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Atlas Academy => Melty Blood: Actress Again => White Len => : COD3player August 20, 2009, 09:28:13 AM

When's Melty on Steam?
ahaha that's no--wait, what?
: F-White Len
: COD3player August 20, 2009, 09:28:13 AM
This is just a placeholder for now. Will be updated accordingly after detailed experiments have been performed.

NOTE: All of the information in this post concerns Original mode on the PS2 version.

5A: Same as her 5A from MBAC. She swings the little purple ball upwards with her finger. Doesn't have much range but it can hit crouchers.
5B: Same as her 5B from MBAC. She swings the ball outwards while spinning. Has really good range and comes out reasonably fast. This attack hits twice.
[5B]: A charged up version of her 5B. Both hits cause wall slam.
5C: Same as her 5C from MBAC. She swings the ball in an arc above her head. This attack hits twice.
5[C]: A charged up version of her 5C. Hits only once but launches the opponent on hit.

2A: A standing kick to the opponent's shins. Doesn't have much range at all but it's fast and is probably her fastest normal when used at close range.
2B: Looks very similar to her 2B from MBAC except it hits only once. Looks kinda like her 5B except performed along the ground.  This move comes out pretty fast, has good range, and trips the opponent. Good for continuing/starting combos
2C: Same as her 2C from MBAC. She slides along the ground doing a split kick a short distance in front of her. Like most 2Cs, this attack trips the opponent. This move leads right into her air combos if you press 2C again.

j.A: Same as her j.A from MBAC. She holds her hand outwards while the purple ball moves a short distance forward. Not the fastest j.A in the game but it has decent reach during the active frames. Hits high like all j.As in Full Moon.
j.B: Same as her j.B from MBAC. She swings the ball under her arm while aiming downwards. Doesn't have much range but useful for her fuzzy guard against cornered opponents.
j.C: Same as her j.C from MBAC. She swings the ball upwards. Doesn't have much reach but can be used to hit opponents that are above you.
j.[C]: Same as her j.[C] from MBAC. She tosses a ball upwards and then it comes down. An essential move to her zoning game. It is also possible to have more than one on the screen at any given time. Disappears when she gets hit but not if she blocks.

Command Normals:
4B: Same as her 4B from MBAC. She swings her arm upward while holding the ball. This attack launches the opponent and can be used to set up her air combos.
j.2C: Same as her j.2C from MBAC. She swings the ball downwards and the ball takes on a larger shape. This move has massive proration on it and the hitbox is kinda weird and it isn't active for a while. It can be used to hit crouchers after a late j.[C] but doesn't exactly have much use otherwise.
2C (after 2C): Same followup from MBAC. She performs an overhead front flip. This only launches if they were tripped by the intial 2C. Otherwise it simply knocks them down. Used for setting up air combos after her 2C.

Throw: Tosses the opponent over her head. Untechable until the opponent hits the ground. Can be comboed after.
Air throw: Tosses the opponent downward at a 45 degree angle. Untechable. If you're high enough, it's possible to air dash while falling.

Ah, now we're talking. F-White Len's specials are really what make her more of a threat. She now has a distance game to complement her short-ranged normals. I do not have the official move names translated so bear with me and I'll use names or nicknames that (hopefully) make sense. If someone can provide the official translated names, I'll be more than happy to add them and use the following names for references.

Ice Edge (236A/B/C): These are essentially F-W. Len's projectiles and they look strikingly similar to Ky's stun edges from Guilty Gear (or Jin's Ice Blades from the recent BlazBlue). Although these projectiles may seem linear, they come out pretty fast and travel a good distance and their recovery isn't too bad either. These are great for long range combat and they can also be performed in the air. More on that later.

236A: A pretty standard fireball (ice ball?). Comes out relatively fast and travels at a good pace. It does not travel full screen however, but pretty close to it. If your opponent is at the opposite end of the screen, it will dissipate right in front of them.

236B: Looks very similar to the one above, but has a little more startup and recovery. It also travels noticeably faster and travels full screen.

236C: Very similar to Ky's Charge Stun Edge (or Jin's EX Ice Blade) but comes out much faster than both. This move is very good for pressure strings as it can be super cancelled from a ground ice edge and it keeps the opponent pinned. On hit it is very easy to combo from. If the opponent is on the ground, this won't knock them down allowing for easier combos.

Air Ice Edge (236A/B/C): These are aerial versions of her ground ice edges except they all travel downwards at a 45 degree angle and have their own unique properties.

j.236A: This version of air ice edge allows W. Len to maintain her momentum in the direction she was jumping. So if you jump forward or backwards, you will continue to travel in that direction during this move.

j.236B: This version of air ice edge completely stops W. Len's momentum and moves her upwards and back a little bit. The most useful feature of this attack, is that you retain all your jump and air dash options if you haven't used them already. This allows for some very interesting zoning tactics.

j.236C: This super version of air ice edge works similar to the A version in that she retains her aerial momentum. One thing to note is that if you are too low to the ground, the projectile won't even come out. While it may seem like a waste of meter, it can be used as a round ender when the opponent is least expecting it as you recover almost instantly allowing you to throw them. This move is required for comboing from her fuzzy guard

Spin (623A/B/C): This move is more or less identical to Len's versions of Spin from MBAC. This is the type of move that you can occasionally use to end a blockstring since W. Len's dash has too much startup to simply dash in and re-apply pressure.

623A: This version of spin doesn't travel that far but it comes out relatively faster than the others and it's the least punishable on block. Holding the A button down will charge the last hit making it an overhead.

623B: This version is very punishable on block and doesn't seem to have many other special properties (still testing).

623C: This version of spin has limited super armor on startup making it a decent reversal against over committed rushdowns. The last hit slams them into the opposite while which makes it great for setting up zoning. However, it is embarrassingly punishable if it gets blocked. So use wisely. It is possible to combo after this super when the opponent is in the corner.

Note: In some matches, I have seen players perform the spin WITHOUT the last hit coming out. I am unsure how to perform this or if it was removed in Original mode.

Forest (214A/B/C): This attack is unique in that it's good for okizeme or space control because of how long these attacks stay out.

214A: W. Len plants a small tree branch that stems vertically. This attack stays out for a good while and it's air unblockable. If the opponent gets hit, they will be launched upward slightly allowing you to combo them. The branch goes away if you block an attack however.

214B: W. Len plants a small tree branch that stems horizontally along the ground. This attack is good after knockdowns because if you're opponent is standing on it, you can take the chance to cross them up and they will take the hit. Like the A version, it too launches on hit and stays out for a good while. In spite of its appearance, it does NOT hit low.

214C: W. Len creates a web of ice that hits the opponent multiple times. This super is a decent reversal attack since it stays out even if she gets hit. It is also air unblockable and because of the hits, you can combo from them. Though the hitbox is decently large, it isn't as big as the graphics may suggest.

Teleport (22A/B/C/D): This move is just what it sounds like. W. Len will disappear and reappear in a designated location depending on the button pressed. Unlike what you might see in other games, this teleport isn't useful for moving around the stage or escaping the corner. While she is disappearing she can still be hit and also while she is reappearing. These are more useful for her midscreen 50/50 when you have a meaty 214B out on the screen.

22A: W. Len crouches, disappears and then reappears about several character widths away from where she was initially. Not particularly useful considering that there is quite a bit of recovery after she reappears and you can't attack right away.

22B: An illusion of W. Len performs her 623A except she reappears where the illusion started. This is a fakeout and part of her 50/50 off a meaty midscreen 214B.

22C: An illusion of W. Len performs her 623A except she reappears where the illusion landed. This is yet another fakeout that is part of her 50/50 from a meaty 214B.

22D: W. Len crouches and turns into her cat form. You can't attack and any attempt at moving will return her back to normal. Conclusion? This teleport is absolutely useful tell me. :P

Flying Attacks (j.214A/B/C): These are W. Len's aerial specials. They don't particularly have too many uses and are quite possibly her most underused attacks.

j.214A: W. Len dives downward at a 45 degree angle while in the air. Can be used to if you're really high up in the air and want to get back to the ground quickly and away from the opponent. Otherwise, not too useful.

j.214B: W. Len flies upward while performing a knee strike that hits a few times. Doesn't seem to have much priority and it's air blockable. Try to avoid using this move at all costs.

j.214C: W. Len performs a powered up version of her j.214B that hits a few times. You can air throw them after the last hit. You can use this to add a tiny extra bit of damage to your air combo if your opponent is really low on health. Doesn't really serve much purpose otherwise. Use sparingly.
: Re: F-White Len
: f-wlen ice loop August 23, 2009, 06:28:00 PM

someone asked me to post these here
: Re: F-White Len
: f-wlen ice loop August 25, 2009, 06:55:13 PM

another one
: Re: F-White Len
: oufan August 26, 2009, 05:09:23 PM
To cancel 623 in order to not make the kick come out, you've got to do a super jump cancel before it comes out ^-^

Also, i think the main difference between 623A and 623B is comboability
623A must be canceled into 623C to combo from, and it will prorate a lot
623B doesn't prorate that much ( 30% ) so wlen can deal good damage from it

Both are high jump cancelable before the kick come out, but only the A version can go into overhead
: Re: F-White Len
: Tarnish November 28, 2009, 03:23:05 PM

Since I spend my time stealing shit from you, Bellreisa (and then never executing it properly) I decided to actually do something on my own out of boredom and in preparation for NEC.  IE: I'm bored.  I THINK I've come up with something of my own here, but I guess that's why I'm trying to discuss... you know, with NEC one week out.  Not sure if you have something like this in one of your vids, frankly I got tired of adding your stuff as favorites every time it popped up.


I use the pillar as a spacing point in the video.  If you manage to throw your opponent directly into the corner, it creates this situation where they must either shield the projectile or block it and be put back into the same pressure situation.  This is assuming you have probably have 200% meter or greater.  The spacing allows you to stay safe from most shield counter set ups (or, at the very least, put yourself in a 50/50 response situation for either playing) or create funny mix ups depending on the character you're facing and their responses.  For instance, if you fight C-Vermilion Akiha and she shields the 2C, you are still allowed to special cancel or jump cancel the move.  If she uses her projectile EX move, then your projectile EX move resets the situation and possibly allows you to attempt the mix up again.  Or you can just jump and save your meter and probably throw a basketball/charged C on her head.  While fighting H-Sion Tatari, the spacing from the pillar allowed me to stay safe from the EX Shield follow ups.  If they shield the sweep, canceling into the 623 A puts them into a block or guess EX Shield situation again, and having meter helps to either apply more pressure or just set up a christmas tree/234 A or B.  

Further testing is required, I will be doing so on Sunday, I've got work soon, so that limits my time on this post.  But I wanted to at least present this here rather than possibly be ignored on YouTube... again.  Good shit.

As long as you land an air throw on the opponent, I believe this set up is possible if they're in the corner.  I have to test ranges/backdashes.  But funny things happen if they try to jump out of the air EX Projectile (your sweep catches it, and you get a combo if that occurs).  The charged A from 623 A can go into a jump cancel, so if it hits you can loop them back into this same situation in the video provided you have meter.  I'll work a more concise post when I get back, but just wanted to see if anyone was out there still trying this character aside from one other guy.
: Re: F-White Len
: f-wlen ice loop November 28, 2009, 07:03:15 PM
you know that you can jump out of 623[a] free right

point blank too, not just at the huge distance you have in the vid

also nothing goes seamless into 236c besides 236a, you can ex in between the kick and the ice. you can't jump out cause it causes an unblock but buffering a counter ex is easy

i'm kind of flattered you thought my stuff was worth copying though

for future reference,

only the most recent stuff is any good though, none of the midscreen which ways actually work due to crossup protection
: Re: F-White Len
: f-wlen ice loop November 28, 2009, 07:27:40 PM
just had a look at your other vids, specifically airthrow to counter 623 sjc

623 sjc shouldn't be a basis of her offense, it's there as another trick in the bag (with many permutations)

i noticed you were sjc airdashing very high, the ideal sjc should be a bit lower than that making it extremely difficult to react to. basically someone has to know you're going to do it to airthrow it and if you simply let 623a run its course it keeps them locked down. unfortunately from there you don't have any options that'll keep her offense going

if you want to go gimmicks you can start using her 22b/22c but audio cues will give that away. i use 623a occasionally in my game but i think her offense with projectiles and iad/fastfall is stronger

EDIT: did some testing and here's a conclusive answer. 623a will keep them blocking and with you only at slight frame disadvantage. partial charge 623{a} will beat backjump+e airthrow attempt, but you won't be able to capitalize off of it because it's techable. you can cancel into a 214c on reaction but that's airtechable, so that's a waste of meter since they can use airtech inv to move forward and corner you. 623[a] will beat a psychic airthrow attempt, but will lose to doublejumps because they're too high in the air. i don't believe fwl is punishable on whiff of that move from doublejump height, but i wasn't able to confirm this. on hit, it causes untechable drop so you can hitconfirm into the combo of your choice. in block, it's actually +frames so it's better than 623a; however, if either one gets blocked, your pressure is basically over unless you want to hazard a 236c (which is not seamless and gets ex hiero'd free, so be careful).

basically anytime you do 623 sjc you're rolling dice. it's up to the opponent to decide how much they respect you and it comes down to reading players, pretty much
: Re: F-White Len
: Tarnish November 29, 2009, 02:18:16 PM
you know that you can jump out of 623[a] free right

That's what I wasn't able to get in before work last night.  The spacing I show where I just do the 2C into 236A is to illustrate where the spacing is.  Where you have to be in order to be most effective.  Other than that, I prefer to do it when I have the opponent in block stun, because I always wanted to know what I could do to continue to pressure the opponent after an air throw, which is when I prefer to throw the air EX Projectile and then get back in their face.  As far as the opponent jumping out, I was discussing the implications of just training them to look for it and then getting in projectiles and then eventually setting up 234 A, B, or C as opponents try to escape.  

Other than that, my execution in the game is hardly perfect, but I know players who have the reactions to just wait and listen for the noise that SJC makes and then air throw me.  Matt Coma out of MD and 4r5 specifically.  I tried to keep it as close to the ground as possible, but if you're here for NEC, I'd love to meet up and test it with more than one person.  I'm not trying to dispute what you say now, just that I think the danger is there if Melty Blood decides "Hi, I'm a 12 frame input buffer."  But I won't talk paper theory, I'm glad to have some concrete answers at least.  Your vids basically got me to play the character and it fit, because there really isn't anyone else in the cast I like playing at this point.  I'd like to discuss this further, but I need to work out a few more things before I write any sort of strategy or further explanation for what's going on in that vid I posted.
: Re: F-White Len
: f-wlen ice loop November 29, 2009, 02:52:50 PM
we've discussed this on irc!
: Re: F-White Len
: Tarnish November 30, 2009, 12:57:41 AM

Recorded a few matches, this would be the SRK "evaluate my play guys" type post.  Things to take note of, 4r5's main is F-Ries, and he does remarkably better with that character.  We played a set with that and I didn't bother recording, but we went even there.  Either way, shake your head in disgust accordingly.  
: Re: F-White Len
: f-wlen ice loop November 30, 2009, 04:32:23 AM
looks alright. the main thing to take note here is that both of you get hit way more than you should be and it won't be easy getting hits in on a seasoned player, which is why the material i have becomes necessary. more when i have time to post
: Re: F-White Len
: Arala Cran November 30, 2009, 10:47:31 AM
Very epic and graceful. I had to rate it high and favorite it. :D
: Re: F-White Len
: Tonberry December 25, 2009, 04:34:46 PM
I was bored so I was testing corner throw 2a 2b 2a 2b 2a 2b 2c
Nanaya - Requires being pointblank
Tohno - Requires being pointblank
Riesbyfe - Requires being pointblank
Kohaku - Requires dash throw
Kouma - Requires 214a dash throw
Nero - Requires 214a dash throw

Doesn't work on - Vsion, Warc, Hisui, Miyako, Akiha, Sacchin, Warachia, Mecha

Anyone I didn't list I haven't tested yet.
: Re: F-White Len
: Tonberry December 29, 2010, 09:48:12 PM
Midscreen fuzzy vs Nero & Wara only

623[a] IH j9 jb j236c dash 2aaa 5b 2b 2c 214b

Inspired by Zar.