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Atlas Academy > Shiki Tohno

1.07 FTohno

<< < (2/2)

I'm having trouble with his IH combo if I start with 2a (getting 5B starter to actually hit in a real fight doesnt work out for me so I gotta start with 2a)

but the combo is 2aa5b2b5c IH 5b5c 236C 5b5c j.bc dj.bc AT

If I start with 2aa, the 5c after the IH wiffs in the combo, Should I dash after IH because 2aa is pushing me too far away? or am I just messing up the timing? Maybe I should remove the 5b after IH and just 5c by itself before I go into 236C? Am I even making sense? all this algebra in my fighting games.  :slowpoke:

I'm trying it right now and I can connect it point blank without any dash. Make sure you IH on the first possible frame. Any further than point blank and you probably need to either start with dash momentum 2AA or do a quick dash after IH.

EDIT: By the way, you do more damage with just 2AA 5B 2B 5C IH 5BC 623B IADj.C 5BC j.BC dj.BC Airthrow. Or the easier 2AA 5B 2B 5C IH 5BC 623B 2A 5BC j.BC dj.BC Airthrow. Both do noticeably more for not too much effort. Also 2AA 5B 2B 5C IH 5BC 214C 22D 5BC j.BC dj.BC Airthrow.

EDIT: Actually, try 2AA 5B 2B 5C IH 5BC 214C 22D 2C 623B j.C j.BC dj.BC Airthrow instead.


--- Quote from: HQ-Zero on March 06, 2013, 12:18:24 AM ---I'm having trouble with his IH combo if I start with 2a (getting 5B starter to actually hit in a real fight doesnt work out for me so I gotta start with 2a)

but the combo is 2aa5b2b5c IH 5b5c 236C 5b5c j.bc dj.bc AT

If I start with 2aa, the 5c after the IH wiffs in the combo, Should I dash after IH because 2aa is pushing me too far away? or am I just messing up the timing? Maybe I should remove the 5b after IH and just 5c by itself before I go into 236C? Am I even making sense? all this algebra in my fighting games.  :slowpoke:

--- End quote ---

If you want to increase your damage, ideally you would do dash 5b 2b 5c after IH.  In addition to all the combos the post above me suggested blah blah IH blah blah 5c 623c 5b 5c jb jc jabc airthrow also does more damage then the one you're using. 


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