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When's Melty on Steam?
ahaha that's no--wait, what?

Messages - Luneth

Pages: [1]
Aoko Aozaki / Re: [MBAACC 1.07] F-Aoko Discussion Thread
« on: January 08, 2012, 01:03:34 AM »
So I've always been ending j.214C combos with 2C > 4C > orb when I want to go for the set-up/oki,
but I've read and seen a lot of people opt for 2C > 63214A/B > orb

Is there an noticeable difference between 4C and 63214A/B for ending the combo?

4C is obviously easier to input and it feels like it knocks them down for the same amount of time...
does someone happen to have a better understanding?

And I might as well bundle another question in here -- what's the difference between using TK j.214 charge orb and standing 214 orb after knockdown, and why do Japanese players go for the TK charged orb?

Thanks in advance!

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: Introductory Thread (Take off your shoes, please)
« on: January 08, 2012, 12:49:43 AM »
Hello to everyone,

I normally go by Luneth, and I've actually been playing Melty Blood back since Final Tuned, I believe.
Just recently decided to become a member of the community here because I thought it'd be nice to
share in the TECHNOLOGY of various characters.

Right now I'm maining C-Tohno in MBAA:CC, since I played him throughout most all of MBAC and enjoyed the experience. I've also taken a lot of interest in F-Aoko, which I've been practicing most with recently.

Anyway, East Cost (more specifically central Florida) player and always up for playing with anyone, regardless of skill level. I'd say I'm pretty mediocre myself despite playing the game for a long time.

That's about it, and I look forward to making myself at home here with ya guys!

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