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Offline Hintalove

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General Akiha Strategy
« on: February 24, 2007, 05:37:10 AM »
There isn't really much of a playerbase for regular Akiha, even in Japan. I don't really know why, but I think it might be a stigma from earlier versions of the game. In any case, the things that define Akiha are damaging meterless combos, one of the best overheads in the game, and *the* best defense in the game.

This thread is going to be an ongoing work between myself and another Akiha player or two in the community, so I'm just going to list out Akiha's basic combos for now. The button orders can be changed to what ever your personal preferance is due to Akiha's abundance of command normals. I will be using the numpad notation system. IAD reffers to instant air dashing, which is preforming an airdash at the lowest possible hight as soon as you jump. j. will be used to notate air normals ie: j.a is a jumping a attack. dj. indicates a double jump. jc is jump cancel, which is jumping out of an attack to reduce recovery/continue your combo. Any leters in brackets mean that they are charged, ie: 5[ b]b means you charge the 5b to get lots of extra damage.

Basic Advanced BnB midscreen combo: 2a2b6c5c2c5b5b jc j.b j.c dj.b j.c air dash air throw

This combo deals significant damage as well as guarantees a cornered opponent. It should be the first thing you learn and get up in the 90%ish execution range. Also note that the jump out of 5b5b is nuetral and that you should make sure you have Akiha drift closer to your opponent. Lastly, you want to wait as long as possible to do the first j.b.

Basic Corner BnB: 2a2b6c4c2c5c wait 5c2c5[ b]5b jc j.b j.c dj.b j.c j2c/air throw

This combo deals a fair ammount more than your midscreen bnb, and the fact that it is in the corner allows you to decide if you want to end it in a throw for the same positioning, or go for the j2c at the end that puts your opponent in a deadly mind game, and ultimately should allow you to lay a firepit on them while maintaining momentum in your favor. As for the timing of catching them after the wall bounce with 5c, it's just something you need to practice a lot to get. I find it helps me if I delay the first 5c, because the closer they are to the ground the more untechable time they have and the easier it is to continue the combo. Another hint is to let the 5[ b] go off by it self, you do not need to release the button.

Basic Overhead Combo: j.2c(input as 82c, very quickly) 2b2c5c >>

Depending on location, you can either go into a wallslam combo out of that, or switch into a different combo which I will be talking about next. This combo will mainly come up in the corner though, so usually you will be doing the typical wallslam variant. Just replace the typical combo up to the first wall slam with the above combo. You use j.2c in 3 instances: meaty(attack aimed at hitting at the soonest possible moment as opponent is waking up) overhead, after a blocked tiger kneed ribbon(the fireball), or after a blocked j.a. Try to be spontaneous though and not get predictable with your air ribbons.

Basic IAD combo: 2a2b6c2c5c IAD j.c land j.b j.c dj.b j.c air throw/j.2c

This combo is for when you are about a screen or a little more away from the corner when you start your combo. This allows for you to move your opponent to the corner before the air combo section of your combo allowing for you to j.2c at the end of your combo if you want to. It also does slightly more damage than the regular midscreen combo, but the timing/execution is way more tricky. You want to hit them with the iad j.c as late as possible, to give your self enough time to land and jump up to recombo them. This is a very important combo to learn because it is by far the easiest thing to do after you hit with the overhead combo because 90% of the time you will not be able to do a regular midscreen style launch from the hit due to distance.

One other thing to note, is that when your opponent is cornered(it also works midscreen, but I think it is better to get your opponent cornered) is as your air combo you can do j.c air dash j.c dj.c j.b j2c/airthrow. This is a more damaging variation of the standard aircombo, but is a little more difficult/strange to execute. Also, all the ground strings are just guidelines, 4c/5c are pretty much interchangeable damage wise, so just find stuff that works for you. Also, in the corner combo you can change the 2b into a 5b for less proration and overall a more damaging combo, but it is a more difficult string to hitconfirm.

Comming soon: Strategy
« Last Edit: February 24, 2007, 05:50:33 AM by Hintalove »
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Re: General Akiha Strategy
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2007, 10:42:28 AM »
I'd like to contribute some "corner swap" combo for akiha:

If youve seen enough VAkiha matches then her 2c>5b>5b>IAD(cross under)>dj.(9)b>dj.c should be familiar to you. Why go for this combo? well w/ vakiha placed directly into the corner, going for her standard b&b (2c>5b>5b>j.a>j.b>dj.b>dj.c , i think) will only carry the opponent to about 3/4 of the stage. vakiha would then have to exhaust two air dashes just to attempt okizeme. problem w/ this is 3/4 stage gives the opponent enough room to backstep away from the potential threat.

Akiha suffers the same fate when she is placed in the corner as well. for this reason (i believe) japanese players developed corner swapping combos to place the opponent instead, directly into the corner giving them less options on wake up.

there are two variations that ive seen so far:

T.Akiha, back to corner:
2a>2a>6c>2c>delay 5b>5b>iad (cross under)>dj.(9)b>dj.c>airthrow

very similar to vakihas swap combo but her sucky airdash makes it harder to execute w/o alot of practice...

a much easier variation:

T.Akiha, back to corner:
whatever into>2c>delay 5b>5b>sj.b>sj.c>airdash>j.(7)>airthrow (4)

much easier than the above but still requires some practice. often times i'll still be holding 7 while performing airthrow so i get out shield instead  ::).

zar are you even aware that your attitude is what drove people off in the first place. i think zar's attitude is worse than all of that. cause neither of you guys mean anything. but zar can poison shit around him. zar's the one that gets personal online and does realtalk that's out of line.

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Re: General Akiha Strategy
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2007, 11:29:03 AM »
Yay for strat threads!!!!


Dash in 2A:

Pretty simple since everyone's 2a seems to be pretty meaty when timed right, although this is can be ex-shielded on wakeup if anticipated, and is also subject to wakeup DPs and ex grabs.  However this is good to start off with, and it combos into everything she has.

Tk flametounge with a or b:

Great wakeup move, you can't be thrown out of it if a grab character like Kouma does his 214C on wakeup.  Not foolproof against Dragon Punches, but if someone whores them on wakeup you can bait and punish with one of the BnBs above.  With either of the moves, if they try to jump, 2C will hit them for followup combos.  If you have someone guessing, 2a x N into tk flametounge resets the mixup.  This works best in the corner.  If the move actually hits, you can link into 2C for combos.


Another really good wakeup option, although not that great midscreen as the pushback doesn't guarantee any followups.  If this hits you can follow up with a quick j.B for aircombos.  Any aircombo you do ending in a dash throw puts them in the corner and resets the mixup.  While in the corner you can either:

214B~tk flametounge


214B~dash in 2a x N

Doing 2C after 214B will also catch them if they try to jump.  Also doing 214B~tk flametounge gives you the same mixup options as doing the tk flametounge alone.  Any of these can be used as a tick throw as well.  TK Flametounge with A actually crosses them up if they're crouching.


Since this isn't a true overhead, it's great for fuzzy guard setups, tick throws, or 50/50s.  On smaller characters like Miakyo or Satsuki, you're limited in your ablilty to get off many of these on block.  Your best option is to make them guess with a couple of them, then either:

-Land and do 2a
-Do j.B (1hit)
-Do j.B~j.2C into combo of choice

If you REALLY have someone scared, you can do one of the flametounge setups~IAD j.A.  This works GREAT on larger characters like Warachia or N.Chaos.  The combination of all these mixups make her very stupid in the corner, and if someone actually blocks all of this, just start throwing them. 


If you happen to knock someone down, regular jump into j.2C crosses up just about everyone in the cast.  This is purely for shenanagans, and isn't a consistant reliable strat like the flametounge mixups.  But if you're top tier like the Japanese, you can do the next mixup:

Instant j.2C:

I think this is what truly makes this bitch stupid.  At any given time while someone is blocking, you can (while staying as low to the ground as possible) do 8~j.2C.  This is an instant overhead, gives you combos from any of the BnBs posted above in the earlier posts, and can be done whenever you are on the ground.  It works incredibly well with the flametounge and 2a wakeups, as if done correctly, you slap them right in the face with the overhead and combo anyone in the cast for 40-50% of their life.  However it is incredibly difficult to do consistantly, but the risk is definitely worth the reward.  Oh and since you land right afterwards, ANY of the above mixups become viable again (TK flame, 2a, 214b, etc)

If/When you hit someone, and they're REALLY good at blocking, end one of the combos with 2C~22C(flame carpet).  This will force them to try and jump to get out of the corner, or stay there and continue to block your mixups while having their meter drained.

I think this is long enough, I'll let someone else break down her pokes and whatnot.

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Re: General Akiha Strategy
« Reply #3 on: March 29, 2007, 02:12:34 PM »
i would like to add, dash in j.2C. same effect as IAD, j.2C. only you can lead your opponent to expect a dash in 2A.

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Re: General Akiha Strategy
« Reply #4 on: March 29, 2007, 03:33:02 PM »
does she still have that retarded instant j2c->land ground combo extend?

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Re: General Akiha Strategy
« Reply #5 on: March 29, 2007, 06:38:25 PM »
given the right elevation of the j.2C you can link it to 2B-> 2C-> 623B. i haven't really experimented with it but i know you can still combo it.

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Re: General Akiha Strategy
« Reply #6 on: March 29, 2007, 07:54:30 PM »
For all you combo gurus, it'd be great if someone could list up some combos that go into her 623B, since Tohno's version is harder to combo than Vermillions.

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Re: General Akiha Strategy
« Reply #7 on: March 30, 2007, 06:47:59 AM »
In regards to comboing into j2c, the only worthwhile time to it is at the end of your air combo, if you are in the corner. This allows for a techtrap that you can exploit by doing a 5c as soon as you land, and if they fail to tech the first bounce, or just plain don't want to risk getting reset, you can catch them with 2c and follow that up with 22c to have a solid knockdown and a pit on them.

As for instant j2c, it isn't something you can watch in videos and say "Dang, I wish I could do that". It is an absolutely essential weapon for akiha, because without it, all you have is advantage on block and tick throws. Lows cary a lot more weight when there's something like j2c that you need to be on the look out for. The easiest setup to practice if you want to take some steps towards mastering the hardest and yet most essential trick to the top tier Akiha, is getting your opponent to block a tk 236a and then immediately throwing it out there. As for practicing fomboing off the hit, you can practice the timing on landing the 2b after it by doing ja > j2c > 2b(if you can't get the instant j2c consistantly enough to use it in matches). using a healthy mix of ja > jb and ja > j2c will make your ja much more threatening, and then of course you can always land and throw. Also, I wouldn't really expect to be getting 50% life combos off the overhead, but it still carries probably the biggest combos off a command overhead in the game. Also, remember you can't jumpcancel your attacks on block, so you need to wait a it after 2a if youw ant to throw out the overhead. I don't really advise doing it outside of tk flametounge games unless you're really inside your opponent's head and you know it will hit.

B pillar(214b) does marvels on block, and at the end of blockstrings ever so often to bait CH(not too often, because if your opponent is looking for it, it's easy to see Akiha assume the pillar position). Off a b pillar CH you can catch with 2c and then launch into an air combo off a charged 5bb. To time the catch so that you have time to charge the 5b, try to 2c them with the top half of your sweep. on block, it's pretty much the same as a blocked tk 236a, and so you can either run in and mixup or throw out a tk 236a and mixup off that/collect your free combo.

Comboing into 623b is fairly easy. Off any 2c, just wait a few frames for the input and it will hit like magic. Great for collecting a *solid* knock down and dragging your opponent to the corner. Over the next couple weeks I'm going to be putting some time towards learning her wacky corner stuff, so hopefully I can demystify that area of Akiha for the nonjapanese players.

Oki game that was not mentioned in the previous post:

Meaty 5c: Great for starting block strings, and if you feel a low shield comming from your opponent(as dumb as it sounds, it happens all the time, and the japs eat 5c all the time on wake up). This also works to catch jumpers, but it will wallslam them and is not the ideal counter if you think they are going to jump. 4c will do the same job as 5c, but it is slower and more vulnerable, but is also much much better for catching jumpers, because you can combo off of it midscreen. Beating wakeup jump is very important for Akiha because if you whore the ribbons, your opponent will figure out how jumping is the only way out of that trap, and will find them selves dping/jumping a lot. Perfect meaties also destroy sloppy reversals, so that's an added plus.

Meaty 2b: Only one use: beating mid shield. This is important because a lot of people, if they chose to wakeup shield, will shield mid, because it shields all mid/high attacks as well as 2a, which is Akiha's staple low poke. A nice way to get sneaky.

Arcdrive/Throw: It's a fairly lowlevel tactic, but it works suprisingly weel if you're not meaty arcdriving every time you find your self in max(like I did back when I first learned of the glory of the oki arcdrive). Punishes heat brilliantly. Punishes backdash(another good method to get away from an angry Akiha). And of course, punishes shield or block even better, because you basically reset your oki and get almost the damage of a midscreen bnb. I again want to stress that you can't let your self get predictable on this, because if they jump, it's a free combo for them. Also take into consideration that after the full invulnerability from waking up, there is a slightly longer period of throw invulnerablity, so the timing on a meaty throw is slightly off from a meaty hit.

Jump and do a 236a right over them as they're waking up: I don't know why, but I have a huge successrate with this tactic. You time it at the latest possible second, and maybe aim to cross them up but just barely. It hits the guys at my local arcade, and the guys at the tournies, and I have no clue why.

The only other real trick the previous poster forgot to mention was like, the super jump tk ribbon, which is good for getting a meaty ribbon on them after an airthrow and putting your self in range to overhead after, as well as if closer, you can use it to cross up much more quickly and easily than with the regular forward tk ribbon.

As for solid pokes, 2a, 2b, and 5b should be your main pokes of choice, doing short guard strings to stay on top of your opponent to keep pressure on, and looking for an opening to get a ribbon or pillar on them. 214b/a also work well as preemptive anti air, especially because they are not air blockable, and give juicy ch combos. 5c and 2c will also give you damage occasionally as pokes, but I wouldn't try to religiously poke with 5c or anything. It's just too unwieldy. And if you start overusing 2c as a poke, not only will your combos deal crappy damage, but you will also start using it inappropriately and most likely be punished for it. Also, remember most 2a's can be turned into throws on block, as long as you don't whore it. AND PLEASE, don't do 2abc5a as your blockstring.

Basically, as akiha you don't win off massage combos, you win off controlling your opponents options and making openings for your self. You need to get them afraid of you. Besides that, just remember that when fighting against Sion, if she see's your b pillar comming and is not in blockstun, she can eat it wth 2c, cancel into 214c, and get a free combo. Use b pillar wisely.
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Re: General Akiha Strategy
« Reply #8 on: March 30, 2007, 07:36:30 AM »
I must say I didn't know about alot of that stuff :o

Her 2B has to be low shielded even though it's....not really.....low.........?

STUPID. (not as in the idea is stupid, the fact that is works is stupid)

5C as a bait for low shields?


As for the 623B combos, I can do it, but the last hit (which of course is the most essential) almost always whiffs, no matter how late I time it, especially on wierd characters like Kouma and Arceuid.  Suggestions?

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Re: General Akiha Strategy
« Reply #9 on: March 30, 2007, 09:46:01 PM »
Alright, combing into 623b:

The key to hitting the full thing is hitting your opponent with it as LOW to the ground as possible. If you get into training mode, mess around with doing 2c > 623b, and try inputing as late as possible. You should get like 2 hits, but not carry them up with you into the rest of the move. The proper timing for the 623b is a few frames before that juggle height. The only way to really master it is to just program into your muscle memory how long it takes characters to fall into that height.

Also, if you are really desperate for a 623b knockdown, you can link into it off your ground string BEFORE you 2c, and as long as it's timed right will give you the full thing for free. Also, this is the best move you ahve for canceling out of a normal shield.

One last thing to consider is if you are primarily trying to do this for a 22c in the corner, you can always 2c5c 5c2c 22c, and not worry about this. It's main aplication is in the Yukinose style 2c loop combos in the corner where you are trying to milk damage out of yoru non-aircombo wallslam combo. As I said before, I really havn't stepped up my execution to the point that I do these combos yet, and really, there are differing schools of akiha that use the 623b combos, and just do max damage traditional wallslams in the corner into j2c tech trap which also can lead to a pit. If you are trying to get used to working with the pit, just use the above mentioned combo: 2c5c/6c5a 5c2c 22c. This puts you in position o have a pit on them and still be able to put some oki on them.
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Re: General Akiha Strategy
« Reply #10 on: April 08, 2007, 06:36:19 AM »
Has any one else delved into the 2c loops in the corner? I can get 1 extra 2c, but I need some help understanding the logic behind going further, and maybe the double wall slam combos. I dunno, this shit is crazy.

Going to sleep now, but I'll edit this with more info about 623b combos and learnign to whiff cancel at some point.
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Re: General Akiha Strategy
« Reply #11 on: April 08, 2007, 01:31:29 PM »
just a little tip when doing 2c, 5c, 2c. you have to delay the 5c just a little bit after the first 2c so you can get the other 2c to hit. this leads to the wall slam whiff cancel stuff. here's a video of yukinose doing it against shiki. it's at 2:56


the air combo i'm having a hard time nailing properly is 5bb, sj, j.b, j.c, jc, j.b, j.c, ad, j.c, air throw. after the air dash, sometimes the j.c doesn't come out or it will just come out later and the opponent has already teched out.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2007, 01:33:22 PM by KomagPHL »

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Re: General Akiha Strategy
« Reply #12 on: April 08, 2007, 02:26:31 PM »
The damage air combo is 5bb j.c air dash j.c jc j.c j.b air throw. The only time I do that combo is on cornered opponents though. Consistancy in the harder air variations comes from controlling your neutral sjc out of 5bb closer onto them.
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Re: General Akiha Strategy
« Reply #13 on: April 08, 2007, 02:31:16 PM »
i have no problem controlling the sjc, i do that just fine. just getting the j.c right after the air dash is giving me trouble. i don't know why it won't come out, maybe just wrong timing?

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Re: General Akiha Strategy
« Reply #14 on: April 09, 2007, 12:02:26 AM »
Has any one else delved into the 2c loops in the corner? I can get 1 extra 2c, but I need some help understanding the logic behind going further, and maybe the double wall slam combos. I dunno, this shit is crazy.
Okay, all my experience with this comes from FT (as I don't have a copy of AC), and I'm not the kind of technical person who knows all the details of the engine and the frame data of all characters by heart, I've pretty much figured all this by trial and error, but basically:

After launching them with whatever -> 2C 5C you want to get as many 2C as possible in. Clearly you can't do this normally because of the once-per-combo rule, so you whiff cancel 2C into 2A and wait for it completely to finish to reset the chain and be able to do 2C again. But you can't hit them with a 2C right afterwards because it's too slow, so you need to hit them with 5A or 2A first. If you just want to get a single extra 2C in, 2A does the work better -- the input requires quite a bit of speed and accuracy so even inputting a simple direction can make things noticeably harder. But if you use 2A, you can't use it again to whiff cancel the 2C because of the once-per-combo rule, so you can't get more than one extra 2C in. So the loopable chain looks like [2C 2A (whiff) 5A].

As simple as that may look I can't get it consistently at all, so I haven't even studied the possible enders much, like the 623B one yukinose sometimes does. All I know is 2C 2A (whiff) 5C (wallslam) and then either MORE 2Cs (into the 623B ender, or, if you're making a combo video, 2C 2A (whiff) 236C into air chain) or your usual wallslam ender (5C 2C 5[B]B air chain). I could offer basic advice with the timing, but really, it's nothing anyone trying couldn't figure in 5 minutes, and at worst it may be wrong (as I can barely do it myself), so I'll pass.

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Re: General Akiha Strategy
« Reply #15 on: April 21, 2007, 12:22:10 AM »

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Re: General Akiha Strategy
« Reply #16 on: April 23, 2007, 11:16:27 PM »
otoko could you repost those files/links?  I keep getting server error messages  :psyduck:

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Re: General Akiha Strategy
« Reply #18 on: October 11, 2007, 01:53:37 AM »
GOD instant j.2c is sooo hard to pull off... i can't seem to consistently do it so i can follow up with a 2b... any tips on how to improve consistency of inputing the j.2c?

i'm also having a slight trouble with tk 236a, half the time it ends up as a super jump.. no idea why.. my input screen shows the same actions: 23698a.. for some reason, 2369a doesnt seem to work :/

i'm using stick btw ;)

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Re: General Akiha Strategy
« Reply #19 on: October 11, 2007, 12:09:17 PM »
GOD instant j.2c is sooo hard to pull off... i can't seem to consistently do it so i can follow up with a 2b... any tips on how to improve consistency of inputing the j.2c?

i'm also having a slight trouble with tk 236a, half the time it ends up as a super jump.. no idea why.. my input screen shows the same actions: 23698a.. for some reason, 2369a doesnt seem to work :/

i'm using stick btw ;)
Use a Stick, its too hard on a controler or keyboard .. sticks its cake.

you seem to be hitting 9 when you 23368a,  when you do 236  make sure you go directly to 8 and not kinda hit 9 .. i usualy do a similar motion to doing 2367  but just making sure to hit A befor i go to 7 .. and  which 2369 do you mean?  i think i read something about not ebing able to do 2369(Super Jump)  but 2369(Normal Jump) works fine.

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Re: General Akiha Strategy
« Reply #20 on: October 11, 2007, 03:53:11 PM »
Nope, you can't TK super jump anymore.
Keep climbin', gotta get to the top

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Re: General Akiha Strategy
« Reply #21 on: October 13, 2007, 07:38:59 PM »
According to Hyperhal and his replays it is possible unless that was just a pre-1.02 glitch.
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Re: General Akiha Strategy
« Reply #22 on: October 13, 2007, 07:45:05 PM »
Probably just the way you input it.  What's super jump's startup?  If it's more than 8 frames, you may have to put the jump before the motion or something similar.


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Re: General Akiha Strategy
« Reply #23 on: October 13, 2007, 08:11:10 PM »
Probably just the way you input it.  What's super jump's startup?  If it's more than 8 frames, you may have to put the jump before the motion or something similar.


No idea. He was doing it on keyboard though, so inputs must have been ridiculously fast. Might want to check with Veteru though, since he also saw the replays.
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Re: General Akiha Strategy
« Reply #24 on: November 14, 2008, 10:36:31 AM »
2A x N into TK 236A is an option during pressure but my question is, (in corner) is a string like 2A 2A 5B 5C [Whiff 5A] TK 236A good? It brings me closer in to the opponent but like any TK 236A, if opponent anticipates it I can be punished. I noticed most jap players use TK 236A after a few 2As or right after a 214B on wake up.

Generally, my question is, would any block string into whiff 5A then TK 236A be a good option?

Another thing, I fail to see uses for TK 236B besides punishing heat. But that opportunity really relies on luck. Unless I'm missing out on something...