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Author Topic: September 29th Edm Ranbat!  (Read 1436 times)

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Offline shiro420

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September 29th Edm Ranbat!
« on: September 30, 2007, 12:15:18 AM »
Mvc2(7 entries)
1st JJ_tactics
2nd Crazy J
3rd Armor king
4th Marv0

Mvc2 Low tier (7 entiers)
1st JJ_tactics
2nd Crazy J
3rd Armor king
4th Moe Powl

Tekken 5 ( 11 entries)
1st Toakes green
2nd Haseo
3rd Armor king
4th Levie
5th Shiro420/Sirlic
7th Deen/Damon

ST (11 entries o_O?)
1st Jinrai
2nd Shiro420
3rd Jj_tactics
4th Micheal Jackson
5th JL/Marvin

Melty blood (13 entries)
1st Hungrey wolf (BULLSHIT)
2nd Sirlic
3rd Haseo
4th Gamer Girl
5th Shiro420/JT

Xvsf (24 entires)
1st Shiro420
2nd Dark renagade
3rd Astral
4th Marv0
5th Armor king/JT
7th Crazy J/JJ_tactics
9th Micheal Jackson/Haseo

Tournament high lights
Wezzly taking moe out in 3s winners finals

Yes this shit was epic, any one who was watching can tell you thatYun vs Makoto was a very intence match up. EAH EAH EAH EAH EAH. Makoto grab SLAP oh shit thats all your life.

It was a real shame that both wes and moe had to leave =s really killed the mo comback angre vent,

Marvin beat my ass with Urien which alsop sucked and micheal jackson got 5th for 3s lol

Low tier marvel was fun, i died just as quick as i did in tekken. Tekken finals was also hype, someof the I've seen since Dazzler vs Virus at the TOTC tourney last May.

Melty blood was suprisingly intence, Im not sure why but i got so tierd playing the game, the matches took for ever and Deen (hungrey wolf) was flowing every one around begging for match in melty.

Marvel normal was nice, made out pretty decntly, considering im jsut picking up the game

Of corseall the free money i won in xvsf mm's made my day complet as well as taking xvsf for free from renagade, =p Astrals rogue is seriously annoying. Marvin isnt realy keeping up lol.

Haseo did really well in 3s vs moe, considering he's only 2months in with 3s. I almosttook thatlameson of a bitch james out in 3s, but he is the better chun so what can i do but die.

Lookingf forward to some more tournaments soon, Also a3 didnt happen =s
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