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When's Melty on Steam?
ahaha that's no--wait, what?

Messages - Elec

Pages: [1]
Is there going to be another one of these this Sunday?

Satsuki Yumizuka (Yumiduka) / Re: Catsuki help thread
« on: January 29, 2012, 03:04:49 PM »
Got hitbox images for the moves in the spacing section of the wiki, but I guess since my account is <24 hours old, I can't add them myself(or I am just blind and can't see where to upload them). Here they are if someone else wants to add them.

Satsuki Yumizuka (Yumiduka) / Re: Catsuki help thread
« on: January 28, 2012, 10:20:58 PM »
Which mixups specifically and what exactly are you going for if your getting hit out of j.C you are messing up your timing.  If I have some mixups listed as unsafe that pretty much means that yeah you gotta worry about people mashing out.
Ones after 412B, mainly. j.C has been fine for the most part, but I almost always get hit when I go for 2A, 2C, or 63214C.

Satsuki Yumizuka (Yumiduka) / Re: Catsuki help thread
« on: January 28, 2012, 04:35:50 PM »
On the wiki I see some stuff that has 2A listed as a low option, but is it really low? It seems like I've had people block it both high and low(plus visually it looks like a mid).

Also, in matches people can just keep mashing out of my mixup attempts, does that mean I'm just doing everything too slowly?

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: Introductory Thread (Take off your shoes, please)
« on: January 23, 2012, 08:25:06 PM »
Hello all, I am Elec. Registered here like 3 or 4 years ago when a friend introduced me to MB, and then promptly forgot about it and MB in general. Since I'm actually gonna be entering tournaments and stuff for this game, I figured it would be best to check stuff out and start paying attention.  :slowpoke:

I use Satsuki, and in the 2 days that I've played, there have been like 6 different people who are either surprised I main her, tell me that she's tough to use/low tier, or both. Gonna stick with her regardless, because she's fun to use, and this game seems to be pretty balanced.

Not new to fighting games, but at the same time I've also never played any beyond the intermediate level. Entering tournaments(and sticking with one game for once) might change that.

This was enjoyable. Thanks for the Satsuki mirrors.

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