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When's Melty on Steam?
ahaha that's no--wait, what?

Messages - Infinite

Pages: [1]
Akiha's Tea Room / Re: Introductory Thread (Take off your shoes, please)
« on: February 15, 2010, 12:30:18 PM »
Whats up melty bread! My username here is Infinite and I will be joining this ongoing discussion board of all things melt blood!

I never really knew about the existence of this game ( :slowpoke: ) until a I saw an arcade cabinet for it in the China town fair in NYC and I found it very intriguing. From there my friends who I didn't know played the game on a competitive level all now came clean with me and introduced me to an earlier iteration of the game; MBAC. Since I don't own a PS2 personally I have to play the game to understand basic melty concepts.

My main in MBAC was Nanaya Shiki cause I'm a big fan of aggressive play styles and from what I can perceive, that's what the character excels at. I still play him in MBAA.

I used to be a lurker on this site to find combos and strats but since the scene is growing with the announcement of MBAA being at evo I decided to buckle down and make an account.

My background of fighters are Super Smash Bros Melee and SF3: 3rd Strike. I played those game competitively and actually consider myself good in them. I played a ton of fighting games casualyl like GG and KoF as well.

I look forward to posting here  ;D

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