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When's Melty on Steam?
ahaha that's no--wait, what?

Messages - ShinMasaki

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Akiha's Tea Room / Re: What is Touhou?
« on: July 26, 2010, 09:56:06 PM »
oh dear...i feel compelled

Do it! lol

Everytime the guys in our room shifted the conversation to Touhou, all I could was listen and try to follow along  :emo:

dammit, I'll bite.

Touhou started out as a brick breaker type of game, then immediately switched over to a vertical shmup. The initial draw to Touhou included its characters which were rather memorable each in their own right, the music, which most people getting into Touhou gained interest from, and the complexity of the danmaku aspect of the shooter. The reason why there is no anime of Touhou is the game series never got licensed. The characters of Touhou and the world it is in (Gensokyo) is owned by one individual Jun'ya Ota (more commonly known as ZUN). ZUN never wanted Touhou to get licensed and continues to create games and sell them at Comiket and Reitaisai.

I couldn't tell you why Touhou got as popular as it is, but it is now one of the largest phenomenons ever. At Comiket, more than 60% of the circles producing doujin are Touhou related. Touhou even has its own festival Reitaisai where everything Touhou related could be. There is even a tournament style gathering for the various multiplayer Touhou games where games like the fighters, the vs shooters and speed runs and challenges of the games are done. This tournament is called Tohgeki (not to be confused with Tougeki or SBO).

Perhaps one of the reasons why it is as popular as it is could stem from the fact that ZUN has never licensed Touhou and doesn't intend to any time soon. By that, anything that the fans want to do (aside from making an anime or revealing endings to the games...ZUN has specifically requested that the endings not be spoiled) is open to them. As such, you will find hundreds of Touhou based games including: Touhouvania, Megamari, Super Marisa Land, and many many more I could list.

There are a few official manga for Touhou including "Silent Sinner in Blue", "Eastern and Little Natural Deity", and "Inaba of the Moon and Inaba of the Earth". If you are looking for fan doujins, there are literally thousands.

Each character is individually made by ZUN as well as their back story and their theme songs. Even if you don't know the characters, chances are you have heard one of the songs from Touhou or remixes by any of the hundreds of fan music groups.

Each character has their own charm to them and everyone has a favorite character. My two are Rumia and Meiling. With well over 100 characters in the ZUNiverse, there are several scenarios that fans make up for them as there is such a large variety that can be done.

Chances are good, on any online thread, there is at least one person the knows something about Touhou. The mere level of popularity with Touhou is one of the most amazing things about it and why it is so great...because everyone can be a fan of it for some reason.

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: What is Touhou?
« on: July 26, 2010, 09:28:12 PM »
oh dear...i feel compelled

Melty Blood Auditorium / Re: The MB:AA:CC thread: Current Code
« on: July 26, 2010, 02:01:57 AM »
Ahnenerbe is also the cafe that Shiki takes Seo to in KT
Wait, wasn't that Fake Killer? Or did I totally get it wrong? I'm not sure. :psyduck:
Move this talk to lore thread please.

As far as US tiers go, it's pretty unanimous that H Ryougi is A tier, probably high A.  C and F are lower, for sure, but I'm not sure where.  Japanese tiers for console updates should probably surface around SBO.

Also, the more I see the filtered appearance, the more I dislike it.  =\  Btw, who was saying they were going to purchase Current Code?  Is it really necessary, since as far as we know it's just a shinier version of the ps2 release?

Japanese tiers differ from US tiers though. I'm interested in how she ranks by the time of SBO. We have the massive advantage on Ryougi since we are limited solely to the PS2 release whereas the majority of Japanese Melty players are strictly arcade, so our tiers may vary.

Also, shiny is good.

Melty Blood Auditorium / Re: The MB:AA:CC thread: Current Code
« on: July 25, 2010, 04:20:55 AM »
I ask you two, Dark Pulse and ShinMasaki, to take it over to the lore thread or just let it die.  Don't make me have to delete posts because shit is getting off track.  This isn't some thread in Sacchin's Toast, so don't post about stuff that's irrelevant to Current Code.  (protip: new character discussion is irrelevant, since there's no new characters)  

Apologies. I was asked to come into the thread here and correct what was wrong with everything that was being talked about lately, and so I did so.

In other news, does anyone know if Ryougi's LA OHKO is still in? I want to try to bullshit some wins with those shenanigans. It would be beautiful to see that happen in a tournament video. Also...any news on where Ryougi sits in tiers?

Melty Blood Auditorium / Re: The MB:AA:CC thread: Current Code
« on: July 25, 2010, 01:53:58 AM »

Isn't it Overload?

Yes, sorry, I mistyped that.

And as far as canon stuff in a fighting game goes, whenever Shiki is close to the enemy it's instant win due to his MEoDP. I'm sure canonically he doesn't need 300% of his Magic Circuit to cut anyone into 17 pieces.

If we went canonically, aside from the maids and Miyako, I would say Akiha would be the most in danger. Aside from Shiki, Ciel, Ryougi and Arc, Chaos would be unbeatable. God Form Ryougi would be god tier followed by Archetype Earth.

What are you talking about? 300% Magic Circuit is totally canon...when he just uses AD, he only cuts one line like he does in the VN against everyone but Arc. AAD or LA is reserved for the big players...300% Magic Circuit is serious business.

Still, aside from Aoko, the brief mention of Touko, Ryougi, and (possibly) Zelretch, there's still not much crossing over. They're definitely exceptions, not the rule.

Ahnenerbe, the cafe that Ryougi frequents is in the same town she lives in, thus why Azaka and Fujino are seen there after school in their uniforms. Ahnenerbe is also the cafe that Shiki takes Seo to in KT and it is also the cafe the girls have their meeting at in Plus+Period. There is mention that Shiki (Tohno) is not allowed typically to go there (4th wall) because of the possibility that he would run into Ryougi.

There is also the rule stating that only one set of MEoDP can exist at any given time. This is another point that people bring up to support KnK and Tsuki being different universes. However, Ryougi's eyes are not MEoDP but rather MEoO which far outclasses Shiki Tohno's eyes. They are of completely different class ratings as well on the magical spectrum.

It'd be kinda scary, if they did. How would Azaka know which person was the right one to be incestually smitten with? Then again, how would Akiha? And if they somehow got mixed up, would either of them speak up when their respective "sisters" cried out "Nii-san!!!"

While similar in appearance, I'm sure they would be able to tell the difference among one another. Everyone has a twin, or so the saying goes...but family can still tell the difference due to voice, mannerisms, etc etc. I don't think there would be an issue.

Melty Blood Auditorium / Re: The MB:AA:CC thread: Current Code
« on: July 25, 2010, 12:10:13 AM »
If you'll remember, based on the dates given in-game in Tsukihime, I told you there's only two recent years where it could occur: 1999, and 2004. Those are the only two calendar years in the last 15 where the dates fall on those specific days. Thus, they're either alternate universes, or Tsukihime is set in 2004, which I really don't think is the case.

Okay, saying we were to take the dates you plugged into a calendar as canon to the Tsuki universe...KnK doesn't give any exact dates for when these events occur. By this, the two could be in the same universe supposing that the KnK dates coincide with the Tsuki dates.

Sorry about one thing with my previous post, I did get them a year off...KnK happens in late 1998 - early 1999 while Tsuki happens in 1999. source

Melty Blood Auditorium / Re: The MB:AA:CC thread: Current Code
« on: July 24, 2010, 10:32:32 PM »
Zelretch would be broken as fuck. Given that he is the highest ranking mage (along with Lorelei), he is one of the top 10 of the DAA list, he killed Crimson Moon Brunestud, he is a sorcerer holding the power of the Second true magic, and can manipulate dimensions, I would say that Zelretch is perhaps one of the most broken character in the Nasuverse.

...why do you think this matters?  iirc Aoko is 1 of 5 remaining people capable of sorcery(aka MIRACLES) and she's not OP in the game.  Miyako is a little girl who is Tohno's adopted sister.  Koha is the best character in MBAA.  Story doesn't affect how good a character is going to be in a fg. 

even though she can use it, Aoko never does use it...her true magic.

miyako is allowed to do what she can because of the effects of the dream world superimposed upon the city by TATARI

kohaku needs to be balanced

If they made the characters capable with what they can or cannot do, then Zelretch is far too OP. If you are saying that 'it doesn't matter because it is a game and does not follow canon', then in that case there should be no problem putting Arihiko in the game either.

Melty Blood Auditorium / Re: The MB:AA:CC thread: Current Code
« on: July 24, 2010, 05:05:42 PM »
Let's make one thing quite clear...

Kara no Kyoukai and Tsukihime are *NOT* the same universe. They are all part of the greater Nasuverse, but they are not the same universe. At all. Fate, KnK, and Tsukihime are the three sub-universes that make up most of the greater Nasuverse.

Oh? And where do you get this info from? The only thing regarding the two being different is that Nasu stated that Aoko is of different ages between the two, which is obvious because of the placement chronologically. KnK takes place in 1999 while Tsuki happens in 2000. From all the info I've gathered, the two are the same universe, just two different towns. In fact, the two are pretty close to one another as the tea shop Ahnenerbe shows up in both.

The only reason Ryougi Shiki showed up in Melty at all is that she got summoned as a Counter Guardian to counter the "apparent" return of Archetype Earth, but this isn't the real Archetype Earth, it's an illusion. Regardless, that illusion was powerful enough for Ryougi Shiki to be summoned over as a Counter Guardian on the behalf of humanity.

Stealing my words? I'm not sure why I threw in that explanation to you as you were asking about Reis and not Ryougi or Archetype.

They could always just put in some dead apostles and/or true ancestors and use tatari as explanation if they've been killed already.  Zelretch would be pretty gdlk.

Zelretch would be broken as fuck. Given that he is the highest ranking mage (along with Lorelei), he is one of the top 10 of the DAA list, he killed Crimson Moon Brunestud, he is a sorcerer holding the power of the Second true magic, and can manipulate dimensions, I would say that Zelretch is perhaps one of the most broken character in the Nasuverse.

I'm pretty sure that's Touko herself. She has 2 sides, one kind, cheerful with glasses and the other vicious and epic without glasses. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Correct you are.

And this turned into a lore discussion. Goody.

Thus, my presence here.

Tsukihime and Kara No Kyoukai are definitely in the same world/timeline/universe.  There is no disputing, since there are direct links between the two.  Fate has only one major link to Tsukihime, and the nature of it makes it pretty debatable (Zelretch gives Rin his jeweled dagger since she's his descendant or some shit, but he can warp through dimensions so it's kind of hard to call it a direct link), so that's whatever.  

There is a bit of argument regarding whether of not Fuyuki City exists within the same universe. The presence of Zelretch is so not a deciding factor here because of his ability to traverse time, space and dimensions, he could have direct family across so many multiple realms, he could essentially be his own father...the realm of existence for Zelretch is so obscure that I couldn't begin to say anything on it. Personally, I say it is, but the only connection is the mage that can create artificial bodies (aka Touko, who can only do so for herself and not others).

Nanaya Kiri is also a bit of a fan-favorite around here for some reason too.

Because he is a badass, maybe? Because Nanaya Shiki is comparable to Ryougi Shiki as far as ability, but Nanaya Shiki doesn't meet up to the ability of Kiri? Ryougi's godmode does match with Kiri, however.

There are only six empty seats. And if you count Roa as one (he's "unnumbered"), there are only 5 empty seats.

Technically, following the end of Melty Blood, there are 10 open seats. 3, 7, 10, 12, 13, 19, 22, 23, 25, 26. #3 is questionable. While being killed by Zelretch in the past, Crimson Moon still exists within Arcuied and once her power reaches over 9000, Crimson Moon takes over and is reborn.

I want gun god to show Sion whos baus

Godo (Gun God) isn't really all that great a character. The only thing he had going for him is he had the Black Barrel which only worked on beings that had Gin. The interaction between the Gin and the effects of the Black Barrel allowed for damage against entities that had Gin. If he shot at Sion (who existed before the time of the Angels), nothing would happen to Sion. He took down Type-Venus because Type-Venus' body was made up of mostly Gin and the damage from having that effected was too much and Type-Venus died.

It's like a match. If you drop a lit match into a bottle filled with oxygen, nothing happens. If you dropped a lit match into a bottle filled with propane gas, well there you go. Sion overall was a much better fighter since Godo was lazy and spent most of his time shooting down Angels from his house window. After killing Type Venus, it reformed into the body of a young girl name V/V that ended up living with Godo. Essentially, she was like a maid.

...You want to play as an immobile forest? Ciel would just lob Black Keys at you all day. The Necos could win by Shinso/Chaos Beaming you to death. Fuck, C-Roa could win. So no.

The Forest of Einnash moved and was semi-sentient. At the very center of the forest, if you could survive the trees, was the heart of the forest. Tohno Shiki killed the forest in Talk. Unless you were in the very middle of the forest, you wouldn't be able to damage it really, and then if you were, you would be under attack from all sides at once. It took both Ciel and Merem Solomen to get close to the middle but they were beaten to their goal by Tohno Shiki who was slowly becoming more Satsujinki.

Merem could be mildly interesting, though, I'll give you that. The trick would be balancing him, since each of his limbs are very powerful on their own.

And massive in size as well. I'm really not too sure how Merem works at all.

Arihiko: No. We already have enough joke characters. I like Arihiko as a character, but how in the blue fuck are you going to say Arihiko has a chance in hell of beating someone like Nero?

Well, he can carry and equip the Seventh Holy Scripture, which would normally be quite bad for any normal human. Regardless, I would say his normal fighting style would be a bat with nails and a curbstomp.

None of you besides me mentioned Altrouge Brunestud, or even commented on her. Son, I am disappoint.

She is OP as well. She has two forms, a young 14-ish girl and an older adult form. The younger form is weaker, but yet was able to take down Arcuied in a fight (and cut her hair) without having to change forms. She was however beaten by original Roa. Reality Marble: Overpower could be massive hax mode. Can you imagine a tag team style?

>Michael Roa Valdamjong activates Reality Marble: Overpower
>Character change: Michael Roa Valdamjong switches out with Kishua Zelretch
>Zelretch activates Kaleidoscope (while team power Overpower is still active)
>The world asplode


Sorry, I think I wrote too much in this thread.

Melty Blood Auditorium / Re: The MB:AA:CC thread: Current Code
« on: July 24, 2010, 04:04:38 PM »

Tournament Results / Re: EVO 2010 Results
« on: July 17, 2010, 12:03:22 PM »
Shout-outs to the other 10 people here in NY who didn't make it down.

You get to shout AT them for not going

Tournament Results / Re: EVO 2010 Results
« on: July 12, 2010, 10:14:35 PM »
Damn that was a fun Evo. Glad to see as many Melty guys out there as there were, and to the rest of you...WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU  :slowpoke: :slowpoke: :slowpoke:

Good shit meeting with those I met with and to those I didn't, me and F-Chaos will bullshit you for free combos next time.

And Jaxx...you got damn drunk off of a mere 40-oz or so of kool-aid/151

Quote from: Jaxx on being drunk
"no, no...I'm not drunk if I can still do a handstand"
*attempts handstand*
*falls over*
"I'm still good. Shin, give me more of that stuff..."
*5 minutes later, rinse and repeat + add more word slurring*
...you never paid me back for that shit.

You had to be there for that. Damn stuff was hilarious.

And to you CPhame, that was good shit hitting up the Vegas nightlife with you.

Quote from: CPhame on fake $20 bills on the Vegas street

damn...I wish I recorded that.

And to everyone else as well. Let's make more noise and hype and get Melty in the Evo line up FOR GOOD!

Tournaments and Events / Re: Good luck to all MBAA EVO participants
« on: July 10, 2010, 12:04:30 PM »
Besides the Melty crew, Evo doesn't know anything about Melty in order to call upsets

Tournaments and Events / Re: Good luck to all MBAA EVO participants
« on: July 10, 2010, 05:51:33 AM »
Any word on any of the matches?  Any big upsets? 

Yeah, I lost...it was upsetting.  :( :( :(

Send me a PM if you guys want some casuals.


Room 3983 Augustus Tower if any of you scrubs *cough*Jaxx*cough* want to get some game time in outside of the main floor.

Accuweather.com posting for the next following 4 days (in case people have forgotten how hot it'll be in Sin City...)

Thursday 7-8: high- 105, low- 77
Friday     7-9: high- 106, low- 83
Saturday 7-10:high- 105, low- 82
Sunday   7-11:high- 106, low-84

It's been warned before, but prepare w/ mad gallons of H2O in case some of you intend to trip outside for any reason.

..Or, just stay in Ceasars' and enjoy the 34.95 24-hour buffet they have for all the meals needed.

Nobody better duck now..This is for all the marbles!

I've got me a 100-oz. fuck-you-up mug demanding to be filled with Vegas alcohol once I arrive, I should be fine with the heat.

shin you about to get fucked up.......

I'm in pool three...too bad zar and kusanagi are there as well

btw pool one is fucking ridiculous

Orly? Let's do this, been a while since I played you

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: Scanning the good ones
« on: July 06, 2010, 02:15:11 PM »
Fate / strange fake might be a Gilgamesh prequel thing.

Fate/Strange Fake is a non-canon side story focusing around Gilgamesh as the main servant. The original release of it was a lols April Fools release that came with TM-Ace 2. Basically it happens at the end of the third grail war (before F/SN) where a group of magi try to recreate the grail war but fail. There are 6 servants this time (no Saber because of the fail) but yet 7 masters (the last master has no servant) and other stuff happens. I didn't bother to finish reading it because it became very boring at parts and very non-Nasu-ish, probably because it was not written by Nasu.

pool 3 for me

We made a lot of noise at final round, lets make more here.


You went to Final Round? go outside?

pool 4 @ 5:00pm

good, means i can get some sleep before my match

damn, better put on the scrub gloves, Jaxx is gonna be at evo

loli was abandoned?  :slowpoke:

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: Scanning the good ones
« on: July 02, 2010, 12:13:49 PM »
Yeah, I've been waiting until after Evo to order mine. I really want to read through it, especially with Mahoyo finally with a date.

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: Well, it's that time again
« on: June 30, 2010, 10:38:04 AM »
silly chuck norris, you don't bring fists and roundhouse kicks to a gun fight

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: Well, it's that time again
« on: June 29, 2010, 03:57:47 PM »
Look what I just got  :o

Lolis...they smile at death  :fap:

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