools than we asked them to do. We had two 400+, one 250+, and a 170+ tournament to get towards the top 32-top 16 within a 16 hour period! With the added problem of trying to upload various games patches in brand new ps3 made every tournament run slow on saturday. I'll do my best to not have this happen again on such a large scale.

Thanks to everyone for making new hype moments at FRXV. From the top players we all know and to the everyday guy that came to frxv just to spectate. All of you made this years event a great event to attend and a great distraction from my personal life problems. Thanks for all the well wishes throughout the weekend. You don't know how much that keep me going because I throw final round for the people/community. If you guys are happy then i'm happy. Also thanks to everyone that donated towards my mothers funeral. From the bottom of my heart thank you! I didn't know how much the community would stand behind a stranger with gifts to help someone in a time of need. You will never know how much I appreciate this FGC!

Now that I have posted this please give me time to reflect.
Final Round "A Tradition in The FGC"

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Re: Final Round XV Results!
« Reply #10 on: March 05, 2012, 06:10:41 PM »
Larry, you ran an amazing event. I'm sorry for your loss, but good luck with your future endeavors. Thank you so much for Final Round 15, I had an amazing time.
<@sibladeko> lack of close buttons is poverty
<@sibladeko> means the police can't use secret elevator codes to save us
<Darcius> poor people not worth savin
<@SilentShinobi> the double down is the black man's lethal kryptonite

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Re: Final Round XV Results!
« Reply #11 on: March 05, 2012, 06:21:19 PM »
Shoutouts to:

woof for the gdlk Melty pins and leveling up in AH3
ehrik for lending me the Inpin, and grats on getting 4th
Tempered for the Sion mirrors
svx, it was nice to play you again since MBAC
LPT for being an cool guy to hang out with
Pfhor for OCVing us, and for the sleep dep casuals
Chelsea, it was nice to meet you as well
Rei for the good ol' Elsa mirrors and driving us to the airport
Sana for not coming even though we were sponsoring you
and everyone else I played.

This FR was quite amazing.

Offline Chie Satonaka

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Re: Final Round XV Results!
« Reply #12 on: March 05, 2012, 08:00:25 PM »
Everyone who's part of this community is godlike.

Everyone I played against throughout the weekend was godlike.

Larry is godlike for running such a great event.

AOF 3 is not godlike by any means.

Will give my shoutouts and thoughts next week on donjon show.

You guys are fucking amazing and I <3 all you fuckers.

Now sleep.
Steak! Steak! Steak! Steak! Steak! Steak! Steak! Steak! Steak! Steak! Steak! Steak! Steak! Steak! Steak! Steak! Steak! Steak! Steak! Steak! Steak! Steak! Steak! Steak! Steak! Steak! Steak! Steak! Steak! Steak! Steak! Steak! Steak! Steak! Steak! Steak! Steak! Steak! Steak! Steak! Steak! Steak! Steak!

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Re: Final Round XV Results!
« Reply #13 on: March 05, 2012, 08:21:11 PM »
Shoutouts to Larry for letting us show how loud we are

Shoutouts to ZomB and Komidol for driving me goddamn everywhere and being bros

Shoutouts to Rei for sharing Booze and RAPE

Shoutouts to DJ Cream for taking my dollar at the masters fighters

Shoutouts to Brandino and Zeal for not listening when I told them exactly what there were getting into

Big ups to Shinobi for running the event and being a true bro

Shoutouts to Choco and Shinobi for cleaning up my messes and getting our last minute rag-tag team to top 3

Shoutouts to Bill, Mad scientist, and the Waterloo crew for coming down to show Canada plays too.

Shoutouts to Kusoru for eliminating me from singles infront of 500 people and giving my a shiteating troll grin the next day at breakfast.

Shoutouts to Chelsea and Garu for coming out, playing, and hanging with us.

Shoutouts to Joe for the beer, the broken glass, the tips, and hanging out. it was Hella nice meeting you.

Shoutouts to LK for helping me up my game and chilling in my room and the airport. And being anime Justin Wong.

Shoutouts to Dacidbro for randomly sleeping on my couch for 8 hours, nice pickup.

Shoutouts to Woof for having the funniest match ever and netplaying in tourney.

Shoutouts to Leonard for being the best C-Roa.

Shoutouts to St1ckbug for being the worst C-Roa.

Shoutouts to Jimmy for being a slave to long thick mega cocks.

Shoutouts to rayza for streaming and coffee fagging.

Shoutouts to Bellreisa for the tips and commentary.

Shoutouts to Tonberry for spending 5 minutes thinking about his colour counterpicks and unleashing his Hisui lead tech.

Shoutouts to Ehrik for Lesbians and almost having a heart attack in komidol's car.

If I missed anyone it's because I'm super tired, good to see everyone, I'm gonna try and work on my match execution and come down for another tournament eventually.
Combos so bright I gotta wear shades.

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Re: Final Round XV Results!
« Reply #14 on: March 06, 2012, 09:05:31 AM »
Phew, I have to say this was probably one of the best tournaments I've ever been to. I'll definitely try to go to FR again, even if it isn't necessarily for MB. (and it will NOT be via driving)

Jimmy- Shoutouts and condolences, my friend. I heard you're donating your car and I really can't blame you because fuck going back to Statesville ever again. Thanks for teaming and coming up with the gdlk team name.
Ehrik- Good shit on getting 4th, and thanks for all the advice you gave me during tournament. One of us got top 8, just as planned haha. This tournament wouldn't have been possible for me without you and your sponsoring, so again thanks so much. I'll pay ya back a little at a time =D
Komidol- Good shit driving for everrrr. Have fun with Garu and Chelsea!
Tonberry- Gratz on winning! Was a pleasure having noble conversations with you as usual
LK- Good stuff getting 2nd! We didn't get to play enough this time
Generic- GGs in tournament and in casuals. If this really is your last MB tourney, good luck in Europe!
HF- Casuals were super fun. I will forever fear "doink!" Was great to finally meet you
Brandino- shoutouts to the AoF3 drinking game. I will never forget the things you said that night lol
Bell- your trolling is way too gdlk. I think Kusoru will always remember playing MB by that one match haha
Rei, Rayza, and Robert- Thanks so much for the ride to the airport! Good seeing you all again. Glad Robert is playing F(un)-Nanaya now
Pfhor- GGs in tournament and casuals. I regret not choosing H in tournament against you. Stay solid and great job in teams
Xianoir- GGs! Those MBAC Len strats are still awesome
Voomer- Our tournament match had me hella nervous. Glad I can finally put a face to the irc name I've seen for years. Really really good games man
Choco- We got to play, yay! Keep on that F-Hisui and good job in teams
DJ Cream- Good meeting you, and learn them real CWlen combos! Also stay gdlk with all those pins
Bill- Really fun WLen mirroring you! Really solid improvement since NEC, good job! See you next time =D
Lan- Nooo, we didn't get to play BB. =( Next time for sure, and keep with that H-Aoko. MB will make sense eventually, I promise. Shoutouts to interesting and fun chars
MadScientist- Nice character switch and really nice improvement since last time I saw you! Looking forward to seein ya next time. Drag Sana with you whenever that is
ZomB- your H-Akiha is cool. Mirror match was godlike haha. GGs
Shin- We didn't get to Cries mirror, nooooo! maybe next time. Good meeting you though!
Tone- Always a pleasure
Coren- Good meeting you. I don't  think we got to play though =/
Numakie- ^^

Time to recover
<justzar> great anime <3

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Re: Final Round XV Results!
« Reply #15 on: March 06, 2012, 11:30:28 AM »
Hi, I started writing a really long post and changed my mind because nobody's going to read all that shit. So here is a condensed version instead.

This is one of the best tournaments I've ever attended. Between the level of competition, the venue, the area, the atmosphere and my personal goals, everything worked out extremely well. I placed decently (considering my circumstances), I got high and drunk, did okay on commentary and carried out the biggest troll of my FG career. It's going to be hard to top this.

- Big ups to St1ckBuG and Kilvear for providing most of my sponsorship. I hope it was well worth it.
- Huge thanks to Larry for hosting the event in light of recent personal issues.
- Respect to SilentShinobi for running the tournament.
- Props to America for taking out the JP Melty players, then losing to JP in UMVC3 and GG www
- Shoutouts to everyone I played in tourney and casuals, there are too many people to count. Pleasantly surprised by the level of competition compared to years before. Netplay is ass.

That being said, I've heard from many players that they intend to either drop Melty or only play casually after this tournament. This is understandable given Ecole's utter lack of support, making it basically impossible to expand the scene out in an e-sports and politically correct fashion. After seeing how far Melty has come and how much passion the scene still has for the game, I would be very sad to see people throw it all away.

Obviously, none of us individually have any way to change these circumstances handed to us. Everyone has their own lives, and if Ecole doesn't provide us with something to work with then we're probably not going to see any sort of substantial growth. Just remember that a few years ago, having over 128 in a bracket was insanity; nowadays, it's expected. When you stack Melty next to the other games left in the dust by the explosive growth the genre's experienced since SF4, we are doing very well for ourselves. The scene will only be as strong as the community makes it, and as long as outsiders can see that there's not only activity from within but upon the fringes, we can continue to bring a respectable presence to majors. It would be unrealistic to expect more than that given the lack of a real port and localization, but there's no reason to simply discard everything we've worked for up until this point.

I would like to implore everyone who reads this to keep that fact in mind so that they keep the game going in tournaments to come. If you haven't gone to a tournament and are curious what it's like -- don't be scared, come to a major. It'll be fun. If you're a veteran, try not to get too jaded about things because that is really a big turnoff for prospective players.

Thanks for reading. I might to an individualized post later on if it's not too much :effort: zzz
<fubarduck> hey bell good shit beating kusoru in melty
<fubarduck> he was like "i lost to a long haired asian"
<fubarduck> aaaaaaaaa

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Re: Final Round XV Results!
« Reply #16 on: March 06, 2012, 11:48:44 AM »
Shinobi, you were the one running my pool at marvel too right? If yes, nice to meet you, I didn't know it was you :psyduck: , and mad respect for you and Malik to run both pools on that pressure situation after passing the whole day running other tournaments too.

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Re: Final Round XV Results!
« Reply #17 on: March 06, 2012, 11:53:50 AM »
I didn't run any Marvel pools this year. You probably saw omgitzandre who in turn had ppl confused for me that whole weekend.
Black people vs. underage looking bitches at Evo - 9-1.
Me: "Show me ya papers!"
Jaxx: "Bitch, you illegal as fuck."
...and never forget. OTG STDs.  Check Akiha's Tea Room for updates on the Donjon Network 2nd Phase live action radio show!

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Re: Final Round XV Results!
« Reply #18 on: March 06, 2012, 12:32:15 PM »
Well, let's see here now...where to begin? There's just so much I've thought about that I don't even know where.

This is by far one of the greatest events I've ever attended. The level of skill and the excitement was simply amazing. For being my first FR, I'm glad I had the opportunity to attend.

Shoutouts, if I forget you, don't take offense, my memory can be really bad.

- Shinobi, Larry, and all of the FR staff for making this event possible.
- woof for the Arcana calendar and Melty pins.
- Garu/Chelsea. It was nice to see you guys again since Evo 2010.
- $NJ$ I'm glad I got the chance to play against you guys and I learned a lot. I'm happy to know I haven't completely lost it.
- ehrik. You've improved a lot since the last time we've played. You got me this time, but next time... >:D. Until then, keep it up.
- LPT. So glad I finally got the chance to play you. It's been a while since I've played against V.Akiha and it's quite the rush. The other matches were just as fun. Forever fear the power of "DOINK!". :V
- Voomer + DivineArc. For the matches we played late Saturday night.
- DJCream. For being such a great guy to hang out with. Sadly we didn't get the chance to play each other. :(
- Rei. For wanting to play me in F/UC even though I'm not good at it. Sadly we didn't get to play each other either. :\
- To everyone else I played, GGs as well, it was much fun.

Good shit to everyone I met & to all the players that came down to the A & supported, TOO many shoutouts & sorry if I didn't get to meet everyone, I was helping running two KOF XIII pools & a UMvC3 pool at night so I was running around all day, catch y'all later. H-F also used H-Ries in matches as well.

P.S., Secret Scrubby Malik said he did it ALL FOR YOU GUYS
So you remember me. Sorry if I looked kinda cold or indifferent when we played. That's not how I really am. :-\

I know that there isn't another big Melty event until NEC at the end of the year and I've been giving this a lot of thought. As such, it's going to be difficult to hold a strong interest in the game. Don't get me wrong, I love the game to death otherwise I wouldn't have played it for so many years and gone to tournaments. But it's kinda gotten to the point where I'm feeling a little, "burned out" if you will. With all the different fighting games to fiddle around with and all the new and upcoming games coming out within the next several months, I feel like it's time to go back to being a gamer. The AZ guys will always be down to play Melty which I'm happy about, but it won't be my entire focus. We'll see how things are like as NEC approaches. The Melty community is one that I am proud to be a part of and it has treated me very well and it's something I'll never forget. You guys are the greatest.

<--- "the irony of being one of the least anime people in the anime FGC" - bell

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Re: Final Round XV Results!
« Reply #19 on: March 06, 2012, 01:53:44 PM »
Great event! I had a lot of fun. Sry I did not play all that well, I kinda got sick during teams Friday night. I did have fun playing casuals though.

Shout outs to my stick, which may or may not have a legit problem. I'll prolly end up replacing all the PCBs, the JLF and the quick disconnects soon. Maybe buttons too...

Thanks to all the guys that stayed in my room. You made this tourney affordable.


BTW: There is a set of C-WLen vs F-Aoko replays on my laptop. Tell me who they belong to and I'll send em to you. From the color and the play of the WLen, it's Bill's.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2012, 02:31:18 PM by TheMaster_Rahl »

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Re: Final Round XV Results!
« Reply #20 on: March 06, 2012, 04:17:19 PM »
Before I get started on Garu/Chelsea interviews, my happiness that 73 people attended this event, the success of it all together, how much fun it was seeing everyone again, or anything else, I want to make an apology. 

After my loss in singles to my opponent, Denthorn, I made a very rude, inappropriate, and frankly stupid display of myself by throwing my stick in the hallway shortly after the match.  Larry had seen this, along with about two dozen players, and it not only looked bad on me, but our scene in general.  There is no excuse for this, and I just wanted to genuinely apologize for what I did.  I realized my stick was broken and didn't realize it until after the match, resulting in the angry mishap.  I ignored comments people made on it from Winter Brawl and my own instinct regarding mis-inputs during the tournament.  I was rightfully warned by the staff, which was kind enough to not completely expel me from the event all together (honestly, they should have). 

The anger was primarily not even due to the stick, or my match, but moreso a series of events that happened the entire weekend, that I would rather forget.  I had little sleep, both me and my friends who traveled to the event took heavy financial loss  :bricks:, and I wasn't able to welcome our international players in the way I had planned out for months.  Honestly, I want to thank the community for making this event so successful that this looked like a small blemish at worst.  Also I want to thank everyone who made extra efforts to support me accomplish what needed to be done for the event where I became unable to due to what happened.  Especially Ehrik, Jimmy, Rei, and Brandino.

The ignorance in on itself deserves a loss, and I want my opponent Denthorn to know I'm not upset with him or anyone else in anyway.  In this sense Denthorn won by being such a prepared and honorable opponent.  I'm really sorry for what I did, or any bad impression I might of given off due to my stress over this weekend. 
GenericSuperHero: komidol's not a nerd, he's a visionary
AnFox: H-mech IS a character.
Exciel: It's 2011, use whoever the hell you want already. Fuck haters and relish the salty tears that drip from their skulls as you stand victorious.

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Re: Final Round XV Results!
« Reply #21 on: March 06, 2012, 04:22:33 PM »
Before I get started on Garu/Chelsea interviews, my happiness that 73 people attended this event, the success of it all together, how much fun it was seeing everyone again, or anything else, I want to make an apology. 

After my loss in singles to my opponent, Denthorn, I made a very rude, inappropriate, and frankly stupid display of myself by throwing my stick in the hallway shortly after the match.  Larry had seen this, along with about two dozen players, and it not only looked bad on me, but our scene in general.  There is no excuse for this, and I just wanted to genuinely apologize for what I did.  I realized my stick was broken and didn't realize it until after the match, resulting in the angry mishap.  I ignored comments people made on it from Winter Brawl and my own instinct regarding mis-inputs during the tournament.  I was rightfully warned by the staff, which was kind enough to not completely expel me from the event all together (honestly, they should have). 

The anger was primarily not even due to the stick, or my match, but moreso a series of events that happened the entire weekend, that I would rather forget.  I had little sleep, both me and my friends who traveled to the event took heavy financial loss  :bricks:, and I wasn't able to welcome our international players in the way I had planned out for months.  Honestly, I want to thank the community for making this event so successful that this looked like a small blemish at worst.  Also I want to thank everyone who made extra efforts to support me accomplish what needed to be done for the event where I became unable to due to what happened.  Especially Ehrik, Jimmy, Rei, and Brandino.

The ignorance in on itself deserves a loss, and I want my opponent Denthorn to know I'm not upset with him or anyone else in anyway.  In this sense Denthorn won by being such a prepared and honorable opponent.  I'm really sorry for what I did, or any bad impression I might of given off due to my stress over this weekend.

Even if he doesn't see this, I'll pass it along to him.

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Re: Final Round XV Results!
« Reply #22 on: March 06, 2012, 06:13:55 PM »
I'll make a personalized post later, but I would also like to post the results of the Red Roku Rangers vs the White Roku Rangers

Red Roku Rangers win 16 to 13.
<@sibladeko> lack of close buttons is poverty
<@sibladeko> means the police can't use secret elevator codes to save us
<Darcius> poor people not worth savin
<@SilentShinobi> the double down is the black man's lethal kryptonite

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Re: Final Round XV Results!
« Reply #23 on: March 06, 2012, 06:41:37 PM »
First the serious stuff:
Thank you ShinBlanka for running the show and letting us all experience this godlike event.
Thank you Shinobi for running all those brackets, you deserve a lot of kudos for all the hard work you did.
Thanks to everyone I played casuals with. I learned a lot being there, playing all sorts of people, fighting all those characters, and my understanding of the game's a lot better after this weekend.
Big ups to TexasTim for letting me crash in his room, sleep was a well-deserved luxury after all the insanity that went on throughout the day.
Thank you ZomB for the rides to Steak N' Shake, that dinner was too much fun and you are a hero for ferrying people there.

and the other stuff: shoutouts to shitty chinese food at 3 AM after not eating for like 14 hours, stream monstering in the hallway and banging on the walls when people won games, smokebombs, maidsports, people yelling "HOLD THAT SHIT" not letting us in on crowded elevators, and rei recording the madness that was aof3 lol expoooooooosed

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Re: Final Round XV Results!
« Reply #24 on: March 06, 2012, 09:20:32 PM »
First I gotta say that this is the first time I've ever traveled out into the East Coast so this event has set the bar for any return visit pretty damn high.

ShinBlanka, Silent Shinobi - Y'all ran an incredible event. I've never had so much fun playing games and generally hanging out with so much people despite living on so little sleep and food. :gonk:
Dippy, Rayza, Tempered, HF, Robert - I always get nervous whenever I room up with fools I don't know personally for a tourney or convention. By the end of the weekend, I feel so relieved that you guys were accepting and completely chill with me. One of these days, I'll make a trip down to AZ just to kick it with y'all and maybe get in some more poverty.
Malik, Saika, Zeal - You guys are some real hommies on Thursday. I thought I'd be bored outta my mind waiting on Dippy to show up but y'all made it interesting despite that 3 mile journey for booze. I hope Zeal takes good care of himself and maybe if he levels up can become the next Jiyuna in terms of drunk Melty.
SK, Rei - Forever the social highlight of any tournament i've been to. Special shoutouts to Masters Fighter and its retarded hitboxes. I'm am truly scared of the AOF3 game of death because of what happened that night. NegRep shoutouts to the CapCops that I expect were chillin' on the 16th floor and Cookie for duckin' out of his drinks. Psyduck :psyduck: shoutouts to Filipino Champ walking into hype poverty then being confused as fuck
Woof, Hyperhal - GDLK pins and GDLK team. I don't give a damn if we lost 'cause we got the best trolling on the stream second to Bell v. Kusoru.
Chelsea, Garu - Good job making it out to Final Round. Y'all were a bunch of fun to hang out. It sounds like they are havin' fun in New York right about now so Komidol can tell them to have a safe journey for me.
Numakie, Brandino - It was a lot of fun hanging out with y'all on Monday. GG's on the Vampire Savior casuals in the airport.
LPT, Bill - I don't think I've ever had the chance to talk about C-WLen strats with anybody before. Its unfortunate that i didn't get to play any of y'all personally so expect a really long post about some of the mixups I've figured out in the WLen board very soon.
Coren - Sorry for taking your dollar and landing a dumbass, unpractical combo done for the stream lolz during the team tourney. You're still a cool guy and would love to challenge you (and Komidol) to Tanto Coure in the future.
Divine - GDLK conversations at the Stake and Shake. You did good on callin' out Woof's Crazy Crane game.
Shoutouts to whoever hosted the Sailor Moon/Rapeman (AKA Silent_Shinobi the anime) room. Shoutouts to #smokebomb #EXteleport #maidsports

Shoutouts to everyone else I didn't personally recognize. Even though everyone else I mentioned contributed to my experience, it is the entire melty community that showed up that made this tournament as exciting and eventful as it can be. Bell is right to say that we can't stop when we have all this momentum, so for all those who are learning please don't be afraid to call out whoever the hell you want for matches. And for all those veterans who want to move on, please don't be afraid to take some time off to teach the new generation of melty players a thing or two so that the community can continue to produce high-level play that Japan can respect.

BTW: There is a set of C-WLen vs F-Aoko replays on my laptop. Tell me who they belong to and I'll send em to you. From the color and the play of the WLen, it's Bill's.
I play color 28 (icy blue W.Len). I know I ran a hella long set of matches with HyperHal's F-Aoko but I'm not sure if those matches got recorded.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2012, 09:48:29 PM by DJcream »
MBAACC1.07: C-Wlen (main), H-Hisui, C/H-Sacchin
BBCSex: Carl (main), Makoto
Gundam VS ex: God Gundam