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Author Topic: [MBAACC] C-urry Discussion Thread  (Read 30546 times)

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Re: [MBAACC] C-urry Discussion Thread
« Reply #25 on: February 19, 2012, 11:13:55 PM »
Didn't see these noted elsewhere.

236c seems to have less recovery.  Still very punishable.  I have no proof of this, just going by what it feels like.
5cc, you can no longer cancel it late.  Used to be cancelable whenever.  (</3, no more catching jumps with delayed 623b)
j.22b you can only jump after it hits or is blocked, no longer on whiff.  Probably what "restricted" meant.
charged 236b no longer makes her go really high, it makes her faster.

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Re: [MBAACC] C-urry Discussion Thread
« Reply #26 on: April 08, 2012, 11:50:18 AM »
Good based folk of Melty Bread, as someone who started playing MB recently, and has taken quite a liking to C-Ciel (I'm a fan of characters who are capable in all areas, leaning a bit more towards rushdown... I main Juri in SF, fyi), I've been looking for info on some of her bnbs and such.

While a lot of other chars, namely Powered Ciel, have a lot of info on the wiki, C-Ciel is notoriously neglected with nothing but a placeholder... Not even a link back to previous version's info...

Right now I'm going off ghetto "dial a combo"s I've figured out: 2a, 2a, 5b, 5c, 5c, hit confirm into 236c, and tack on either some as or a 22a for extra bonus (though that seems to give me crap frame advantage for negligible damage, so 2a, 2b seems better over all). On block, go into either 214a or 214b (+ follow ups) for some chip/traps... Maybe go for a 236b setup if I'm feeling bold.

It's not too terrible, but she seems to have potential for so much more...

I'm completely clueless about her air combos (best I got is the 22a into 22c. Keepin' it ghetto...).

So, in short, what BnBs/pressure strings/etc does C-Ciel have? Frame data would be a sweet as well, but I don't think it exists for MB?

Many thanks.

Offline Remzi

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Re: [MBAACC] C-urry Discussion Thread
« Reply #27 on: April 08, 2012, 01:30:37 PM »
So, in short, what BnBs/pressure strings/etc does C-Ciel have? Frame data would be a sweet as well, but I don't think it exists for MB?

Many thanks.
2AB 3B 5CC 214[A] 2C 5{C} 4C j.BC dj.BC 22B Airthrow


Offline ehrik

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Re: [MBAACC] C-urry Discussion Thread
« Reply #28 on: April 08, 2012, 02:04:57 PM »
C-Ciel is notoriously neglected with nothing but a placeholder... Not even a link back to previous version's info..



to be fair a new player isn't going to know that the ps2 version of cciel is very similar to the pc version
<Graven> When you are Ciel, don't try to win, don't even try to do anything. The more you do, the stupider and bigger faggot you become because you're using Ciel.
<WyvernLord> roku is faking his disappearance so melty bread can come out and try to convince him of his value to the community

Offline ProxyDamage

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Re: [MBAACC] C-urry Discussion Thread
« Reply #29 on: April 08, 2012, 02:10:07 PM »



... fffff....

Thought there weren't any since most other chars have it linked On this page, which Ciel doesn't.

Many thanks!


So, in short, what BnBs/pressure strings/etc does C-Ciel have? Frame data would be a sweet as well, but I don't think it exists for MB?

Many thanks.
2AB 3B 5CC 214[A] 2C 5{C} 4C j.BC dj.BC 22B Airthrow



One more question, what do the[ ] and { }mean?


Offline Remzi

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Re: [MBAACC] C-urry Discussion Thread
« Reply #30 on: April 08, 2012, 02:23:22 PM »

One more question, what do the[ ] and { }mean?

[] = fully charged
{} = half / partially charged.

Work on her fuzzy too. It's easy.

Offline Sashi

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Re: [MBAACC] C-urry Discussion Thread
« Reply #31 on: April 08, 2012, 05:36:43 PM »
There is one on this page, though. Only main character pages link back to the original PS2 versions. Anyways, check out this post for some up to date information. I think that's HFBlade...? Why do you people change names so often. =[
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Re: [MBAACC] C-urry Discussion Thread
« Reply #32 on: April 19, 2012, 06:12:05 PM »
Hey, could somebody offer up some advice on getting the TK Bladesinker to come out? I'm having the damnedest time trying to do basic TK knives combos - I usually wind up getting a B heiro instead.  Is there some timing or gesture thing that you guys do that could help me be more consistent?

I've been sitting in training mode trying to link 5C into the TK (B) knives, and I usually get one of 3 things - Usually, I get a ground B flip - occasionally I get a TK'ed air B dive, and occasionally I get a ground DP. I'd say I get the air knives about 1 out of 10 tries.

Is there some trick/timing to letting the stick come to neutral between starting the ground attack (5C) and having it finish that I'm missing? Is there some specific thing I should be looking for in the input stream? Melty seems to do a lot of input "forgiveness" so I'm seeing all kinds of messy stuff in the input stream that it's glossing over...

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Re: [MBAACC] C-urry Discussion Thread
« Reply #33 on: April 19, 2012, 06:41:16 PM »
I swear, I thought that you meant 5C TKj.214B and I tried to make it work for like five minutes.

Anyways, try doing it immediately after hitstop. You've got a fairly big window to do the TK.623B, so don't buffer stuff too early or you'll end up with TK.236B.

Here's my inputs:

Compare with your inputs and see what you're doing wrong. Maybe you're doing it too fast and missing inputs or something.


Look! All 2s!

EDIT: By the way, add up those frames. Look at how much time you have. Most of those are 24 frames form 5C to 623B and the last one in the first picture is 26 frames. Lots of time. Just don't jump earlier than you're allowed to and don't buffer too early that some inputs disappear from the buffer before you finish the inputs.
« Last Edit: April 19, 2012, 06:50:47 PM by Sacchin 22A »
Clmelty: Rokumoe!

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Re: [MBAACC] C-urry Discussion Thread
« Reply #34 on: April 19, 2012, 08:57:28 PM »
Ok, that's incredibly handy. Thanks for the info!

One thing I immediately noticed I was doing wrong after looking at your inputs is that I was trying to jump before doing the 623., rather than having the 9 at the end of it. Once I figured that out, I was able to do it a lot more reliably.  My timing is still kinda bad, though. now I get the ground bladesinker more often. Just need to keep practicing, though  :)

Thanks again for the help!

Offline Zaelar

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Re: [MBAACC] C-urry Discussion Thread
« Reply #35 on: May 08, 2012, 05:36:56 AM »
EDIT: By the way, add up those frames. Look at how much time you have. Most of those are 24 frames form 5C to 623B and the last one in the first picture is 26 frames. Lots of time. Just don't jump earlier than you're allowed to and don't buffer too early that some inputs disappear from the buffer before you finish the inputs.

You have a set amount of frames (8?  Not sure) between each input.  6, 2, 3, and b.  If you don't go to the next one of those in time you lose the inputs.  It's not a set duration for the whole thing.  Also as long as you don't do another motion that has more priority you can input whatever else you want along with those, just keep in mind that those extra inputs won't extend the time you have.

Offline Sashi

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[MBAACC] C-urry Discussion Thread
« Reply #36 on: May 08, 2012, 10:55:01 AM »
Yeah, I believe it's back to 8 in CC.
Clmelty: Rokumoe!