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Author Topic: Disco Fever: C-Roa Dance Moves for CC 1.07  (Read 9464 times)

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Disco Fever: C-Roa Dance Moves for CC 1.07
« on: January 21, 2012, 10:56:43 PM »
Here's a dump of the combos/setups I'm collecting for new iterration of the C-Roa wiki.

~2C xx BE 214B xx 22C 214B(!) 22C 214C xx 22A
Meterless/chargeless/anywhere on screen OTG orbloop, nets you a free orb and a charge for their wakeup.

~>6C xx 236C  IAD / Dash IAD j.C *land* 214A xx 22C
Easy mode anywhere on screen Wall carry

The hotness:

near wall: ~> 236A xx 214C xx 236C dashing 2C 6C xx 214C(!) 214B xx 22C 214[A] xx 22A

~> 2C  BE 214B xx OTG  236C 2C 6C 214B(!) 214[C] xx 22C  near wall, enables corner crossups

~>2C  BE 214B xx (optional 22A) xx OTG 236C 2C xx 214[C] xx 22A in corner sets two orbs gains 1-2 charge, enables corner crossup and crossup orb off rejump

In corner ~> 2C BE 214B xx OTG 236C 2C TK j2149[C]...meaty 214C(!) 2A+B / delay 2A+B Ambiguious dodge crossup + one orb


Special shoutout to Kasetsu for being godlike.

Fuck having to use 'BE 214B' to represent charged B orb due to forum bold tags.
Combos so bright I gotta wear shades.

Offline DrgnAK

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Re: Disco Fever: C-Roa Dance Moves for CC 1.07
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2012, 02:16:26 AM »
Encompass your combos within the code tag to avoid the bold like so:
Code: [Select]
~2C xx 214[B] xx 22C 214B(!) 22C 214C xx 22A

Offline DrgnAK

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Re: Disco Fever: C-Roa Dance Moves for CC 1.07
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2012, 01:35:38 AM »
~2C xx BE 214B xx 22C 214B(!) 22C 214C xx 22A
Meterless/chargeless/anywhere on screen OTG orbloop, nets you a free orb and a charge for their wakeup.
You can set up another orb after 214B(!) with this combo.  Also, 214B(!) won't hit if you hit 2C too close, especially on smaller characters, so I use 214A instead.
Code: [Select]
~2C xx 214[A] xx 22C 214A(!) xx 214[A/B/C] xx 22C 214[A/B/C] xx 22A

Offline Aokiji

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Re: Disco Fever: C-Roa Dance Moves for CC 1.07
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2012, 02:47:09 PM »
Having trouble with 2C, 236b xx 22A, 5A

I always miss the 22A into 5A, any pointers?

Offline Kusanagi

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Re: Disco Fever: C-Roa Dance Moves for CC 1.07
« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2012, 05:11:39 AM »
2C > 236A > 22A > 5A... it's a 2f or something link, not that hard though.
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Re: Disco Fever: C-Roa Dance Moves for CC 1.07
« Reply #5 on: March 11, 2012, 04:48:05 PM »
2C > 236A > 22A > 5A... it's a 2f or something link, not that hard though.

Ahhh it was A, yeah it works now. Thanks for that. I've been presented with a new problem now though, at the end of the combo I'm trying to finish it off with the 5A xx 236C but 236C always whiffs! Sorry for all the questions, there are like no guides or anything for Roa so I'm learning everything from watching youtube vids in slow-mo lol.

Offline Kusanagi

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Re: Disco Fever: C-Roa Dance Moves for CC 1.07
« Reply #6 on: March 11, 2012, 05:14:47 PM »
Post the whole combo and let me see why would you put a 5A before a 236C... either 2C > 236C, otg 236C, or don't do it at all.

I fail to see why 5A > 236C... so yeah, post what are you trying to do.
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Offline Aokiji

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Re: Disco Fever: C-Roa Dance Moves for CC 1.07
« Reply #7 on: March 11, 2012, 05:35:07 PM »
2A, 2A, 2B, 5C, 5B, 2C, 236A xx 22A, 5A, 236C xx 22A, 2C, 214B Charged xx 22A xx 22A (last part is just building lightning meter and setting an orb to pressure them on wakeup)

Offline Kusanagi

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Re: Disco Fever: C-Roa Dance Moves for CC 1.07
« Reply #8 on: March 14, 2012, 05:27:31 PM »
I don't see how that's worth it... try with 2A instead of 5A I guess... but, there are better options for Oki.
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