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Author Topic: Arc Says: Half of a Whole is still a Half. (H-Arc Guide) - Tutorial is OUT!  (Read 14270 times)

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Shinobi’s H-Arc guide for the lighthearted and peaceful at heart. (ALL H-ARC INFO/QUESTIONS GO HERE)
http://www.meltybread.com/forums/kohaku's-video-room/'its-not-less-than-5-minutes!'-h-arc-tutorial-video/msg77239/ - Tutorial. GO NOW!

Overview - Arc under a half moon. Nothing is as it seems.

So you want to play H-Arc. If I'm right keep reading. If you don't, please refer to this thread: http://www.meltybread.com/forums/arcueid-brunestud/~-marble-phantasm-guide-actress-again-revival-~/

First things first, Arc in this moon is very very different from C and F, in which this specific moon makes her unique in a way. She loses most of her mixups and gimmicks from normal moves such as half charge 5B and specials like her newly acquired air ring (63214A/B/C). However, what she lacks in gimmicks, she gains in a very solid ground and frame trap game. H-Arc is the epitome of a straight forward character, as some H-moon characters are. She is also powerful in this moon, able to take down 4k-4.5k from a simple 5a-6aa combo. H-Arc has insane lockdown and blockstrings, most of which comes from her being able to reverse her 5C at will and in some cases, this will be very helpful if your opponent is scared to see what comes next from her.

Like what you read? Read on damnit!

Normals - A solid foundation.

Most of Arc’s normals in this moon are the same as in Crescent, with a few exceptions and different properties:

j.B – Only normal move with a new animation in Half. Arm swipe that hits on both sides of Arc that is used for crossup purposes and a good one at that.

5B - Same as C-Arc's except for 2 things. The fact that it cannot be charged (BE) and that it floats on air hit (think of Warc's 5B). Comes out at about the same speed as C-Arc's 5B. A general blockstring move used mostly for frame traps along with 5C.

5C - Same as C-Arc's. Just like 5B, it cannot be charged and it does not wallslam on air hit (think of Warc's 5C). 5CC is not available in H. Also, 5C can be reverse beated by any move.

5A 6AA - The standard H-moon string. All H-moon characters have it and Arc does too. Arc hits like a normal 5A then a 1-2 swipe for 6AA. Can be delayed and one of the most important moves in your blockstrings and combos. Detailed information in later sections.

Specials - Calling the Phantasm.

Most of Arc's specials are the same as C-Arc's but she does have a few differences:

1) All 236a/236b chains cannot be charged.
2) 6a followups after 623a wallbounce like in Act Cadenza.
3) 214B is the same as it was in Act Cadenza: an elbow then a forceful punch. All 214b followups in C- (A - teleport; B - 4C; C - 5C [what the punch is in this moon]) are gone. Can still be canceled into a super.
4) New move: 421A/B/C. Stand alone teleport and can be used in the air as well. Here are the 5 descriptions of her teleports, both ground and air:

A ground - Teleports forward, stopping at a point. Less recovery.
B ground - Teleports forward, stopping at a point (half screen almost). More startup.
C ground - EX Teleport that takes 100% meter. Teleports forward, stopping at a point if the opponent is in reach of it. If opponent is caught, Arc will either throw to the other side of the screen or slam down depending on whether you're holding down or not. Works the same way as Arc's normal throw if the opponent is caught.

A/B air - Teleports forward in air, stopping at a point. Can be canceled into and from. You can also jump cancel the teleport if you have yet to use your double jump.
C air - Teleports backward in air, stopping at a point. Very short distance (about 2 character lengths) and can also be canceled into and from.

Combos - Striking With the Phantasm.

If you have any experience with Arc, you must know that all good combos come with one word: delay. No good combo comes without some point of delay in between in order for a certain move to land. H-Arc is no exception. She does require the least amount of delay out of all 3 grooves for most of her hard hitting combos but delay nonetheless.

I have 3 sections I am going to go over: Midscreen, Corner (mostly with 623a/c loops), and Special (anti air/counter hit). As you should know, any normal combo starts with a combo string, so I'll start there. Here are the most common for H-Arc: PRACTICE THESE FIRST

1) 2a 2b 2c (most common for going in air)
2) 2a 5b 2b 2c
3) 2a 5b 2b 5c
4) 2a 5b 2b 5c 2c
5) 2a 2b 5b 2c
6) 2a 5b 5c (most common for ground combos)

For further extension/notice, these starting strings can be done from 5a or 2a x 2. Just know if you're planning on starting with 5a, you cannot start a 5a 6aa string combo since you already used 5a to start it. Now, we begin to make combos. I will use these numbers above for further notation on which of these you can start your combo from.

Midscreen bnbs All combos end in air throw or 22b - 66c

1) 4c - j.b - j.c - jc - j.b - j.c (can be started from 1/2/4/5)
2) 5c - 623b - j.b - j.c - jc - j.b - j.c (1/2/4/5)
3) 5a 6aa - 5c - 623b - j.b - j.c - jc - j.b - j.c (3/6)
4) 4c - air dash - j.b or c (delay) - 5b - 5c - 623b - j.b - j.c - jc - j.b - j.c (1/2/4/5)
5) 4c - air dash - j.b or c (delay) - 2c - 4c (delay) - j.b or c - 5a - 5b - 623b (optional) - j.b - j.c - jc - j.b - j.c (1/2/4/5)
6) 5a 6aa - 5c - 2c - 4c - j.b - j.c - jc - j.b - j.c (3/6)
7) 5a 6aa - 5c - 2c - 4c - air dash - j.b or c (delay) - 2c - 5c - 623b - j.b - j.c - jc - j.b - j.c (3/6)

The next few are 2a whiff combos, some of the most damaging combos Arc has. Here is a video of me performing one:

8) 5a 6aa - 5c - 2c - 2a (whiff) - 2a x 2 (hits) - 2c - 4c (delay) - j.b - j.c - jc - j.b - j.c (3/6)
9) 5a 6aa - 5c - 2c - 2a (whiff) - 2a (hits) - 2c - 5c (delay) - 623b - j.b - j.c - jc - j.b - j.c (3/6) (this is the one on the video)
10) 5a 6aa - 5c - 2c - 2a (whiff) - 2a (hits) - 2c - 4c (delay) - air dash - j.b or c (delay) - 2c - 4c (delay) - j.b - j.c - jc - j.b - j.c (3/6)
11) 5a 6aa - 5c - 2c - 2a (whiff) - 2a (hits) - 2c - 5c (delay) - 421c - [2] for knockdown (3/6)
12) 4c - air dash - j.b or c (delay) - 2c - 2a (whiff) - 2a (hits) - 2c - 5c (delay) - 623b - j.b - j.c - jc - j.b - j.c (1/2/4/5)

Corner combos

coming soon

Special combos

coming soon

Mixups/Gimmicks - Tricks of the Phantasm.

As I've said before, H-Arc isn't a tool of mixup and gimmicks like C-Arc is, so don't treat her like one. Most of her opening tools come from slight of the hand frame traps and a few gimmicks. This means you have to work harder to open your opponent up for damage. Easier said than done? Very much so. Don't let this get you down, for H-Arc is able to make wins seem somewhat impossible against some characters. If you're good enough, most openings in the opponent's guard will mean real combo opportunity.

I will list some of the most important ones you need to understand and take advantage of:

1) Crossover hop - The originator somewhat. Most Arc players starting off will start to use this the most. However, it is not one totally reliable, but is very useful in a clutch.

2) j.B crossup - The most used and quite deceptive in its reach.

3) 4[C] charge confirms - 4C is the only normal that can be charged in H and, when fully charged, an overhead. This is the only normal overhead you have in your moveset and its a slow one at that. 4C can only be canceled if one of 2 things happen. First, the opponent must have gotten hit by it normally (which is how you do 4c combos). Second, the opponent must have BLOCKED a fully charged 4C (by this time would be an overhead) which can allow you to continue pressure if blocked. Easily noticable.

4) Double Teleport gimmick - Remember Warc from Act Cadenza? She had a teleport and she had a very nice trick with it. The same trick and gimmick can be applied to H-Arc. The trick is basically 421A - 421C. Simple enough right? All Arc has to do is have the opponent crossed up from the first teleport (A) or else it'll be half useless. Once you are on the other side of the opponent, super cancel into the second teleport (C). If the opponent moved or used a move while you had them crossed up, they will get caught by the EX teleport. There are many ways to get out of this gimmick, but most of the time, it lands since most people tend to punish you for the first teleport with a move. Even if the opponent blocks it, depending on where you crossed over them, you will be safe from any incoming danger. Also, this is a gimmick, not a legit mixup so do not abuse it.

5) j.2C tech traps - After you end a combo in j.2C, you can catch the opponent from teching either way with 2a or 5b. More preferred towards the corner than midscreen.

6) Normal slam ([2] after throw connect) mixups after a throw are usually jump over into either j.B (high option) or 2a/2b (low option).

7) H-Arc has a fuzzy guard! - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPJSbHYQN5s
But it is not very reliable. It also takes decent meter (100%) to make a full followup after it whereas Full's is easier and nets decent damage for absolutely no meter. Also only works on a handful of people like Ries and Wara.

8) Ending ground 5A 6AA combos with 2C 236A 236A 214A gains opportunity for a jump mixup on a downed opponent. You can also use j.2C whiff to your advantage here. Also remember that j.B is a guaranteed crossup and that you can air dash cancel from it.

Blockstrings/Frame Traps - Keeping restraints on the enemy.

1) H-Arc's blockstrings can be done in many ways and is the only way she can be unique from her other 2 moons. The main reason for this is because she can cancel and reverse beat all of her normals (omit 4C, only when charged does it cancel into other moves, and 3C). In this fashion, there are unlimited amounts of pressure/blockstrings you can achieve while playing Half.

2) Overall, you should be focused on never leaving the opponent's range of attack, as you can most likely counter it with your faster normals. There are some exceptions, but the main focus is keeping the opponent restrained from doing such attacks. This is your only means of offense, and it is a very rewarding one.

3) As mentioned before, this Arc has the shortest range, so getting in can be a hassle. That's why you are suited for ensuring that once you are into range to begin attacking, you'll stay there and punish anything that moves. Moves like 5C and 2C are her best bets for her range 2 characters away. If you really need to close big gaps, use B elbow. If they are too scared of it, they will jump. Also, elbow closes in on opponents very fast so people can get tricked on speed alone. Use that to your advantage.

4) Once you are in, start a blockstring.

Starters - 5A 6A/2A/5B/5C (since you can reverse beat)
Enders - 2C/214B
Resets - 214A/236A 236A

Using 214A to restart your blockstring is very good since it is neutral and keeps you very close to the opponent. Restarting with a move such as 5A or 5B will ensure that the opponent stays in blockstun or baits any unnatural poke after elbow respectively. Abuse 5C whenever you get a chance to. It has an 8f startup and can be reverse beated by anything you haven't pulled out yet. Her blockstrings are pretty much an adventure since there is no way you can abruptly stop it, unless you use 4C (no charge) or 3C.

5) 5C is straight raw damage combo starter. It is an all purpose to stop backdashing from pressure and bad poking. It is also very fast on the come out, so it is very useful in blockstrings.

6) H-Arc has no legitimate anti air normals, so if people jump out of your pressure, you must expect it and meet it with 623B or early j.A/C if you're lucky.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2010, 01:17:36 PM by NAH_SilentShinobi »
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Offline Dartz

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I have a little question. Is necesary the 2a whiff  for the combo to be successful?. Another question is, what kind of stick could you recommend to play with Arc?, i use one of ps2 but I have not done very well so far. some characters are better with specific types of stick i guess. In the midscreen bnbs, i think i found a small mistake:
2) 5c - 623b - j.b - j.c - jc - j.b - j.c (1/2/4/5) shoudn't be 2c instead of 5c?
that's all and thanks for the guide, is very well made.

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Yes it is required for the 2a to whiff. The whiff cancel will cancel out the 2c's recovery so you can juggle. Also, the combo you listed is correct if you followed the instructions on my guide. If you use one of the practice strings I noted before that combo it'll work.

Say for instance, the combo you commented on. Out of the 6 strings I had listed, 1, 2, 4, and 5 are possible to start that combo. Here is the whole notation (with string #1):

2a - 2b - 2c - 5c - 623b - j.b - j.c - jc - j.b - j.c

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i see, sorry about that, a few more questions:
1. the last combos you listed are posible to do without the first most commons? i mean, i you start with just 5a 6aa and then continue?.
2. the opponent must be very low in the air for the 2a 2c to hit after the 2a whiff right?
« Last Edit: August 25, 2009, 01:19:14 PM by James_marcus »

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1) You can in theory. It's better if you start it from the practice string though.
2) If the 5c 2c connects (after 5a 6aa), 90% of the time, the 2a will whiff if you do it fast enough after 2c. Delay the next 2a by a tad bit and you'll be able to hit them again.
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Are the whiff cancel combos character specific?  I haven't tried every character, but I can't seem to land the 5C 2C on Ciel and Warc.

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Are the whiff cancel combos character specific?  I haven't tried every character, but I can't seem to land the 5C 2C on Ciel and Warc.

No they are not. In those cases, you can either make sure the first 5a in your combo whiffs to give you the right distance before starting whiff cancel combos (this is guaranteed on everyone) or you can do 5B 2C instead. 5C 2C is just a damage option but its a little more harder and specific.
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H-Arc Fuzzy Guard:

Full combo is what you're used to in AC, j.2B into 623c into whatever.
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any tips for the combo 4) and 5) please?, i have a very hard time trying to connect the 5c after the 5b in combo 4, and the starting 4C is delayed, right?, i always use the j.b for the airdash combos, is easier with j.c now?. Which would be the best setup after the fuzzy guard combo?. Does she have any OTG combo?. That's all, thanks before hand :)
« Last Edit: September 13, 2009, 02:07:06 PM by James_marcus »

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On combo 4, you may want to do 5c 5b instead of 5b 5c, that was a typo and yes, the 4c is always delayed. The normal OTG string for H-Arc is 5b > 2b > 2a x 2 > 5a x 2 > 6a.
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Hope we can get this thread started again. There's really not enough info on H-Arc. And most of the match vids you can find involve the other moons.

Any tips on her oki / pressure game? These seem to be the most vital points to H-Arc. I can't seem to get enough pressure from an air throw. Used to the recovery back in MBAC, when you could still whiff 2a then throw. Ahhh those were the days...

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Hope we can get this thread started again. There's really not enough info on H-Arc. And most of the match vids you can find involve the other moons.

Any tips on her oki / pressure game? These seem to be the most vital points to H-Arc. I can't seem to get enough pressure from an air throw. Used to the recovery back in MBAC, when you could still whiff 2a then throw. Ahhh those were the days...

Her oki overall is pretty limited. You can do stuff like obvious single jump mixups but the main thing to focus on is getting your pressure started again. You can usually start this up with either 5A or 5B. Her corner stuff is pretty good since you can jump over people to get them out of the corner after [2] throw.

Pressure is a cornerstone in her game. Gotta have some. I usually freestyle mines with slight 2B 5C (right at the end of recovery of your previous move, spit out 2B 5C to keep the opponent still). If it lands, it means the opponent was too figgety so you can followup with a 5A-6AA combo. Also, what most people don't know about H-Arc pressure, is that you can "link" 214A to 5A to ensure that the opponent doesn't get out of blockstun. Use 5B instead sometimes to give the opponent some leeway to attack you with an A button. That's free damage right there since 5B would engulf that A from armor. Notice that 214A elbow is neutral so that always helps in combining your blockstrings when you run out of moves. 236A 236B is a good move to do that too, but a little more risky since it moves you further away from the opponent.
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Thanks that's really helpful info. I'm coming from MBAC where Arc had a really good oki game. Enough recovery from air throw, 5B, corner pressure... things obviously H-Arc lacks lol.

Great point about the link. Will try that out next time.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2010, 01:56:44 AM by Dragonthorn »

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Updated first post with shit I put on the wiki. Enjoy dat dur.
Black people vs. underage looking bitches at Evo - 9-1.
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I'm seeing a couple of new MAD combos from H-Arc!


Check 1:10 into the vid. Insane!

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There's an even longer version of that combo in http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm9800535 @ 9:16.

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Re: Arc Says: Half of a Whole is still a Half. (H-Arc Guide) - Tutorial is OUT!
« Reply #17 on: September 07, 2010, 05:58:50 PM »
Can't... turn... off... practice... mode...

2A 5BC 5A 6AA 5C 2C (2A) 5AA 2C (2A) 2A 2C (5A) 6AA 2C 236A 236A 214A

2A 5B 5A 6AA 5C 2C (2A) 5AA 2C (2A) 2A 2C (5A) 6AA 2C (5A) 6AA 5C 623B j.BC dj.BC airthrow

Shield Counter 5C 2C (2A) 5AA 2C (2A) 2A 2C (5A) 6AA 2C (5A) 6AA 2C 5C 623B j.BC dj.BC airthrow

That last one probably can be extended more.  The first one is easier than it looks on some characters and gives a very good knockdown, for great damage, which is something this character loves.

These are beautiful.  Okay that second one actually isn't it actually does less damage than her normal two whiff bnb so let's ignore that.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2010, 04:59:40 AM by Benny1 »
C-Wara main, H-Warc/F-Sion alt.

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Re: Arc Says: Half of a Whole is still a Half. (H-Arc Guide) - Tutorial is OUT!
« Reply #18 on: September 08, 2010, 05:55:23 AM »
Yeah, 2nd one is too less damage for its difficulty. Good advanced combos there though.
Black people vs. underage looking bitches at Evo - 9-1.
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