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When's Melty on Steam?
ahaha that's no--wait, what?

Messages - ViceVirtuoso

Pages: [1] 2
All 1 of the Mississippi Melty crew will be there tonight.

Pool 1 here. Gotta do my part to counteract all the beastliness in it.

Minor updates added, neither of which apply to MBAA but I want to keep it consistent with the SRK post.

LA Melty crew, where are youuuuu~?

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: Well, it's that time again
« on: April 27, 2010, 10:40:17 PM »
I've been feeling like replaying Phantom Brave, but am debating whether I want to replay my PS2 copy (which was the first game I bought with my first paycheck at my first job), or dropping $30 for the Wii version. From what I've heard, there isn't a whole lot of new content.

Also, Resonance of Fate is perhaps the first game I've done an immediate New Game+ without skipping any cutscenes. This is probably the fault of the choppy storytelling making the story too vague the first time through, but I'm liking the game more now than on my first playthrough.

Speaking of GAMME, I had no idea it existed until you mentioned it. Tournament date has been moved forward a week as a result.

Regional Community / Re: new South thread *the Gold xperience*
« on: April 19, 2010, 03:59:42 PM »
I was a bit busier than expected getting the room and everything else confirmed last Saturday, among other things. This weekend I don't have any other plans.

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: Star Trek and Pedophilia
« on: April 18, 2010, 09:21:19 PM »
Live long, and rape those who haven't.

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: Goodbye childhood
« on: April 18, 2010, 09:19:20 PM »
In the black version, trainers refer to themselves as pokeballaz.

The 'burg makes its tournament debut this summer!

All games which have 10 or more entrants will now have a $50 bonus in addition to the normal 70% payout!

Date has been moved from 6/5 to not coincide with GAMME, not that that matters anymore.

Comfort Suites
122 Plaza Drive
Hattiesburg, MS 39402
Google Maps link

We will be located in the Southern Room, which is to your front-right as you enter the lobby, behind the lobby couches and continental breakfast counters.

Date and Time:
June 12, 2010
Registration will begin at 11:00 AM and will last until 1:00 PM
We will begin at 1:00 PM sharp. Too many tournaments start too many hours late, and everyone from out of town will want to get home at a decent hour. I will -- at most -- give 10 minutes if someone is running late or went to get a bite to eat before starting.

Door Fee: $10
Entry fee will be waived if you bring a complete setup (this includes console, CRT or low-lag LCD measuring at least 19", and a copy of a game)


Super Street Fighter IV (360): $10
This was changed to 360 from PS3 by popular demand
Tekken 6 (PS3): $10
Melty Blood: Actress Again (PS2): $10 -- If we get at least 10 entrants for MBAA, I will personally throw in a $50 bonus for first place!

1st: 70%, +$50 if there are at least 10 entrants in that particular game
2nd: 20%
3rd: 10%


As I said, I will be running this tournament on time. If you are not registered by 1:00 PM, you will not be allowed to play in the tournament, and if you are not at your station ready to play within 5 minutes of me calling you, without informing me (or any other staff) beforehand that you will be out for a bathroom break, food, smoke, or match for another game, you will be disqualified.

This tournament is BYOC -- I do not have much in the means of spare pads or sticks, so don't run off and forget yours!

All tournaments are Double Elimination
In all games, loser may switch characters between matches, winner must keep previous character

Super Street Fighter IV:
Best of 2 matches -- 2 rounds per match -- 99 second timer
Button macros for PPP or KKK are allowed for pads only. No macros for throw/focus/taunt allowed.
No characters banned

Tekken 6:
Best of 2 matches -- 3 rounds per match -- 60 second timer
No button macros are allowed
Stages are random select, unless both contestants agree on a stage prior to the match beginning
No characters banned

Melty Blood: Actress Again:
Best of 2 matches -- 2 rounds per match -- 99 second timer
No button macros are allowed
Archetype Earth is banned

For any further questions, you can contact me via one of the following methods:
PM me on this forum
Email me at
Call or text me at 601-818-1306 (please call only after 4:00 PM CST on weekdays or anytime during weekends)

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: What game is this
« on: March 28, 2010, 08:34:01 AM »
I was under the impression this was a fake.

Regional Community / Re: new South thread *the Gold xperience*
« on: March 28, 2010, 08:17:32 AM »
I'm good for Friday or Sunday

I'm here. Anybody playing yet? I don't have a screwdriver or universal remote.

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: Well, it's that time again
« on: March 09, 2010, 02:06:56 PM »
Fun fact: When I learned that this wasn't the final boss of Mother 3, I lost interest in finishing it.

Mother 3 is a sham of a game compared to Earthbound. It lost pretty much all of the quirky 90's-America atmosphere and (somewhat) occasional creepiness that made EB so charming and memorable and replaced it with tear-jerking, which didn't work because it was a lot harder to become attached to the characters.

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: Well, it's that time again
« on: March 07, 2010, 04:15:42 PM »
Come to think of it, I really want to replay Killer7. Too bad I have no idea where my copy went.

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: Well, it's that time again
« on: March 07, 2010, 04:40:37 AM »
WoW is garbage.

CoH is (was) the only MMO I can bring myself to play for any period of time. Though I can say pretty definitively that I won't be playing it anymore unless they revert the PvP changes, considering there's a free weekend with double XP/money going on right now and I'm not playing it at all.

It is not a good idea to get into MMOs. They, at least while you're subscribed and enjoying the game, make other games seem to have a sense of pointlessness. But, whenever the devs fuck something up royally, there is pretty much no recourse unless the game has private servers. This seems to have happened with a lot of MMOs. CoX for sure, but also (this is from hearsay) SWG, DAoC, and even some WoW players say this regarding the most recent and the upcoming expansions. Once this happens, or if you decide to quit for any other reason, you come off of a streak of several years playing the same game and have to wean yourself off of it. You also realize how much your skills deteriorate in other games. (I can't even do well in Team Faggotry 2 these days, much less UT)

One good thing about MMOs, though? They're actually cheap. $15/month is cheaper than buying a $50/$60 game that only lasts you three weeks, or even a $20 bargain bin game which lasts you that long. Of course, this argument is invalid if you pirate everything. Of course, now MMO devs consider it standard fare to throw microtransactions everywhere, so this argument may be going out the window.

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: Well, it's that time again
« on: March 06, 2010, 07:22:58 PM »
Honestly, I have trouble replaying most games. This holds particular to RPGs as I largely no longer care about story. I bought FFT on PSN a few months ago and never got past the fourth battle, just because I had memorized it when I was 10 and pretty much never forgot it. There is the occasional game I replay, though:

Earthbound: Easily my favorite non-MMO RPG of all time, in terms of story, characters, and art style/music. FFT edged it out in pure gameplay, but I still vastly prefer this one. Always loved its contemporary (though now dated) Americanish setting instead of high fantasy or sci-fi, loved the humor, the general quirkiness, and the light-hearted mood. You know, that light-hearted mood that gets mutilated, crushed, and incinerated in the last 5% of the game to give your 8-year-old self some of the most profound nightmares of his childhood. I've replayed it a few times. Giygas still creeps me out.

Oddworld (the first two): Another of my childhood favorites, for much of the same reasons. Humor, characters, and nightmare fuel. Played through the first one on Steam about 6 months ago, got 96 of the Mudokons without a guide. Fuck the Xbox games.

No More Heroes: I don't know why I replayed this of all games. It has some serious flaws. And yet, it's mindless fun, and I like Travis simply for his sociopath...iness. It helps when you swing your arms around far more than you need to. Need to get my Wii back sometime to play the sequel.

Most of the other games I like, despite the facts that I greatly enjoyed them and they still hold a place in my heart, I just can't bring myself to enjoy as much as I used to. These include Gran Turismo/2/4 (skipped 3), FF7/8/9/X, Unreal Tournament/2k4 (3 was okay but got old fast), Half-Life Deathmatch and its various mods (except CS), Morrowind, DMC3, the list goes on.

But none of these compare to my undisputed #1 game of all time, City of Heroes. It has since been shredded into very tiny chunks of its previous self, but back before the Issue 13 PvP fiasco, I played this game no less than 5 hours a day, every day. I logged over 1500 hours into that game...on just my main character. I had 7 other max level characters with 100-600 hours each. In fact, if Issue 13 never happened, I wouldn't even be here or on SRK -- I'd still be PvPing in that game instead of playing fighters.

Sucks to hear so many people can't make it now.

Regional Community / Re: new South thread *the Gold xperience*
« on: March 03, 2010, 02:33:40 PM »
Last weekend before FR13 is coming up, who's up for some matches this weekend?

Sion Eltnam Atlasia / Re: F Sion in MBAA
« on: March 03, 2010, 02:21:44 PM »
I'm starting to really like 6C. Once you get the 6C -> 2AA link timing down, you can basically start your blockstrings over from 2A since it moves you forward a decent bit and has good advantage on block. Should you hit with it, it's a free combo.

Regional Community / Re: new South thread *the Gold xperience*
« on: February 17, 2010, 05:02:10 PM »
Phone is 6018181306, but prefer text or email.

Regional Community / Re: new South thread *the Gold xperience*
« on: February 16, 2010, 04:06:51 PM »
Any chance of a meet-up this weekend?

Regional Community / Re: new South thread *the Gold xperience*
« on: February 14, 2010, 07:23:34 AM »
Unfortunately I couldn't make it to either place this weekend. Hopefully we can have another meet before FR13.

Regional Community / Re: new South thread *the Gold xperience*
« on: February 11, 2010, 08:07:15 PM »
Where is the Melty going to happen? There's not enough room in the PNT, especially now that there are three tournament games.

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