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When's Melty on Steam?
ahaha that's no--wait, what?

Messages - vedasisme

Pages: [1]
Melty Blood Auditorium / Re: Is Melty both accessible and deep?
« on: December 20, 2011, 07:58:37 AM »
I'd just like to pop in to add my two cents.

A fighting game is not only as interesting as its game mechanics!!  I have a few friends that play fighting games on a somewhat casual level, and I USUALLY played GG or SF4 with them.  We also would pull out lots of other game like CvS2 and KoF98.  However, only ONE of them was willing to play Melty Blood with me until very recently, when we pretty much tricked them into playing with us.

You see, they had a lot of preconceptions about the game that made it seem uninteresting to them.  However, once they starting trying out characters they liked, they started to get into it, and now they play the game on a regular basis.  Not like they'll hop on the Melty Bread scene any time soon, but there it is.

In my case, what got me into fighting games in the first place was being able to connect with a character I found interesting (Robo Ky).  Guilty Gear's execution barriers meant nothing to me as long as I kept learning more about how to use a robot whose very existence parodied the main character's design.

SO...I guess what I'm trying to say is, a fighting game's accessibility and depth are not limited to its game mechanics, and I am sure people play otherwise broken fighting games because of how AWESOME it is as a GAME.

I suppose in the mountain analogy, it's the difference between having stones or exploding pies thrown at you.

Just dropping by to mention something I thought of while fooling around with a friend.

-VS needs room creation (to play with a set group of friends), which ought to include spectating for everyone.
-As mentioned earlier, maybe have a global lobby (or multiple regional lobbies??) that include ping ratings for other users in order to improve upon matchmaking

-lower priority, but it may be a good idea to fix the English spellings of the characters' names.  Stuff like Powerd -> Powered, etc.  Yumiduka -> Yumizika is arguable.  Arcueid=Brunestud can stay for all I care.

Hisui / Re: Hisui Video Thread
« on: June 25, 2008, 03:16:57 PM »

i base my hisui gameplay heavily off this kind of play

Hisui / Re: Hisui thread! VERSION Bee, TOO!
« on: April 08, 2008, 06:54:44 AM »
it's been a while since i was last here, and i've definitely improved a lot.  However, my friend who plays Wara who started playing before me still beats me all the time.

It's mostly because I underestimate Warachia's range, and also because of dash-in 5B, which he uses in his blockstrings all the time during gaps where I think I could possible jump out.

Are there any tips specific to playing against a warachia?

Melty Blood Auditorium / Re: Custom MBACPC Music? Check!
« on: March 10, 2008, 06:17:44 PM »
when the file is too big, it overwrites the next track with silence, when it's too small, it just doesn't work!  has anyone figured out the general file size difference limit?


well, i found the method roughly.  I uploaded a rough version of my custom track which uses Ragnarok Online music.

however, i've found that after attempting to go in a 2nd time to edit, some of the files are not listed as ogm. instead of ogg. and i can't preview them anymore.

they still work in-game, but for some reason they are read incorrectly by the extractor.  any clues?

Hisui / Re: Hisui thread! VERSION Bee, TOO!
« on: February 23, 2008, 11:28:58 PM »
haha, after mastering that combo, i realized that there are other variations of it that are easier to pull off and do more damage.

such as, BC 2C 6B jBC jBC AT

Hisui / Re: Hisui thread! VERSION Bee, TOO!
« on: February 21, 2008, 10:32:52 PM »
it's a good high-damage combo that doesn't require circuit, that's mainly why i use it.

I'm a fairly mediocre player at the moment, though so I'm not sure why you'd say it's a bad combo...

Hisui / Re: Hisui thread! VERSION Bee, TOO!
« on: February 21, 2008, 08:55:12 PM »
I'm trying to do the [C] 2C B jABC jBC AT combo, but when i get to the jABC part, once i get to jBC, i can only connect either the jC or the AT...

I've pulled off the entire combo less than ten times, is there perhaps some sort of timing I'm getting wrong?

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