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ahaha that's no--wait, what?

Author Topic: [July 6-7] Evolution 2012 -- maidsports >> e-sports [Las Vegas, NV]  (Read 12577 times)

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Offline Dipstick

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Yeah, it's a side tournament -- what else did you expect? Yet, somehow, I can't seem to get away from this game. Maybe I just need to close the forum and open up chaoscancel.com instead (that's a joke).

I'm just starting this thread to get an idea of who here is going to Evo this year and would play in a side tournament. I was told by a few people last year that they were disappointed that there was no side tournament (?!), and I don't care if it's only 12 people. Furthermore, it's Evo -- who knows who would end up showing up (Go1 does play UMvC3...).

Tournament rules are going to be pretty standard:
  • 1PM Signups, Saturday
  • Standard double elimination bracket, $10 to enter, standardish prize split of 65%/25%/10%/can of Coco-Cola. I reserve the right to expand this (and shit my pants) if we have a LOT of entrants (80+), but I know that isn't happening.
  • 2/3 rounds to win a game, 2/3 games to win a set. I'm tempted to make it 2/3 straight through WF/LF/GF.
  • All characters are allowed.
  • Either player may call for a double blind pick before game one; after game one the winner of the previous game is character locked (winner is still allowed to change their moon).
  • Any tournament-regulation wired joystick and controller is allowed. Keyboard play is NOT allowed, unless you're crazy like Madscientist and wired up a keyboard to a PS2 PCB (then at that point it's a PS2 controller).
  • No game-breaking glitches allowed (getting your ass beat by maids is NOT a game breaking glitch). This includes the infinite flight glitch with C/H-Archtype Earth! Do it and I'm beating you with a sack of potatoes.
  • Shower and bathe before the tournament (I know you all are weeaboo as fuck but you don't have to smell it!).
You do not need a spectator or player pass to enter any of the tournaments at F-Evo except for the VF5:FS tournament -- and this is MB:CC, so you don't have to worry about that (unless you somehow managed to swap out Akira for KokoroMiyako, and if that's the case I want to live in your world).

I can bring an actual, proper setup that's as lag-free as you can get (as long as your stick/controller/converter isn't ass). I would strongly encourage other people to bring more setups; I don't want to be there forever (it IS Vegas, after all). I also need a couple of people to help me run this thing -- I'm tempted to snap-nominate Lolisauce, since he's from the area and he's a cool person, but still.

Post up if you're interested or you think it's time to move on and play with some goddamn gems.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2012, 12:52:17 AM by LoliSauce »
Worst Nanaya and second worst Ryougi player in the USA


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Very possible I might make this
<Graven> When you are Ciel, don't try to win, don't even try to do anything. The more you do, the stupider and bigger faggot you become because you're using Ciel.
<WyvernLord> roku is faking his disappearance so melty bread can come out and try to convince him of his value to the community

Offline Kusanagi

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I'm going so sign me up >:3
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Yeah, I'll help run it.  I don't have a setup, nor am I going to actually play.  I'll be watching shit though, so I might as well get involved.
<LoliSauce>   Yeah, so I live right in between an elementary school and a middle school about a block on each side of me
<Zar>      God loves you, Lolisauce
<Mauve>      [The Touhou fandom] are like the moe character equivalent of furries.

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im not entering
what the fuck is this game

Offline FireBearHero

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  • No game-breaking glitches allowed (getting your ass beat by maids is NOT a game breaking glitch)

game-breaking feature!

But seriously which hallway/bathroom will this be taking place in?

Offline Zaelar

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You got rounds/games/set order correct.  You aren't qualified to run a tournament.

Offline lain102300

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Seattle will be at the tourney. We'll probably have 3-5 peeps entering melty.

Offline Samuelio

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Lain always holding it down for Seattle ^^

Offline Dipstick

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Anyone have any input for scheduling? Games it should -- or should not be -- scheduled against? I personally think all of the side games should be scheduled against SFxT because we know no one is entering SFxT, but that's neither here nor there.

I'm tempted to schedule it near Skullgirls since that game is likely to have the most crossover, and I would be looking to start earlier than they are (if only be an hour or two) so that by the time they are starting, people in MB won't be holding up their brackets (it'll be early enough in their tournament that they can skip and come back later).
Worst Nanaya and second worst Ryougi player in the USA


Offline Kusanagi

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Re: [July 6-7] Evolution 2012 -- maidsports >> e-sports [Las Vegas, NV]
« Reply #10 on: May 28, 2012, 10:50:34 PM »
I'm just entering KOFXIII and (maybe) Skullgirls this year (and maybe BB if I somehow get to play / train it before the actual tourney which is almost a no go for me since I didn't like Extend)

So yeah...
MB Retsu Go ! :nyoro:

Schedule against SFxT sounds good. Nobody with some self-respect will play that anyways.
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Re: [July 6-7] Evolution 2012 -- maidsports >> e-sports [Las Vegas, NV]
« Reply #11 on: June 01, 2012, 10:38:55 PM »
Schedule against SFxT we might get disgruntled capcom players to try it out
what the fuck is this game

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Re: [July 6-7] Evolution 2012 -- maidsports >> e-sports [Las Vegas, NV]
« Reply #12 on: July 03, 2012, 10:38:21 AM »
Some pre-Evo items of note:
  • The tournament is currently scheduled to start at 1 PM on Saturday. This is likely it unless something weird comes up. Only MvC3 and SFxT are going on then (and the tail end of the BB and VF5:FS side tournaments), so direct conflicts should be minimal.
  • I need setups. I am bringing one but I would like to have one or two more so we're not there for eight hours.
  • My one concern with my setup is that I'm not staying on site. I can bring it to/from where I'm staying fine, I just can't keep an eye on it the entire time due to other obligations, and it's too big to just pick up and go like a laptop.
So for you sadlifes that are going (with or without your waifus), see you in Vegas.
Worst Nanaya and second worst Ryougi player in the USA


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Re: [July 6-7] Evolution 2012 -- maidsports >> e-sports [Las Vegas, NV]
« Reply #13 on: July 04, 2012, 04:49:59 PM »
I have a laptop that might be able to run it I don't fucking know because I haven't touched the game in god knows how long I'll see if it can do it.
what the fuck is this game

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Re: [July 6-7] Evolution 2012 -- maidsports >> e-sports [Las Vegas, NV]
« Reply #14 on: July 04, 2012, 09:18:51 PM »
I'll be down there this year, I'll stop by and watch. Havent touched melty since EVO 2010 though so I wont be competing.
Why do I even bother going to EVO anymore.... D8

Offline lain102300

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Re: [July 6-7] Evolution 2012 -- maidsports >> e-sports [Las Vegas, NV]
« Reply #15 on: July 04, 2012, 10:29:03 PM »
I'll bring my laptop.

Will we be playing 1.4 or 1.3? If 1.4, I hope somebody has the patch there.

Offline Dipstick

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Re: [July 6-7] Evolution 2012 -- maidsports >> e-sports [Las Vegas, NV]
« Reply #16 on: July 04, 2012, 10:49:47 PM »
I'll bring my laptop.

Will we be playing 1.4 or 1.3? If 1.4, I hope somebody has the patch there.
Either version is fine, all 1.4 does is fix the glitches regarding KohaMech's infinite and Archetype:Earth's infinite flight. If you're playing on 1.3 and you go for the KohaMech infinite or try the flight glitch with Archetype, I'm going to smack you and disqualify you (maybe not in that order).

Anyone who needs to get in touch with me while I'm in Vegas, your best bet is contacting me either publicly or by DM on Twitter; my account there is @kumubou.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2012, 08:49:27 AM by Dipstick »
Worst Nanaya and second worst Ryougi player in the USA


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Re: [July 6-7] Evolution 2012 -- maidsports >> e-sports [Las Vegas, NV]
« Reply #17 on: July 06, 2012, 01:47:36 AM »
Best Nanaya in YouTube.

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Re: [July 6-7] Evolution 2012 -- maidsports >> e-sports [Las Vegas, NV]
« Reply #18 on: July 06, 2012, 06:45:21 AM »
MB Singles are scheduled to be streamed at the link below at 2PM Vegas time on Saturday

<justzar> great anime <3

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zar are you even aware that your attitude is what drove people off in the first place. i think zar's attitude is worse than all of that. cause neither of you guys mean anything. but zar can poison shit around him. zar's the one that gets personal online and does realtalk that's out of line.

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Re: [July 6-7] Evolution 2012 -- maidsports >> e-sports [Las Vegas, NV]
« Reply #20 on: July 07, 2012, 07:40:06 AM »
So a few jp players seem to be interested in MB EVO this year (for some retarded reason) and I was wondering if someone could put together a quick tweet for me to throw up for them.

Just need info about start time in there somewhere. Likely will reply to clear_lamp's post and he'll likely pass it along.

Also, someone translate this for me too if possible =p
(Think he's saying that he was tied down with work last year and could make it? [drinking his tears? lol])
zar are you even aware that your attitude is what drove people off in the first place. i think zar's attitude is worse than all of that. cause neither of you guys mean anything. but zar can poison shit around him. zar's the one that gets personal online and does realtalk that's out of line.

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Re: [July 6-7] Evolution 2012 -- maidsports >> e-sports [Las Vegas, NV]
« Reply #21 on: July 07, 2012, 09:33:28 AM »
Tweet at dippy and he should be able to let you know :0
<Graven> When you are Ciel, don't try to win, don't even try to do anything. The more you do, the stupider and bigger faggot you become because you're using Ciel.
<WyvernLord> roku is faking his disappearance so melty bread can come out and try to convince him of his value to the community

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[July 6-7] Evolution 2012 -- maidsports >> e-sports [Las Vegas, NV]
« Reply #22 on: July 07, 2012, 09:53:52 AM »
Also, someone translate this for me too if possible =p
(Think he's saying that he was tied down with work last year and could make it? [drinking his tears? lol])

That's exactly what he said lol D:

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Offline LoliSauce

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Re: [July 6-7] Evolution 2012 -- maidsports >> e-sports [Las Vegas, NV]
« Reply #23 on: July 07, 2012, 11:52:38 PM »
SPOILERS: Maids didn't win.
<LoliSauce>   Yeah, so I live right in between an elementary school and a middle school about a block on each side of me
<Zar>      God loves you, Lolisauce
<Mauve>      [The Touhou fandom] are like the moe character equivalent of furries.

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Re: [July 6-7] Evolution 2012 -- maidsports >> e-sports [Las Vegas, NV]
« Reply #24 on: July 08, 2012, 12:09:41 AM »
Clmelty: Rokumoe!