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ahaha that's no--wait, what?

Messages - Dipstick

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Akiha's Tea Room / Re: Texas Showdown / Championship Updates~
« on: April 27, 2007, 08:27:47 PM »
<@bellreisa> update from sp00ky
<@bellreisa> fubarduck in
<@bellreisa> ruu in
<@bellreisa> jp team in
<@bellreisa> kenmasters in (?)
<@bellreisa> zar lost to ruu in last round, they're in losers
<@bellreisa> sp00ky got randomed out by mint
<@bellreisa> when he was killing him all day
<@bellreisa> basically activated and got hit by tip of warc 5c
<@bellreisa> i don't think he was sandbagging so much as sp00ky just randomly not playing wel
<@bellreisa> since it happens :p
<@bellreisa> that's about it
<@bellreisa> you guys call if you want more :P

at about 1:30 AM EST:

<@bellreisa> sp00ky called
<@bellreisa> they are in grnd finals
<@bellreisa> tokido and bas vs sp00ky and zar just happened
<@bellreisa> bas plays shiki
<@bellreisa> tokido plays warc
<@bellreisa> fubar lost to tokido
<@bellreisa> this ws not recorded
<@bellreisa> out of battery
<@bellreisa> Kumubou: update thread
<@Kumubou> bellreisa: gf is ruu/mint v. sp00ky/zar, correct?
<@Kumubou> ...is that being held until Sunday?
<@bellreisa> Kumubou: correct, and i don't know

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: Texas Showdown / Championship Updates~
« on: April 27, 2007, 05:46:45 PM »
<@bellreisa> Sp00ky's calling
<@bellreisa> tournament's going on
<@bellreisa> tokido plays warc, beastly
<@bellreisa> bas plays shiki, terrible
<@bellreisa> no bnb
<@bellreisa> fubarduck plays chaos
<@bellreisa> his partner plays akiha, not as good as zar but good
<@bellreisa> scrub nanayas
<@bellreisa> Sp00ky is 1-0
<@bellreisa> no other matches for a while
<@bellreisa> bas 1-0, ruu bye, tokido 1-0
<@bellreisa> fubarduck 1-0
<@bellreisa> lotsa casuals
<@bellreisa> vic destroyed tokido
<@bellreisa> Zar has gotten a lot better
<@bellreisa> lots of casuals
<@bellreisa> vic's just getting comfortable
<@bellreisa> he's doing summon combos consistently
<@bellreisa> Sp00ky feels sluggish
<@bellreisa> because the timer's slower
<@bellreisa> dash is slower
<@bellreisa> it doesn't matter because nobody knows how to block vsion summons
<@bellreisa> tokido got destroyed by vsion summon combos
<@bellreisa> ah tourney hasn't started yet
<@bellreisa> arturo's going make it
<@bellreisa> tourney's looking good
<@bellreisa> recording has happened
<@bellreisa> phone convo over

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: Texas Showdown / Championship Updates~
« on: April 27, 2007, 04:22:47 PM »
I don't think it'd be a stretch at all to say that Zar and Sp00ky are almost at Japanese level.

Finish that paperwork so I can tell people I play with Board-certified Top Players (tm).  :V

I'm pretty sure that after this weekend they're not going to bother with PS2 MB anything, not for a loooooooooooooooooong ass time.

I can't see them not playing MB at all between now and SBO. Sure the PC release is due relatively soon, but what else are they going to do? Buy a cabinet?

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: Texas Showdown / Championship Updates~
« on: April 27, 2007, 04:13:25 PM »
It boggles the mind.  :psyduck:

Let's hope that one of them either has a breakthrough or decides to run ridiculously good during the tournament when fighting Ruu.

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: Texas Showdown / Championship Updates~
« on: April 27, 2007, 04:08:48 PM »
Also, the tournament is being run on Ver.B1, not CE. Not necessarily a bad thing, as Aoko is better in B1, and there's nothing wrong with V.Sion either.
This is actually significant, as while V.Sion/Aoko are not really changed from ver.B, Ren is -- not having controllable black cats hurts her quite a bit.

How the fuck are they not on ver.B2, though? It's been out for about a month.

Thankfully Ruu didn't bring a competent Sion player with him or they would be in trouble.  :V

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: Texas Showdown / Championship Updates~
« on: April 27, 2007, 03:37:56 PM »
<@bellreisa> vic is calling me
<@bellreisa> arturo missed everything, cvs2, arcana, t5dr, he's done
<@bellreisa> mint uses warc and isn't that great, he got destroyed
<@bellreisa> ruu is really fucking good and destroyed both of them, vic got like a round and that was it, he was counting aoko's jumps and running the 236a ex ice trap once she ran out
<@bellreisa> they're waiting for shit to start, there's like 10 teams atm
<@bellreisa> and that's all i know

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: Fuck EFNet, let's migrate to something better
« on: April 26, 2007, 12:17:51 PM »
I had this big long post prepared, then I deleted it realizing that airing out dirty laundry in public is not the wisest idea.

I figured that people wanted to grow a community so sticking it on a large public network (especially one with several other fighting game groups already established) was a logical move. Guess not. Then again, the MB community has a history of eschewing bigger groups for their own space for one reason or another (this would be the second time the channel left EFNet, the wiki on ikusat's server, this website). This is not a question of what network provides better services (EFNet's are crap), but what would best serve the community.

If people really want to move it, then whatever. I'm just openly opposed to moving it onto Mizuumi, as previously stated.

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: Fuck EFNet, let's migrate to something better
« on: April 26, 2007, 09:08:32 AM »
Flow of people into the channel is a trivial issue. Running four other fighting game channels on Mizuumi has taught me that people will go to a channel when they know about it, not because they look through /list (and if you can't be arsed to do it on a server with < 30 channels, why the fuck would you do it on EFNet?)

All of the FG channels in question on EFNet are flagged as secret/private, so they would never come up in a /list anyway. That is a non-issue.

Also, moving channels from one obscure network to another obscure network is not the same as moving a channel from a large public network (like EFNet or DALNet or Undernet) to a small private server. If you honestly believe that #mbac would be as big as it is now if it was on your server or some other obscure network than I will just have to disagree with you on that.

Using an EFNet server that sucks less has nothing to do with it. EFNet's shittiness goes beyond its instability.

We don't need to go into EFNet's issues (as I know both of us and several other people posting in this thread know about them), but it is not like every other small network performs better (lol Pyoko). On top of that, I have issues with running a channel on a server where one of the principle operators is also the server admin, as this can create a lot of problems that would not occur on a public server where the people running it just do not give a shit.

Though with all your passive aggressive bullshit and general negativity it'd do everyone a favor if I did get rid of you. :V

I doubt that most people would agree with this assessment (that the community would be better off without me -- I'm not going to deny the passive-aggressive nature or the general negativity, as that would just be retarded).

Shiki Nanaya / Re: Nanaya Strategy
« on: April 25, 2007, 07:47:25 PM »
(Oh fuck I'm posting strategy, someone notify a moderator to get this post deleted.)

2AB5BC2CB is a bad combo to use unless you are at point blank range and are doing it off of one 2A (read: not happening). This is a good sequence to use if you start from 5B, however.

2ABC5CB is the 'real' standard combo but you don't see it from most American players because they suck, because the timing from 2C to 5CB is awkward, and you will miss the combo 100% of the time if you do not super double jump. Also, near the max range of 2B comboing into 2C on normal hit, the 5C will whiff outright.

For what it's worth, the MB mook I have lists 2ABC5C air combo as his standard combo, and this mook usually will go with the harder variants of standard combos if there are no situational gotchas attached.

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: Fuck EFNet, let's migrate to something better
« on: April 25, 2007, 07:29:18 PM »
I'm fairly sure the person who started the channel will never post in this thread, so here is the closest thing to an explanation.

The reason the channel was started on EFNet was because that was where most of the other major fighting game channels are located -- #capcom, #ggxx, #vfhome, etc. are all on EFNet. I think that moving it to a smaller server network would decrease the flow of people into the channel (there are nearly 50 people in the channel right now, wtf?).

I think what this comes down to is that you need to use an EFnet server that sucks less. :V

Also I am openly opposed to moving the channel to Mizuumi for (non?-)obvious reasons.

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: We have a twin sister?
« on: April 22, 2007, 04:37:27 PM »
I think I cound understand people having a problem if the theme on this forum was not taken from somewhere else. It even says so right at the bottom of every page on both forums.

Regional Community / Re: NY/NJ/PA/CT/MA
« on: April 22, 2007, 10:22:14 AM »
In my last post, I also forgot to mention that I played Arcueid in Melty Blood... and I beat her fairly bad.

Then she destroyed the con (along with the rest of the world), so that was a bad end. :( Thankfully The Game (which you just all lost) has hacks, so we're still good.

So just from this thread, in MA there's Ruko, KoreanDJ and myself, with Rorec coming back in May-ish. There's also King Dooky, but he's easily forgotten. :V There's also Kayin/NekoJesus in CT and Light Nazgul in VT and probably a couple of other people I'm forgetting (wasn't there one guy at Natick?)

So let's get that bread.... somehow.

Editament: I did just as well in VF5 as I did in MB:AC. :psyduck: So fuck this game, basically.  :V

Regional Community / Re: NY/NJ/PA/CT/MA
« on: April 21, 2007, 08:36:14 PM »
Brag: I'm posting this from a hacked Internet connection inside the Sheraton at Anime Boston.
Beat: I didn't win the MB tournament; KoreanDJ did.
Variance: I never played KoreanDJ in the tournament (I did play him in a MM and win. :V )

<KoreanDJ> so what will you all the people on meltybread now that you lost?
<Duppy> the truth. I lost to the one person in the tournament who could do combos... Rorec.

Tournaments and Events / Re: Evo: Vegas
« on: April 19, 2007, 01:01:07 PM »
Veteru ran that shit last year, so it's up to you guys what's going on this year. I don't know if he wants to 'be in charge' this year, but whatever, so long as MB is present in some form I'm up for it.
You just want Veteru to run it so you know who to punch in the face.


I'm serious; I was being bitched out for this in the IRC channel earlier today.

The fact of the matter is neither of our games has improved at all over the last six months. Which really is a disservice to the rest of the community, as that implicitly impedes everyone else's progress.

I played how I played, and imho Dippy got better ;3!
You're wrong.

Hey Tinshi, how does Shiki beat bad Nanaya players?  :V

So a bunch of people decided to have some gays of verb. This is from the ranking battle run at Tokyo Game Action on April 14th, 2007.

These were all recorded with Chibi's mini-DV camera, and sometimes the cameraman was either drunk (tinshi) or just tired/retarded (myself), so the stability is something left to be desired at points. Random commentary provided from Zar, Tinshi, and Master Chibi.

Not all of the videos are up yet, please be patient... oh who am I kidding, these videos are already old. Also bad; the difference in timing and random properties between the PS2 version and ver.B CE makes me a sad panda.

Tinshi vs. Zar (semifinals, winners)
Dipstick vs. Master Chibi (semifinals, winners)

Zar vs. Master Chibi (finals, winners)

King Dooky vs. Tinshi (quarterfinals, losers)
Kayin vs. Dipstick (quarterfinals, losers)

Dipstick vs. Tinshi (semifinals, losers)

Dipstick vs. Master Chibi (finals, losers) [part 1]
Dipstick vs. Master Chibi (finals, losers) [part 2]

Zar vs. Master Chibi (grand finals) [part 1]
Zar vs. Master Chibi (grand finals) [part 2]

Zar in the 3S tournament, vs. DSP
Zar vs. Master Chibi ("grand" "finals")

13 people entered this tournament (I think we could have a few more, but the amplifier for the mic died and a couple of people completely missed sign-ups because they were playing other games).

1) Zar [Aoko]
2) Master Chibi [Hisui]
3) Duppy [Nyanya]
4) Tinshi [Shiki]
t5) King Dooky [Nero]
t5) Kayin [Nanaya]

We have some hand-cam footage (without scanlines but not without Chibi's massive balding head) that will be going up in the coming days. After watching the end of my match against Chibi, I started peeling the skin from my body and shocked myself into a coma for several hours. It was that sad. :(

:blah: and footage to come; I'm going back to bed.

Personally I'm trying to find the connection between Smash and MB, I've asked some other Smash players why it seems that MB is gaining some popularity in their community, but noone's been able to give me much of an answer.
Apparently a lot of the original MB:AC players in Japan came from SSBM, and had been playing React on the PC before that.

Not that such a statement helps any, but it does not seem limited to just the US.

I only have a vague idea of where all of this animosity for Smash players is coming from. There is this perception (real or otherwise) that after you won the ranbat four months back that there were many :blah: from people on Smashboards about how the game is easy, how the 'top players' in the game were an utter joke, how I should die in a fire (oh wait that was the #meltyblood people talking), etc.. I can not find any actual first-hand evidence of this, however -- just a lot of second-level (or greater) references. Then again, if I read Smashboards for more than 2 minutes my brain explodes. :-\ So I have no idea what the actual truth there is (and again, it's highly likely that other players were talking shit but neither of you had anything to do with it).

With that all said: KoreanDJ, entering the Melty Blood tournament at Anime Boston?  :V

Kohaku's Video Room / Re: Aoko Aozaki vs. God Rugal
« on: April 09, 2007, 06:46:25 PM »

The upgrade got there on time:
Type:  Package   
Status:  Delivered   
Delivered on:  04/09/2007 11:49 A.M.   
Delivered to:  WINCHENDON,  MA,  US   
Service Type:  EXPRESS

This tournament will be on ver.B CE. :toot:

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