When's Melty on Steam?
ahaha that's no--wait, what?

Author Topic: NORTHEAST CHAMPIONSHIP XIV (NEC) Dec 6th, 7th and 8th  (Read 22963 times)

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Offline Cristu

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« Reply #50 on: December 21, 2013, 11:07:20 AM »
it seems most of the top8 matches are missing

who the fuck still didnt post the replays or it wasnt saved?
All of those matches were run on Rayza's desktop, and no one has uploaded those replays yet.
Wow, what's going on guys? If you guys think no one is interested in your scene, you're terribly wrong. Since NEC is said to be your biggest event, I know a bunch of players who are really interested in it, myself included (and probably lots of players from US too who couldnt go or have a potential crush on MB). But if it takes long people will just forget about it. Actually I think it's already too late. Please be more agile next time. The scene wont get better known at this rate. I guess I'm just stating the obvious, but sometimes it can be handy.
A little bit of console ain't too bad.

Offline LivingShadow

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« Reply #51 on: December 21, 2013, 11:28:05 AM »
This is why I'm attempting to get on it, I know that the stream gets people hype for the game in general. Which is why I'm doing the restream, better than nothing.

It seems that I need to see about organizing things a little more.

Offline Tigre

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« Reply #52 on: December 22, 2013, 03:23:52 PM »
The scene wont get better known at this rate.
The scene doesn't need to be "better known" anymore. The og melty players worked their asses off to get the game to EVO. This game has been a main stage game at EVO before. Pretty much anyone you ask at a tournament will be able to tell you at least something about the game. A lot of players seem to think that the game just deserves to be run for some reason, when nothing else is being done with the game. Barely any content is being produced for the game, I see socal post about sessions and a few other isolated communities in NA posting about sessions, I don't see any in the northeast. I have a god damned venue in Philly that charges no venue fee and I haven't seen melty played there since the last tournament I ran.

The problem is that nothing happens with this game on a local level. I saw a lot of slop at NEC. I don't see any local tournaments going on except for when myself or tsb runs it and even then it doesn't happen a lot of times because of equipment not being supplied. If melty wants to survive this needs to change. This has nothing to do with "hype". This has everything to do with players actually improving and playing their game on a regular basis. Running majors where half of the people who entered haven't practiced is not "hype". I know that a player who got top 3 doesn't even practice this game anymore. Why are players losing to that? Why is Tenryo, one man putting in more effort to represent his game than all of EC melty?

So I'm done running melty at majors for now. I will revisit this situation if one of three things happen.
A.)UNIB comes out on console
B.)Melty HD comes out  :laffo:
C.)The community puts in a serious effort to represent their game.

A and B are pretty self explanatory. A console release is much easier to maintain for a community. UNI is a fresh start, and maybe Melty HD will bring back that hunger that the old players had.

C is the one that I really really want to see, but I'm somewhat hesitant will happen. This is a complicated issue, you can't buy the game, it's pc only, lugging around pcs sucks, the community has gotten lazy. Those are all valid concerns here. I really appreciate everyone who has supplied a setup to help me run events. A laptop is a lot more expensive and harder to replace than a ps3, and it carries a lot more personal information on it most of the time. Nadakai and I had to yell and kick and scream to get confirmed setups as late as the Wednesday before NEC to get setups. I've been told "there will always be melty setups! Why bother asking". That's a sorta shitty way to run an event, you don't just assume hardware will be there without confirmation.

So c'mon guys. Step your shit up. The oldheads worked their asses off with pc releases before, and kept the community thriving. I'm not asking for even that level of commitment, I'm just asking for this corpse to give me a good kick.

If you're wondering how to do this, reach out to your local TOs. Find where people play casuals, see if you can bring melty out to those gatherings. I don't know a single TO who will turn down players hungry for games. Myself included. If you live in the Philly area like I said we have a venue that we play games at. You are more than welcome to bring melty. All of the communities need to step their shit up, that doesn't exclude ours. That doesn't mean I'm going to carry it though. I don't even carry arcana in Philly, I have a lot of help on that one.

This post has gone on long enough and I've said everything I have to say. A lot of people are just telling me to flat out drop it and never look back, I want this to succeed though. I've met a lot of really cool people in the time I spent running melty. People I'm still friends. If it never picks back up that's really sad, but I had fun while it lasted. If it does pick up then awesome, let's push this shit forward. I'll revisit this after Winter Brawl to see what's going on.
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Offline f-wlen ice loop

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« Reply #53 on: December 22, 2013, 03:39:59 PM »
i'm going to be the asshole that says what everyone's thinking but is too afraid to post:

if you're not in america, you are largely irrelevant to the american tourney scene. your input on how things are run is equally irrelevant. we do not owe you anything. by acting as entitled as you currently are, you are giving us less incentive to bother.

melty's time has come and gone. the excitement for it is not there anymore. we are running it primarily as an obligation more than anything. most of us are playing other games as our main or not playing at all. a lot of melty players didn't even enter. GFs was LK vs kashif using their 2nd/3rd string alts.

rounding up all the replays and details for a tournament that was mostly done out of obligation, not interest, is not going to be the first thing on most people's minds. stop acting like we're "killing" the scene when it's already more or less dormant.

as a TO, tigre is absolutely correct. if a game does not pull numbers, it does not deserve space, plain and simple. melty is not owed a tournament simply because it's melty. it needs to pull in numbers and excitement, and it has not been doing either since the last FR. in its current state, it is extremely unlikely to get any better.

there are newer games with more players and more excitement in events these days. that's why those games have more attention devoted to them: because that's where the interest is.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2013, 03:45:35 PM by f-wlen ice loop »
<fubarduck> hey bell good shit beating kusoru in melty
<fubarduck> he was like "i lost to a long haired asian"
<fubarduck> aaaaaaaaa

Offline ehrik

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« Reply #54 on: December 22, 2013, 04:01:34 PM »
i'm going to be the asshole that says what everyone's thinking but is too afraid to post:

if you're not in america, you are largely irrelevant to the american tourney scene. your input on how things are run is equally irrelevant. we do not owe you anything. by acting as entitled as you currently are, you are giving us less incentive to bother.

melty's time has come and gone. the excitement for it is not there anymore. we are running it primarily as an obligation more than anything. most of us are playing other games as our main or not playing at all. a lot of melty players didn't even enter. GFs was LK vs kashif using their 2nd/3rd string alts.

rounding up all the replays and details for a tournament that was mostly done out of obligation, not interest, is not going to be the first thing on most people's minds. stop acting like we're "killing" the scene when it's already more or less dormant.

as a TO, tigre is absolutely correct. if a game does not pull numbers, it does not deserve space, plain and simple. melty is not owed a tournament simply because it's melty. it needs to pull in numbers and excitement, and it has not been doing either since the last FR. in its current state, it is extremely unlikely to get any better.

there are newer games with more players and more excitement in events these days. that's why those games have more attention devoted to them: because that's where the interest is.
<Graven> When you are Ciel, don't try to win, don't even try to do anything. The more you do, the stupider and bigger faggot you become because you're using Ciel.
<WyvernLord> roku is faking his disappearance so melty bread can come out and try to convince him of his value to the community

Offline Tonberry

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« Reply #55 on: December 22, 2013, 06:16:10 PM »
GFs was LK vs kashif using their 2nd/3rd string alts.

Agreed w/everything else but I switched my main to H-Roa.  I can only netplay the game and I can't play hard characters on netplay against 99% of connections so I had to switch if I wanted to play.  I studied some J-Anson vids, put decent time in training mode, 2 offline sessions, and a lot of netplay, although not close to NEC date, playing H-Roa.  I played 20? or so games w/CT-Warrior and spent 5 minutes in training mode the day before the tournament.  I really did want to win the tournament but there was no one else who did  :V

If you're wondering how to do this, reach out to your local TOs. Find where people play casuals, see if you can bring melty out to those gatherings. I don't know a single TO who will turn down players hungry for games. Myself included. If you live in the Philly area like I said we have a venue that we play games at. You are more than welcome to bring melty. All of the communities need to step their shit up, that doesn't exclude ours. That doesn't mean I'm going to carry it though. I don't even carry arcana in Philly, I have a lot of help on that one.

This post has gone on long enough and I've said everything I have to say. A lot of people are just telling me to flat out drop it and never look back, I want this to succeed though. I've met a lot of really cool people in the time I spent running melty. People I'm still friends. If it never picks back up that's really sad, but I had fun while it lasted. If it does pick up then awesome, let's push this shit forward. I'll revisit this after Winter Brawl to see what's going on.

Just wanted to add that I really did try to get people to play.  I said numerous times anyone can come whenever as long as they tell me ahead of time, asked people on twitter to come, I posted on Melty Bread and nothing has happened for the past 2 years or so.  Me and LK BOTH want to play Melty still but he feels there is no point in just playing me because then it will just turn into who is playing better on a given day. 

tl;dr ded gaem, Type Moon disband.
[01:08] <Komidol> that marisa cosplayer that took my registration was sexy
[15:24] <Rokunaya> i've actually reached the point where some voice actors sound familiar in animes
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Offline Numakie

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« Reply #56 on: December 23, 2013, 10:52:12 AM »
I'll pop in and say... ehh.

I just had fun screaming at melty and losing tournament troll matches against... H-HISUI'S!!!! GAAH!!!!

Then there was my getting serious matches against Tonberry and Shinobi. Those were a good wake up call for me. GG's btw.

Other than that, Alcohol, Birdfrog, EFZ and Smokebomb. Also, Snow. That sums my good time at NEC. May not be in the mindset of "getting hype" an shit, but I'm getting old.

(ps: Kick ass hot dogs and squeezing in the back of Nadakai's car)

(pps: Melty would have benefited with its own stream separate from Nadakai's. If i knew that would be the case, I woulda maybe tried to stream. Then again, my capture equip. was back in Cali.  :P)
« Last Edit: December 23, 2013, 11:05:16 AM by Numakie »
~~Playing the wrong way... and somehow getting away with it.~~
<Pfhor>: no, I only have nightmares about your play numakie
<Pfhor>: because it makes no fucking sense

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« Reply #57 on: December 25, 2013, 09:03:22 AM »
Irrelevant opinions and all, the game seems very much alive to me, but in a more casual capacity. People play it for fun all the time, even in tournaments, but the competitive drive isnt quite there anymore. That doesnt work for everyone, but in the end it's whatever since I don't see any true interest in actively changing that. Waiting for a new game is easier in the end.
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