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When's Melty on Steam?
ahaha that's no--wait, what?

Messages - grandlordzero

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Melty Blood Auditorium / Re: The MB:AA:CC thread: Current Code
« on: July 24, 2010, 11:08:23 AM »
there's actually not 27 dead apostle ancestors. alot of the seats were empty at the time of tsukihime supposedly. (this is subject to change though, word of god and all.)
Theres a fuckton of regular dead apostles, (like Satsuki), just not DAA's like nero, walachia, and roa.
Anyway Azaka isnt going to happen since we already have her. Asagami Fujino inst really FG material since she has no physical attacks whatsoever, and only one type of telekenesis attack. Shes a great character, but she doesn't fit into fighting games for the same reason Professor X isnt playable in Marvel. It just wouldn't work without going against source material. Lio is pointless just because we dont need another knife user. (ryougi has a Lio pallet to satisfy those who want to play as him anyway), which leaves Touko and Tatari Araya left from KnK to add.

As for Fate characters, there's pretty much no chance of servants other then Archer (summoned as a counter guardian to Tatari or ATE). Non-servant characters don't really work since Fate hasn't even HAPPENED yet in the melty timeline. So no Rin/Shirou.

Also, Fate is the same universe as Tsuki/knk, but its much more detached storywise. The links are zelretch (Arcueids foster-grampa) and the fact that Rin goes looking for Touko in the Heaven's Feel ending to get a better body for Shirou.

So, just as this has been discussed several times before, the primary candidates for existing characters to be added into the melty series are Arihiko, Touko, Araya, and SHIKI (blood manipulator, not knife fighter). Nanaya Kiri is also a bit of a fan-favorite around here for some reason too.

Tournament Results / Re: EVO 2010 Results
« on: July 14, 2010, 01:23:36 AM »
EVO was fucking awesome. But the Melty Community was even MORE awesome.

Shoutouts to Mizuki. Pretty much everything that could go wrong, did, and you still managed to keep that pool going strong. That was awesome shit.

Shoutouts to Lolisauce. Finally got to meet you. Amazingly nice guy, and you even helped me get in contact with sp00ky to get my Team Sp00ky shirt. And to top it all off, you looked like a normal dude. All this time I thought you'd look like some creepy ass pedo.

Stay godlike.

Shoutouts to Kusanagi. You get my vote for North American Melty Blood player of the year, (aka DA GAWD), you are absolutely fucking amazing. Cheering you on was the hypest moment of EVO for me. KU-SA! KU-SA! KU-SA! KU-SA! KU-SA! KU-SA! KU-SA! KU-SA! LETS-GO-MEXICO! LETS-GO-MEXICO! LETS-GO-MEXICO! LETS-GO-MEXICO!

Shoutouts to Red Rapper. That Melty rap was perfection defined. Only thing that got me more hyped then the melty rap was Kusa being DA GAWD.

Shoutouts to LK for proving U.S. is free.

Shoutouts to all the people with amazing fightstick art. You have inspired me. It is now my goal to make a custom stick with amazing stickart. I need to graduate from Pads.

Shoutouts to Bonkler for having a godly light-up Touhou stick. Definitely the best looking stick I saw at EVO, and thats saying something.

Shoutouts to Garu for stepping up to be the North American Melty Communitie's "Daigo" (aka the japanese guy we all fear, respect, and try our damnedest to beat at EVO tournies). If Melty makes it to EVO next year, you have to try and make it back to keep your title.

Shoutouts to Chelsea. IYOOOOO!

Shoutouts to Sp00ky. Ive wanted a Melty Blood shirt (that doesn't make me look like a pedo/pervert) for a long time, and thanks to you, I have one. Commentary was great too. GO TEAM SPOOKY!

Shoutouts to Bell. Because I love green cars.

Shoutouts to Xie. Because your too handsome.

Shoutouts to the entire top 8. Finals were awesome to watch, and cheering for you guys was wicked fun and mad hype.

Shoutouts to cough drops. Because too much hype can be painful.

Shoutouts to Zar and Fox. Thanks for NOT being my opponents in the pools, fighting you guys is a fucking death-sentence for someone like me.

Shoutouts to Ron. No clue who you are, but you handed me my ass on a silver platter in pools. Your F-Ries is mad solid. Respect dude.

Shoutouts to the Texas-de-Brazil. EASILY the best restaurant I've ever eaten at in my LIFE. PERIOD.

Shoutouts to EVO staff for allowing Melty Blood to be in the poll for players choice. Thanks again for letting us have a moment to shine.

Shoutouts to the SRK members who voted for Melty. Hopefully we didn't disappoint you guys.

Shoutouts to Type-Moon and ECOLE for making my favorite 2D fighting game.

Shoutouts to Abstract. Your the first human being ive ever played in MBAA that can land a combo that does more then 2000 damage. Thanks for taking my MBAA-ginity.

Shoutouts to Spidey. Im glad SOMEONE had a better H-Roa then my stupid ass. When BZB wasn't on the list of confirmed players, I was afraid I'd have to be the sole rep for H-Roa. That character is too good, he deserves better then me. Luckily, you were there to provide.

And most of all, Shoutouts to COREN. Best dude I met at EVO, and you helped me practice enough in casuals that i actually WON a couple games in pools. You talking about how you trolled Justin was some of the godliest shit I heard all EVO. Stay awesome, and keep reppin dat C-Roa. (also, that hat makes you look sexy. no homo.)

Peace out Melty-heads, and keep bringing the hype.

Pool 1 = Thank god for losers brackets. Otherwise that woulda nerfed the top 8 hype alot. >_<

im in pool 3. Not that any of you will care until ive double perfected you. (i wish)

Also, i thought someone said zar wasnt going? Was that just trollin or something? or is he just registered and not showing up?
We need that F-Mech hype.  :toot:

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: Naruto UNS2 for MB fantasy
« on: June 24, 2010, 10:51:34 AM »
3D Melty?



Akiha's Tea Room / Re: Well, it's that time again
« on: May 17, 2010, 03:00:25 PM »
X1-4 and L1-2 are the only mm games worth paying money for anymore, outside of the original series. BN3 was only good if you had friends to play multiplayer with. Otherwise it sucked.

This seems fun, thought I'd try my hand at it.

I just about pissed myself laughing at this.


Those are my SFW ones that haven't already been posted. Probably doesn't help much compared to whats been posted already, but w/e. >_>

How's it goin, my name is Bluescreen, I'm an old-school MB player who's just starting to get into the competitive MB scene, after moving from other competitive games (namely DDR/ITG and Brawl). I'm from LA, and me and my roommate both play and are looking for competition/tourneys/friendlies/whatever you've got. So yeah, sup. Hopefully you guys won't hate me hahaha :]

i lol'd


Team Grapist.

Kohaku's Video Room / Re: Welcome to the end of the internet.
« on: April 02, 2010, 05:00:11 PM »
1:08 Arc's grabbing Sakuya?

Listen to the tune that plays there. If your remotely familiar with touhou music, you'll understand.

Kohaku's Video Room / Re: Welcome to the end of the internet.
« on: April 01, 2010, 09:54:34 PM »
why cant i stop watching this

Kohaku's Video Room / Re: Woofs MBAA Tutorial
« on: March 30, 2010, 01:39:53 PM »
this is amazing.

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: Well, it's that time again
« on: March 07, 2010, 09:06:53 PM »
Gigas was seriously the fucking scariest VG fight out of the entire god-damn decade. Fuck survival horror, try playing a seemingly harmless RPG to the end when your like 6-7 years old and then fighting a fucking twisted,morphing, aborted-fetus, skull.....thing, chanting your name and saying that its in pain, while your unable to grasp the true nature of its attack. Scarred for fucking LIFE.

The worst part? The thing is like "It". Bitch comes back later in your life to haunt you even more. HIYA GEORGIE!


Popped up while i was looking at ranranru variations. *shudders*

If he was holding a balloon in that vid, i think i might have seriously cried.  >:(

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: Calling for back-up!
« on: February 26, 2010, 10:33:04 PM »

Your going to win every god-damn immunity challenge, aren't you. >_>

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: Well, it's that time again
« on: February 23, 2010, 09:07:22 PM »
Resident Evil 4, original GCN version. Pretty recent compared to most of the games you've all listed, but i always find myself booting it up at least once a year for a knife-run or no-merchant-or-heals run. Seriously the best and most addictive single-player action game ive ever played. I don't really play old RPG's anymore, other then an occasional dabble in fire-emblem 7 if im on a roadtrip or some shit where all i have is my handheld.

Only reason this topic didn't get me playing RE4 again is the fact that im busy training for evo. >_>

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: BlazBlue: Continuum Shift
« on: February 16, 2010, 06:28:07 PM »
doubt she'll be playable. If she IS playable, shell prolly be banned on account of being designed from the start as a boss character. (ala archetype:earth)

Registration is up.

Also, my fag friend who signed me up (i was away) put my t-shirt size down as an XXXL.

If there's anyone who is planning on going to evo and wears that size, let me know. Il trade ya for an XL.

cyall in Sin City motherfuckers.

Melty Blood Auditorium / Re: About EVO teams
« on: February 02, 2010, 03:06:35 PM »
when someone starts team "HOLYSHITWESUCK" il join.

Melty Blood Auditorium / Re: Do you have a SRK account?
« on: February 02, 2010, 03:04:35 PM »
only had an SRK account because im in the habbit of making accounts on forums that i spend more then 3 hours on.

I DID play SF4 since SF was the only fighter with a SCENE around these parts for a long time till BB came out and got people interested in shit other then capcom. Ergo, i made a SRK account since i was looking at Gief shit.

Never posted there once until this vote started, never needed to.

Allrighty. Out of curiosity, how much does entering EVO usually cost? This is my first time traveling out-of-city for a game tournament, so I have pretty much no idea how this all works. Do people competing HAVE to stay @ Caesar's Palace, or can they just walk in and out, and stay at a cheaper (actually affordable) hotel? Do entree fees only apply to those playing the game, or do spectators have to pay to get in too? How much is entree fees usually? ETC.

I'm on a hella tight budget atm since i found out i have to fly down there to keep this trip within my days off, (driving will take too long and i reaaaaaly don't feel like job hunting again) so i can't be as loose with my money as i thought i could. Just trying to get a rough estimate of how much this is going to cost, since google is giving me nothing. Seriously, Evolution 2010 Driving School? Damit google. >_<

A good friend of mine is in that boat. C-Wara player, been playing since Re-act. I told him about the poll and he got fucking pissed since he never made a SRK account. XD

Hes not a bread-regular. To my knowledge anyway.

Is something wrong dipp?  :-[

voted. Shit just started, so its obviously too early to really call anything, but it looks like were off to a good start if comments are any indication.


Just spent the last hour scouring SRK, EVO, Google, w/e looking for the vote. Not seeing it.

URL? Glad to vote for MBAA, but i can't vote if i don't know where the fuck it is. >_<

EDIT: Just put two and two together, re-read the front page, and realized that its not even up for voting yet. Im a fucking moron.

Will vote as soon as its up.

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