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When's Melty on Steam?
ahaha that's no--wait, what?

Messages - Orrax

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GGs to everyone yesterday! Xrd is a lot of fun.

probably best buying off the internet.  Most sticks around here are in use. Dippy does have a few laying around but I don't know what state of repair they are in or if he would even sell them.

Also what are some good Millias to watch. I cant remember the name of the one Luke was talking about. And GGs all around.

The top Millia is generally thought to be Woshige because his neutral game and ground game are very strong. After that, Eki-Chan, Nakamura, Karinchu, and Toruso are all great.

So when do people want to come over this week?

I will be in Phoenix this weekend, so I can probably make a Saturday hosting. I want to play Xrd. :D

So this week... is going to be interesting. I do have enough food here to feed a small army of death lolis, so come by and eat it (but not the death lolis -- not that I need to worry about that, unless you're into that too, H-F). There's also the tournament this weekend, but who knows if that's on Saturday or Sunday at this point, and I suspect there are people who can't make Saturday or Sunday.

Ryan changed the date on Facebook to Sunday, so I think it's probably Sunday.

Apparently Ryan is thinking of changing the BB/P4U/UNIEL tournaments from Saturday the 29th to Sunday the 30th: http://www.dustloop.com/forums/index.php?/topic/2312-arizona-arcsys-release-dates-give-us-erectile-dysfunction-thread/?p=866065.

If any of you want a say on whether the day gets changed or not, better chime in.

Looks like there will be another tournament on the 29th: https://www.facebook.com/events/1521129368127251/?sid_reminder=4551477758122786816.

I'd like to run a +R side tournament in preparation for Xrd next month, but I'm not sure how feasible it will be, or how many people will be interested.

Also, apparently Ryan is thinking of running a "small side event" for DBFC. I'm not really sure what that might entail yet.

You could make a new Facebook account.

Just a thought.  :V

On an unrelated note, I've never been entirely sure what :V emoticons are supposed to communicate. Which I think is kind of the point? Oh well, whatever.

GGs to everyone the other day. I guess it was MBAC revival weekend.

Also, just in case you haven't seen it, there's a UNIEL, Persona, and BB tournament next weekend: https://www.facebook.com/events/702378993191407/?ref_newsfeed_story_type=regular.

If both Carlos and HF prefer Thursday, don't do Friday for me. I'm not even sure if I can make it yet.

I can't really promise anything, but I will be driving down to Phoenix this weekend, so if you host Friday or Saturday I will try to stop by.

Just thought I should let you guys know that I'll be driving down to Phoenix this weekend, so I could probably make a Friday hosting if you're up for it.

Also, I don't know if anyone's interested, but there's a free P4U tournament on Saturday: https://www.facebook.com/events/1496587473891852/?sid_reminder=6082582351597010944


Anything happening this week? I will be in town this weekend, so I could potentially attend a Friday or Saturday hosting.

Also, P4U2 is coming out! I'm excited, although it looks like I'll have to wait a while longer to try Adachi.

Seems like you've got a few inquiring minds over on dustloop, looking to play some UNIEL.

I will probably be able to make it tonight.

Yeah, I'm moving tomorrow, so I'm probably going to be busy tonight, but I might have some time depending on how much I get done.

I can bring my setup as well if need be.

Tempered or Dippy, are either of you going to post on Dustloop that you're hosting tomorrow? I figure a lot of Dustloop people would appreciate the chance to play, assuming you're down to accommodate more people.

Thursday works for me.

Who to play when you don't want to work so hard? Gordeau. Besides, I don't think anyone in AZ is officially playing him.....yet. :-X Any matchup experience also helps.

I've been playing Gordeau a bit. He is pretty scumbag, on top of being brain-dead. Coincidentally, Byakuya is probably my most annoying matchup when I play Gordeau. I have a feeling that Byakuya could end up being pretty strong, and possibly pretty scumbag as well. ;)

Either that or I just don't know how to fight against him.

What time should we stop by today? I was thinking it might make sense to stop by a little earlier to get the download started, say 5:30 or 6:00.

EDIT: Also, just in case you missed it, Ted asked for your address on Dustloop. I guess he and Darrell are considering stopping by.

If everyone who posted about coming by on Dustloop comes by, we will definitely need more setups. I'll likely bring my monitor as well.

Hope you had fun during your trip!

My trip was a lot of fun. I got blown up in Xrd a lot, haha. The competition was fierce.

I'll try to have exact change when I get there. I assume this means we're meeting on Thursday?

I'm back from Japan!

Can I get in on the day-1 UNIEL access?

Also, I watched the top 8 of Melty from Evo. Congrats to H-F for second, and to Carlos and Tempered for getting top 8.

GGs to everyone last Thursday. I still suck at Melty.

And yeah, that's probably a record for the shortest time playing a fighting game. =/ Sorry Tempered, I hope you didn't want to play more BB or LM. I think I was just tired.

Ok. I'll probably stop by sometime around 7 (assuming Dippy's ok with that). I may also invite Ryan since I think he still wants to try some stuff out against Chie in P4A before Evo.

Thursday (today), Friday, or Saturday should all be doable for me.

Anything going on this week?

I just got back from Raleigh and I'd like to get some games in this week if people are down for that, since I'll be out for the next two weeks in Japan.

I'm going to be out of town this week, so count me out.

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