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When's Melty on Steam?
ahaha that's no--wait, what?

Messages - iwst99

Pages: [1]
Regional Community / Re: So.Cal: Arcade Infinity Thread
« on: April 25, 2007, 05:21:58 AM »
Ai doesn't have ver.B anymore! ver.B2 just came in and was installed this afternoon!! Can someone update the Arcade MBAC sticky thread?

GTFO With your lame ass photoshop.

JK, yay B2  :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck: :V

Tournaments and Events / Re: So.Cal: West Toast #3 4/20/07
« on: April 21, 2007, 12:18:28 PM »
Scott, you owe me 100 dollars.  $9 for me ending up going with you guys to fatburger and getting a shitty $9 dollar combo.  and $91 for my pain and suffering due to fatburger being so shitty.

Anyways, good shit last night.  Crazy that people drove from AZ for this.  21 seems like a small amount for a Ranbat, but then again we're a small community.  Thanks to Arlieth for setting this shit up.

Oh yea, Scott and Leo....we got to have some crazy console session soon.  Scott and I especially after you know what. Oh yea, and B2 at AI on Monday.

 :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck: :V

Regional Community / Re: So.Cal: Arcade Infinity Thread
« on: April 10, 2007, 03:02:07 PM »
Yea I guess you guys are right about the minor changes.  Man, hurry up and have console sessions Scott, I really want some good practice.  :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck: :V

Regional Community / Re: So.Cal: Arcade Infinity Thread
« on: April 10, 2007, 01:52:38 PM »
Fuck man, I was beraly getting into V.B then the conductor yesterday tells me there's this new version coming out...wtfwtfwtf...oh well. =\

Hope we get it at least.  :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck: :V

Tournaments and Events / Re: So.Cal: West Toast #3 4/20/07
« on: April 07, 2007, 08:56:44 AM »
I'm really really sorry I missed the last one...but I ended up not getting out of work till past 7 and stuff. :(

Gots a new schedule so now I get out at 3...FUCK yea I'll be going. :psyduck:

I've been playing quite a bit now, including last night at AI for like the whole night, more people should go there if they want casuals, especially friday nights since a lot of people there have been getting into it.

On a side not, the Otaku guy was there...HE WAS PLANNING ANOTHER TOURNAMENT.  He was asking everybody if they would show up when he threw the next one, which he wanted to do on the 21st of April...WTF did he not learn his lesson. =\  Since Scottind is gonna be taking over those tourneys, I can assure they will be quality, he has ton of experience in that area.

Anyways...looking forward to this, see you guys there.  :psyduck: :psyduck:

I wasn't the only person that night bitching about him...and I didn't even show up to the tourney, this was the night BEFORE.  And he was following me around for a while...I went to play some 3s and he was like right behind me while I was playing.  When I was done and got up he just nodded like saying "you're aight*  Then his phone rang and he looked at me like saying I'll brb and he walked out. The whole time I said NOTHING to him.  I freaking RAN to the MB machine before he got back and got a game in.  I was trying to warn my friends about him when he showed up, but he was literally speed walking to people whenever they entered the arcade. :psyduck:

Oh, and this guy can't play MB for shit...I've never seen anybody hold the joystick how he was, and he was just 360-motioning it over and over, and he MASHED the buttons like it was 99 all over. =(

I was told to introduce myself or I would get banned (no, not really).  :psyduck:

Anyways, I'm originally from the SRK forums.  I've been playing 3s for a few years now, and really never had a desire to play MB at my local arcade (Arcade Infinity).  It just looked weird, and I think I was turned off by the cat fight environment.  When I finally decided to give it a try cause I was bored, I was like wow...this game is different (in a good way).  Like 3 weeks ago I saw that someone on SRK uploaded the game and decided to give it a I got so addicted to it.  :psyduck: :psyduck:

Luckily some of my arcade friends got into it I'm not totally alone.  I just randomly picked Red Arc...and I think I'm gonna stick with her for now, and learn how to play the game a lot better.  I've mainly been playin on my comp by myself, but I get to play at the arcade as well.  :psyduck: :psyduck:

Oh, and these are by far the best forums I have ever posted in my entire life.  Why is that?  MOTHA FUCKING PSYDUCK EMOTICON. :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck: <3<3<3 (I'll quit spamming them  :( )

PS Don't let fat smelly otakus run "ranbats" at your local arcade.

I actually met this guy at person the night before while playing casuals at AI.  Even though I had an urge to go to the tourney at first, after meeting this guy I didn't want to any longer.

A) He wouldn't shut the hell up, and was going up to random people who were not even there to play MB, but simply wanted some change from the token machine next to the MB machine.  We got bombarded with random shit:

Him: OMG you know I'm running a ranbat tourney tomorrow right? For melty blood.
Me: I knew about it, you're running it?
Him: Yea, omg i have a 64 man bracket, but I'm not sure if I'm gonna get that many people.
Me: Not sure...
Him: Did you watch that Kingdom Hearts special edition extended trailer of doom.
Me: I've never played Kingdom Hearts.
Him: Well, OMG like this and this happens, and then sora, and this and this happens.
Me: I don't know what you're talking about.
Him: Oh....well have you played the new first of the north star?? it's way better than the previous one and....
Me: *Interrupting* I've never played Fist of the north star.
Him: Oh...*blah blah blah*

So once you manage to evade this guy by hiding by one of your friends, he later proceeds to find you and follow you around and continue talking.  If you do evade him completely, he will go an pray on new comers to AI that clearly give a damn about what he's saying.  I heard him ask probably 6 people about the Kingdom Hearts thing....Sigh...Needless to say, that was a total turnoff to join a tourney this guy was running. :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck:

Anyways, I will more than likely make it to the IF tourney, even if it is just for casuals.  Looking forward to it.


Fuck, I just realized I put an A) but not a B) or C)

B) That guy smelled like crap.

C) Fuck that guy.

D) Hi Scott and Leo.

Is there a late entry fee?  Out of work at 6pm from carson + drive in traffic =  :'(

If not, will there be casuals afterwards?  That would be nice =\

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