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When's Melty on Steam?
ahaha that's no--wait, what?

Messages - jandrmayers

Pages: [1]
Just started playing this game a couple of days ago extremely hyped about it though, and looking for possiably others in the nearby area i live in lumberton, nc about 30 mins from fayettevile if anyone is familiar or lives near hit me up with a message would love to actualy lose a match (cpu playing killing me)

How is it going , im from lumberton nc just recently got mbaa only three days ago (however have been interested for a couple of months now), I am a avid blazblue player (main/tager), right now in mb i am using nero i was plaining on playing him ever since discovered the game ( by the way why is his char forum so dead any one know lol) but i am interested in tohno akiha, len (dark and white), and a couple others, as far as i know there is no mb scene here but i plan on trying to change that (wish me luck). Well i guess thats bout it for now if anyone happens to live near my area hit me up (hopefully some fayetteville nc ppl here since fort bragg is biggest armybase in usa)

Nero Chaos (Nrvnqsr) / Re: Interest Query
« on: May 25, 2011, 04:08:10 PM »
I am extremely interested in any helpful info on chaos, I recently just started playing mb but so far nero is quickly replacing potemkin as my favorite character in 2d fighting history, i personally enjoy playing c-moon just slightly more then h or f but would like to learn all 3. Any info from bnb combo listing, recommended pressure strings or anything would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

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