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When's Melty on Steam?
ahaha that's no--wait, what?

Messages - CPhame

Pages: 1 ... 11 12 [13] 14
Here are some poorly made avs for you guys to wear!

- MBread standard size

- SRK non premium size

- SRK Premium size

Plus heat for you, sir.  I'll wear this badge proudly.

You have my axe

Ciel's Tech Support / Re: Connecting to Mizuumi (SSL Port Inquiry)
« on: January 21, 2010, 02:03:30 PM »
I've had problems connecting to it too.  Still don't understand the reason why.

Updated with the official start time.  Tyson says we get the venue for a full TWELVE HOURS  :slowpoke:

Maybe we can push the start time back a bit to help out-of-town travelers (like me, lol)? 

Shiki Ryougi / Re: H-Ryougi Thoughts Without a Thread
« on: January 20, 2010, 08:01:29 PM »
5BB works on Warachia, but not on someone like say, Sion.  I don't even think I can delay it that long, because the combo turns invalid. 

I'm just looking for an easier alternative than the 2C >2369B >5BB >214A string, since it's incredibly difficult to land (for me).  But thanks, I'll give your suggestion a shot!

Shiki Ryougi / Re: H-Ryougi Thoughts Without a Thread
« on: January 20, 2010, 12:50:19 PM »
Was messing around in practice mode.  Can someone explain this to me?  After doing this combo:

5BB 2B 5C 2C 6AAA 214A (wallslam) 5BB...air juggle

I can't seem to get the 5BB after 214A on smaller characters.  Only 5C works.  Are there weight ratios in this game?

Shiki Ryougi / Re: H-Ryougi Combo Video: Godslayer
« on: January 15, 2010, 12:47:45 PM »
That was unbelieveably sexy.  Props man! 

As the name implies, this is the last of a long line of tournaments that have been around for nearly a decade.  Melty Blood wasn't originally on the list, but thanks to myself and Syxx's persistence we've been able to get the go-ahead for a Melty tourney in Iowa.  Of course, there will be other games their as well such as Tekken and Street Fighter and some mystery game the organizer hasn't announced   :psyduck:  

Did I mention prizes?  :slowpoke:

Check the official thread for more details.




525 33rd Avenue Southwest
Cedar Rapids, IA 52404
(319) 366-8671


12pm start time


$10 to enter, $5 venue fee;  70/20/10 pot split


The Japanese PS2 version of Melty Blood: Actress Again will be used.

* The Original balance settings will be used.
* Default settings (except for quick restart and handicap being disabled).
* All characters are allowed except Archtype:Earth.
* Bring your own stick or pad.
* Free character selection by default; blind pick can be requested by either player.
* Player side (1P/2P) is to be determined by a coinflip upon request. No switching for the duration of the match.
* Character changing is allowed at any time except when you win a game (and, of course, mid-game/between rounds).
* All multi-button marcos allowed.
* Please shower or bathe before the tournament.

The entire tournament will be 1v1, with a possible 2v2 side tourney if time is available (will have to double-check on this).  Standard rules are:

* Double elimination bracket.
* Two out of three games for most tournament games.
* Three out of five for Winners Finals, Losers Finals, and Grand Finals.

Get hyped guys, see you there!

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: Armoured Core 5!
« on: January 12, 2010, 07:11:45 AM »
Sorry, I have to redact my last post.  Apparently Armored Core 5 will not be on PSP, but most likely Xbox 360 or PS3 (they didn't say, and the website says nada).  I read the headline wrong -- the news was reported at a Armored Core PSP tournament in Ikebukuro.  There is an additional Armored Core PSP game coming in March, however though.

My bad for bringing down the OP's hype :psyduck:

AC PSP tournament details

1UP's report

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: Armoured Core 5!
« on: January 11, 2010, 10:44:26 PM »

Shiki Ryougi / Re: H-Ryougi Thoughts Without a Thread
« on: January 03, 2010, 03:39:59 PM »
Air throws are better than ground throws for sure, since you end up closer to them.  But sometimes using 236B enders midscreen helps your corner game a lot better than air throws since you can harass with j.C and j.236B.  Even more so when you have your knife, as you can start spamming from a distance while they're far away (since you seem to have an affinity for knife throwing)  ;)

Shiki Ryougi / Re: H-Ryougi Thoughts Without a Thread
« on: January 03, 2010, 12:05:31 PM »
Okay, got some replays today, but Fraps + LCD screen = about delay 3, so there are only a few recorded matches, and the game play isn't amazing. It should give you a basic idea of how I play H-Ryougi though. Working on getting it uploaded.

Edit: Mostly uploaded:

Lag play is pretty depressing. Won't be uploading much until we get a camcorder/better recording setup.

Lag withstanding, I thought you were very solid.  I liked your use of IAD knife catch > air dodge.  That was most brilliant.  Your combo damage was kind of low; I think the highest I saw was about 3.9k?  Either way, it worked out most of the time but I feel if it wasn't due to the lag you could be doing a lot more damage.

And your knife-catching ability is very nice.  You focus on it a lot, sometimes sacrificing damage for a knife pickup.  All in all, good stuff sir.

Shiki Ryougi / Re: H-Ryougi Thoughts Without a Thread
« on: January 02, 2010, 11:07:14 AM »
I was just trying to encourage him  :emo:

Shiki Ryougi / Re: H-Ryougi Thoughts Without a Thread
« on: January 01, 2010, 10:12:17 AM »
It can't be any tougher than C Ryougi  :psyduck:

Shiki Ryougi / Re: H-Ryougi Thoughts Without a Thread
« on: January 01, 2010, 09:52:48 AM »
You use 214b as a block string ender way too frequently. I would recommend not doing so at all, because on block, you lose all your pressure. Instead of ending with 214b, whiff cancel to 2a/421c or use 22a knife throw for +frames. Also noticed that you use 22c/214c a lot in combos, which isn't great.

...what?  I don't use 214C in combos, if any at all.  And yeah, the reason why I used 214A_B so much was because I wasn't sure why I wasn't getting them after 6AAA, so I kept doing them (and random 2369A_B) to see if my stick wasn't broken.  Thats also why you'll see me just stand there or miss combos. 

And you really should catch your knife at least some of the time.

I did, actually.  Sorta.  Since it was just casuals, I was throwing it around a lot more often than usual to see how it feels.  I thought I caught it pretty often that night...

Thanks for the feedback though, sir.

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: Have a Melty New Year!
« on: January 01, 2010, 09:39:26 AM »
Happy New Year everyone!  :)

Shiki Ryougi / Re: H-Ryougi Thoughts Without a Thread
« on: December 31, 2009, 02:20:40 AM »
Posted about nine match vids with the guys from last Tuesday.  Sorry for not getting it up yesterday as promised.

I think I broke my stick, since you'll see me whiff 214A in a lot of my combos.  Execution could be better, too.  Actually, looking back at the vids, I look pretty terrible...constructive comments or suggestions?

Looking forward to seeing everyone else's vids too  :toot:

Shiki Ryougi / Re: j236 or Airthrow?
« on: December 29, 2009, 03:16:58 PM »
I would only use throws as an ender near the corner.  Ryougi's better when they're against the wall.

After a corner air throw, there's enough room for IAD j.C.  Timing is tight. 

2C > 5BB > air combo hits on wakeup if they try anything.  5B 5C is an anti-air blockstring.  If you land 5B, you can air juggle.  5BB won't connect, as you're pushed back too far (after corner air throw).  Run up 2A_5B is also an option if you trained them to sit still.

If you have meter to spend, 22C is a good lock down pattern to position yourself into guard break.  214C is great as well, since you can j.B after it and land into your bnb block string.  You can also j.C >air dash >j.C_land 2A for mixups as well during 22C.

Ground throw is universally good too.  Even more shenanigans.  More info on the wiki if people want to browse more things for H.

Shiki Ryougi / Re: H-Ryougi Thoughts Without a Thread
« on: December 29, 2009, 03:05:42 PM »
Nice stuff.  Good luck practicing those loops Rei.  Master those, and you're already proficient in H  ;)

Gonna record some videos tonight.  Hopefully I'll get some good matches and post them tomorrow.


Yes, excellent summarization.  I hope this will finally put the nail in the coffin for netplay vs console play discussion, and we can continue focusing onto Final Tuned news and gossip.

Melty Blood Auditorium / Re: best character for a beginner?
« on: December 28, 2009, 11:28:37 PM »
C Mech Hisui or F Nero might be good for budding beginners.  But I don't want any more Neros in this world anymore...

Shiki Ryougi / Re: H-Ryougi Thoughts Without a Thread
« on: December 28, 2009, 11:24:59 PM »
Yeah, I didn't think it had any startup, to be honest.  Thanks for reconfirming that.

63214B is decent with your back against the wall.  It jumps over crouchers, and the knife always ricochets off the wall for an optional IAD knife catch if you need it for pressure.  However, it telegraphs pretty badly so if someone suspects one, they can knock it out of the air pretty easily.  Overall, still a cruddy move.

623A goes under people.  I guess it's made to be the other way out if people jump in on you.

I played around and changed my gameplan to see how much of a difference it would make, and the results were pretty good.  Knife throw > air catch > knife throw really helped pin down the other guy alot easier; I think I got something like four knife throws in a row or something until they finally started doing something about it. 

Then I started sticking 2369B_C into the mix: it has such a huge hitbox that if they didn't block it in the air, they'd get wallslammed immediately and I could continue throwing knives from far away with impunity.  214A helped as well as it had more horizontal range.  The neatest thing I did all night was a blocked 2369A, land, 5BB (while they're stuck in the air) > 214A into wall combo. 

So now I'm using her from midscreen to fullscreen now to harass them from a distance, and it works pretty well.  A lot better then trying to rush in and land bnbs, anyway.  I'm going to try sticking 214C and 22C in a bit more, to see if that helps her tighten the distance and see if that gets any results.  There might be some use for 6AAA as well, too.

Shiki Ryougi / Re: H-Ryougi Thoughts Without a Thread
« on: December 28, 2009, 10:40:24 AM »
I haven't really stuck 63214A into muscle memory yet, but as far as memory serves the air pickup is much more quicker than 22A.  If you mix it in with 214A or 214B, it helps the mind game since the animation looks incredibly similar but you have to train them to expect a 214A_B coming to make them freeze up.  Otherwise you're going to be DP or shield bunker bait up close.

22A gives Ryougi a fireball option; you can throw them out from max distance with little worries since it'll always ricochet off the wall.  Sometimes I spam 22A > air pickup > (air)22B_C for fun and random hits. 

There might be an application for 63214B when your back is against the wall -- not so sure if it's invincible on startup or what not, but if it is it might be useful for getting out of the corner when the opponent is on the ground doing block strings and what not.  623A is the other alternative for escaping the corner since it's fast and travels far.

I'll start using more 2369C as an anti-air to see if it gets any results.  Last I checked, it had invincible startup.  Too bad it's cursedly slow and a bit unreliable (not to mention unsafe)

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: Melty Christmas
« on: December 25, 2009, 05:56:33 AM »
Happy Holidays everyone  :toot:

Fixing the LA glitch is immediately needed, but really...aside from that she doesn't really need any buffs or nerfs.  She's just fine.

Yeah, that LA is going to be fixed, no doubt about it.  But she could use a few buffs, like tweaking her normals to be a least a frame faster and fixing her j.A and j.B in half moon.  For some reason they both do the same amount of damage and have the exact same startup frames.  What's the point?  

And on the local community scene:  back in March when SF4 debuted we only had a small community of gamers.  I started browsing srk and joined it this year, which in turn lead to finding more like-minded players.  Now that SF4 has taken its stride, they've started branching out and trying other games including MBAA, so it goes to show you that with time and patience you can start building something in your own community as well.  

We've had four tournaments this year, and each event keeps getting larger and larger.  More people come out of the woodwork.  Traveling to majors is a little out of the question as the nearest comp in 3 hours away and all, but if you go to those then more than likely they'll honor the visit and go to yours as well.  Last time I was at KC's ranbat, I spread the gospel about MBAA and now they have players for it too. 

The resources are out there, you just have to keep plugging at it.  There'd still be just three people playing MBAA here if it wasn't for all that effort I put into making a community.  

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