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The Diaspora => Tournaments and Events => : Vigilante August 25, 2010, 03:34:42 PM

When's Melty on Steam?
ahaha that's no--wait, what?
: Game Underground Blood Battles every Tuesday and Friday night in Framingham MA
: Vigilante August 25, 2010, 03:34:42 PM
My name is Thomas Vigil aka Vigilante and I have been playing meltyblood since I was introduced by Dipstick and Master Chibi at TGA. Since it closed I haven't been able to play as often and since this place in Framingham has fight nights I thought I could make a thread and possibly make it the place to go for MB comp. I have actually set up the BG fight nights in CT so I would like to start the same thing in MA and It's a great spot with knowledgeable staff. Here is some quotes from Dan, one of the employee's from Game Underground taking about some of the history of the store.

A little about us:
We started holding our gatherings last November (?) the week TGA (RIP) closed for a vacation. After the terrible incident occurred there, we've had fight night gatherings in Framingham for over a year. Gameunicon happened (ask for the sad details) and we were force to shut down. But now we're back! Jamie is now the 100% owner and I have been given permission to run fight nights every Tuesday and Friday like old times!

Before I rant on again I have to say this. TO ALL WHO HAVE GONE, BEEN, ATTENDED, SPENT MONEY, PLAYED FIGHTERS, WATCHED, DROVE/WALKED/SWAM/FLEW to GU THANK YOU. Everyone in this community is beyond awesome and I wouldn't host any of these fight nights if it weren't for the players support. Over the last year I have met so many new people and made some unbelievable friendships. I'm blessed because people come from so far just to play, and I try my best to accommodate. And obviously if there's ever a problem, tell me ASAP. :D

What we do at fight night:
$5 venue fee
Store hours: 5pm-1am (or later)

I have keys to the store, and have the ability to leave whenever I want. That usually means if people wanna play till the sun shines, so be it.

What we play:

FIGHTERS! Obviously the game is SSF4 right now. But to be honest I'm open to anything. I would reccommend bringing another player if you wanna play the more obscure titles, or at the very least post before hand, but all fighters are welcomed. If you msg me before hand I'll also set it up in the afternoon.

We play on Viewsonics xbox 360 VGA mainly for super. We have a few ps3's on crt's too! I have one TE for each so if you dont have a stick theres no problem (but bring yours if you have one)

Thats pretty much the gist of fight nights in Framingham

1251 Worcester Road
MA 01701

Phone # 508-283-1503

I just need to mention it's BYOS(Bring your own set-up) if someone is able to do this then it would make this much easier. We would also need sticks for the PS2 but hopefully, once more people show up we could start a little fund raiser so we wouldn't have to do this all the time.

Hope to see you all there!!
: Re: Game Underground Blood Battles every Tuesday and Friday night in Framingham MA
: Vigilante August 25, 2010, 03:35:56 PM
There is also ranking battles that have been started and if there's enough interest then I would like Melty to be included so show your support!
: Re: Game Underground Blood Battles every Tuesday and Friday night in Framingham MA
: Vigilante September 03, 2010, 08:20:44 AM
Who's coming tonight or this Tuesday coming up? I want to see more hype for this and even make this the new home MB comp in MA. Get hype!
: Re: Game Underground Blood Battles every Tuesday and Friday night in Framingham MA
: Zero September 03, 2010, 09:18:27 AM
I would come if I had rides.
: Re: Game Underground Blood Battles every Tuesday and Friday night in Framingham MA
: YubelPhoenix September 03, 2010, 10:08:02 AM
Its a shame that a majority of MA's melty scene is hours away from frammingham. :'( When i get my vehicle fixed i'll be bringing plenty of melty heads over. 8-)
: Re: Game Underground Blood Battles every Tuesday and Friday night in Framingham MA
: Vigilante September 03, 2010, 06:00:13 PM
Zero-What about the train? They have a train that goes to Framingham and someone should be able to pick u up from the station when u arrive.

Yubel-Can't wait man because I really want to level up again in MB.

I just need to mention it's BYOS(Bring your own set-up) if someone is able to do this then it would make this much easier. We would also need sticks for the PS2 but hopefully, once more people show up we could start a little fund raiser so we wouldn't have to do this all the time.
: Re: Game Underground Blood Battles every Tuesday and Friday night in Framingham MA
: YubelPhoenix September 03, 2010, 06:37:03 PM
We are trying head over their next friday and i'll bring my system. And is the train station near GU ???
: Re: Game Underground Blood Battles every Tuesday and Friday night in Framingham MA
: Zero September 03, 2010, 07:19:37 PM
Trains waste time. I could be playing like half an hour earlier with a ride(depending on traffic that is).
: Re: Game Underground Blood Battles every Tuesday and Friday night in Framingham MA
: Vigilante September 04, 2010, 05:40:54 AM
Yubel-it's not walking distance unless you like walking 45min to the store. If you call the store someone might be able to pick you up.

Zero- I don't know what to tell you but hopefully someone can give you a ride. Where do you live anyway?
: Re: Game Underground Blood Battles every Tuesday and Friday night in Framingham MA
: YubelPhoenix September 04, 2010, 01:27:27 PM
Yubel-it's not walking distance unless you like walking 45min to the store. If you call the store someone might be able to pick you up.

Zero- I don't know what to tell you but hopefully someone can give you a ride. Where do you live anyway?
Well my car is fixed now so we have a way to get there now. Zero lives a town over from me so i can get him. Does this GU have a parking lot around it? Im remember the one in Somervile didn't have one and it got pretty annoying going back forth paying the meter
: Re: Game Underground Blood Battles every Tuesday and Friday night in Framingham MA
: Vigilante September 05, 2010, 01:05:33 PM
Yubel-it's not walking distance unless you like walking 45min to the store. If you call the store someone might be able to pick you up.

Zero- I don't know what to tell you but hopefully someone can give you a ride. Where do you live anyway?
Well my car is fixed now so we have a way to get there now. Zero lives a town over from me so i can get him. Does this GU have a parking lot around it? Im remember the one in Somervile didn't have one and it got pretty annoying going back forth paying the meter

There is a parking lot so you will have nothing to worry about. It's also a bigger store so there will also be plenty of room and it's hard to miss. If you can go on Tuesday I won't get there till after 10pm, so if your still around we can get some games in.
: Re: Game Underground Blood Battles every Tuesday and Friday night in Framingham MA
: YubelPhoenix September 05, 2010, 05:32:02 PM
Yubel-it's not walking distance unless you like walking 45min to the store. If you call the store someone might be able to pick you up.

Zero- I don't know what to tell you but hopefully someone can give you a ride. Where do you live anyway?
Well my car is fixed now so we have a way to get there now. Zero lives a town over from me so i can get him. Does this GU have a parking lot around it? Im remember the one in Somervile didn't have one and it got pretty annoying going back forth paying the meter

There is a parking lot so you will have nothing to worry about. It's also a bigger store so there will also be plenty of room and it's hard to miss. If you can go on Tuesday I won't get there till after 10pm, so if your still around we can get some games in.
Its gonna have to be on friday since its my only free day
: Re: Game Underground Blood Battles every Tuesday and Friday night in Framingham MA
: kona September 06, 2010, 09:36:44 PM
I live in Western MA but I show up when I can (provided I have a ride and money). I'm primarily a BBCS and SSF4 player but bring Melty, I will definitely play. Me and Riceman had quite a few sessions on the Friday I showed up and it was an excellent time. Maybe I'll bring my PS2 so we can get more setups going. I normally work Tuesdays and Fridays but when I do show up, I'll definitely be down to support you guys.
: Re: Game Underground Blood Battles every Tuesday and Friday night in Framingham MA
: Vigilante September 07, 2010, 07:57:36 AM
Yubel-it's not walking distance unless you like walking 45min to the store. If you call the store someone might be able to pick you up.

Zero- I don't know what to tell you but hopefully someone can give you a ride. Where do you live anyway?
Well my car is fixed now so we have a way to get there now. Zero lives a town over from me so i can get him. Does this GU have a parking lot around it? Im remember the one in Somervile didn't have one and it got pretty annoying going back forth paying the meter

There is a parking lot so you will have nothing to worry about. It's also a bigger store so there will also be plenty of room and it's hard to miss. If you can go on Tuesday I won't get there till after 10pm, so if your still around we can get some games in.
Its gonna have to be on friday since its my only free day

It's my birthday this Friday so I wm not going to be there. Hopefully I will be able to get some games in with you next week.

Kona-When you can show up but if you can't just support the BG scene as you have been. thx
: Re: Game Underground Blood Battles every Tuesday and Friday night in Framingham MA
: Zero September 07, 2010, 11:18:48 AM
Apparently I have a high chance of showing up today so if anyone is going then you might see me. I'll be bringing my PS2 just in case too.
: Re: Game Underground Blood Battles every Tuesday and Friday night in Framingham MA
: kona September 07, 2010, 08:36:36 PM
Also a heads up for those of you that don't know yet, next week, me and Fraga will be running a 2 day tournament on the 18th and 19th.!-at-battlegrounds-in-vernon-ct-918-919/

Melty Blood will be on Sunday. Hopefully we'll see you there!
: Re: Game Underground Blood Battles every Tuesday and Friday night in Framingham MA
: riceman789 September 11, 2010, 04:49:28 AM
Glad you and I had the same idea by the way Tom.  I usually bring out a ps2 for Melty, but only on fridays.  The only issue I have is getting a ride there in which I have to call several people to get there.  But overall I'm available on fridays.
: Re: Game Underground Blood Battles every Tuesday and Friday night in Framingham MA
: Vigilante September 13, 2010, 06:28:37 AM
Glad you and I had the same idea by the way Tom.  I usually bring out a ps2 for Melty, but only on fridays.  The only issue I have is getting a ride there in which I have to call several people to get there.  But overall I'm available on fridays.

Good stuff man

What would everybody think of a little fund raiser for Melty at GU? The money would pretty much go towards the system,games, and boot disc. Sticks would be our own resposability to bring to fight night though.

Zero and Yubel- I actually live near you guys so if you ever got a session going on a different day of the week I could actually join you guys if you don't mind.
: Re: Game Underground Blood Battles every Tuesday and Friday night in Framingham MA
: YubelPhoenix September 13, 2010, 07:26:28 AM
I dont mind, we usually have our sessions at zeros place.
: Re: Game Underground Blood Battles every Tuesday and Friday night in Framingham MA
: Zero September 14, 2010, 11:02:44 AM
Zero and Yubel- I actually live near you guys so if you ever got a session going on a different day of the week I could actually join you guys if you don't mind.
We usually play any days from Friday to Sunday(most of the time Friday). Depends on Yubel like 90% of the time.

Also, someone give me a ride up this Friday to GU please. I want to play before I go down to NER.
: Re: Game Underground Blood Battles every Tuesday and Friday night in Framingham MA
: kona September 14, 2010, 11:44:38 AM
I got the Friday off so hopefully I'll be able to make it (pending a fellow Western Mass player gives me a ride). I also gotta work on my shit before NER.
: Re: Game Underground Blood Battles every Tuesday and Friday night in Framingham MA
: YubelPhoenix September 14, 2010, 03:06:33 PM
Zero and Yubel- I actually live near you guys so if you ever got a session going on a different day of the week I could actually join you guys if you don't mind.
We usually play any days from Friday to Sunday(most of the time Friday). Depends on Yubel like 90% of the time.

Also, someone give me a ride up this Friday to GU please. I want to play before I go down to NER.
I just work weekends now. So im available during weekdays, if want to get matches in
: Re: Game Underground Blood Battles every Tuesday and Friday night in Framingham MA
: riceman789 September 15, 2010, 02:58:16 AM
Actually this friday I would need a ride as well.
: Re: Game Underground Blood Battles every Tuesday and Friday night in Framingham MA
: kona September 17, 2010, 10:04:12 AM
I'll be there tonight with an MBAA setup. Hopefully I'll see you guys there.
: Re: Game Underground Blood Battles every Tuesday and Friday night in Framingham MA
: YubelPhoenix September 19, 2010, 04:43:09 PM
Me, zero, and couple of others are coming on friday. I'll bring my setup.
: Re: Game Underground Blood Battles every Tuesday and Friday night in Framingham MA
: Vigilante September 21, 2010, 08:21:16 AM
No fight night tonight but there is one Friday.
: Re: Game Underground Blood Battles every Tuesday and Friday night in Framingham MA
: riceman789 September 22, 2010, 02:36:44 AM
Me, zero, and couple of others are coming on friday. I'll bring my setup.

Give me a ride daymit!!
: Re: Game Underground Blood Battles every Tuesday and Friday night in Framingham MA
: YubelPhoenix September 22, 2010, 07:29:19 AM
you live mad far. From Brockton to randolph to waltham and the framingham and to drop everyone off is full tank of gas gone
: Re: Game Underground Blood Battles every Tuesday and Friday night in Framingham MA
: riceman789 September 22, 2010, 08:52:41 PM
: Re: Game Underground Blood Battles every Tuesday and Friday night in Framingham MA
: YubelPhoenix September 23, 2010, 04:39:01 AM
Sucks living far doesn't it.
: Re: Game Underground Blood Battles every Tuesday and Friday night in Framingham MA
: riceman789 September 23, 2010, 05:34:41 PM
...hush boy :emo:....nah I got luckyd giving me a ride.
: Re: Game Underground Blood Battles every Tuesday and Friday night in Framingham MA
: YubelPhoenix September 23, 2010, 05:39:58 PM
...hush boy :emo:....nah I got luckyd giving me a ride.
Nice. we need to have an F-Akiha vs H-vision match again!
: Re: Game Underground Blood Battles every Tuesday and Friday night in Framingham MA
: YubelPhoenix September 24, 2010, 03:22:20 PM
Sorry I couldn't go today i had complications with a friend who had complications with his mom. Next week i definately comin.
: Re: Game Underground Blood Battles every Tuesday and Friday night in Framingham MA
: riceman789 September 25, 2010, 04:38:42 PM
Sorry I couldn't go today i had complications with a friend who had complications with his mom. Next week i definately comin.

You and Me better hype it up!!
: Re: Game Underground Blood Battles every Tuesday and Friday night in Framingham MA
: YubelPhoenix September 25, 2010, 05:19:46 PM
Sorry I couldn't go today i had complications with a friend who had complications with his mom. Next week i definately comin.

You and Me better hype it up!!
"Mr. Free" took to long doing his chores and by time he was done it was already too late to go.
: Re: Game Underground Blood Battles every Tuesday and Friday night in Framingham MA
: riceman789 September 26, 2010, 02:00:43 PM
Sorry I couldn't go today i had complications with a friend who had complications with his mom. Next week i definately comin.

You and Me better hype it up!!
"Mr. Free" took to long doing his chores and by time he was done it was already too late to go.

Yeah...I was there waiting for you guys the whole time to play melty, but I at least got to play some Super At Least! :)
: Re: Game Underground Blood Battles every Tuesday and Friday night in Framingham MA
: YubelPhoenix September 26, 2010, 04:32:11 PM
Sorry I couldn't go today i had complications with a friend who had complications with his mom. Next week i definately comin.

You and Me better hype it up!!
"Mr. Free" took to long doing his chores and by time he was done it was already too late to go.

Yeah...I was there waiting for you guys the whole time to play melty, but I at least got to play some Super At Least! :)
This friday for sure!
: Re: Game Underground Blood Battles every Tuesday and Friday night in Framingham MA
: riceman789 December 07, 2010, 08:43:37 PM
Hey does anyone feel like have gauntlet matches.  I wanted to get a lil tourney b4 christmas, but I guess we'll do it next year. 
: Re: Game Underground Blood Battles every Tuesday and Friday night in Framingham MA
: Komidol December 08, 2010, 02:27:14 AM
How is public transportation up to this area?  Zero/Rice/Yubel always come down to the Tri-State events so if it's cheap I might be able to come up.

Does anyone live in Boston?  It'd be cheaper to go there.  (this would be for a friday in January, when everyone has their stuff together, after the holidays, no rush)
: Re: Game Underground Blood Battles every Tuesday and Friday night in Framingham MA
: YubelPhoenix December 08, 2010, 02:48:08 AM
How is public transportation up to this area?  Zero/Rice/Yubel always come down to the Tri-State events so if it's cheap I might be able to come up.

Does anyone live in Boston?  It'd be cheaper to go there.  (this would be for a friday in January, when everyone has their stuff together, after the holidays, no rush)
Riceman lives in the Boston area
: Re: Game Underground Blood Battles every Tuesday and Friday night in Framingham MA
: riceman789 December 08, 2010, 03:26:28 AM
Komidol if you can come down like friday afternoon, then it should be good.  If you drove down here, then Yubuel and I could possibly send some money to you.